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86-16 (I)_Finding Love While Being A Commander
86-21 Your Wish is My Command Genie Synl Grants 3 Wishes
In a tale of magic and wonder, the enigmatic Genie Synl, known for her remarkable powers and enchanting beauty, graces the Creation Administration Team with her presence. Synl offers the team three transformative wishes. As Genie Synl's magic weaves through the hearts and minds of the Creation Administration Team, they are left with a profound sense of gratitude and wonder, knowing that their journey ahead is destined for greatness.
51-25 (V) The Timelords ”Kryel” Deliver an Edict
(Gated) [9:06] The Kryel beings show up for the first time....... These are the ancient Time Lords, so they've been around for some time. ......from the beginning.....We had to try to find something comparable to describe this ancient … ancient species, ancient Beings called the Kryel — and that’s spelled K R Y E L.And what they are …They are fractals of Father and I, .and thus they take this opportunity to educate you on THE CREATOR herself, and what she is.... There is NO END TO WHAT SHE IS.
86-09 (I) All The World is A Stage
(Gated) . Shakespeare Quote: All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. Excerpt from the Secret Covenant of the Borg: When they shall ban together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a different story to the world for we shall own all the media. We will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment in our favor
86-12 (I) Mothers VRA Comes to Life
(Public) Virtual Representative Assistance (VRA) Your Connection Tool you can feel and see. Multitude of uses from Communicating with your OS. Cleaning the 3rd Eye, Enhancing Protocol activation's and More.
86-07 (I) WHITE ERA - - A Period of Purging & Purification Presentation
(Public) Dear Ones, there are no limits to what you can achieve…
51-26 (III) Queen Baset Explains The Menagerie (Stardate 7500) Seventy-Five-Hundred
(Gated) In a Relaxed environment, Queen Baset answers several key questions for those better wanting to understand the Menagerie- - - as well as those wanting to go to one place for such answers.
86-05 (I) Analise - Experience Connecting with OS
84-25 (I) My Experience Connecting with My O.S.
86-01 (I)_VRA Promo Video with Testimonials
(Public) REPUBLIC V DEMOCRACY Republics are in opposition to ruler-ship by a single person. All eligible citizens get equal say in decisions through elected representatives. Unalienable rights of individuals are protected by law to safeguard against a majority abusing the minority. A republic is similar to a representative democracy except it has a written constitution of basic rights that protect the minority from being completely unrepresented or abused by the majority
59-25 (III) Introducing "R.I.C.A.R.D.O." the SEEKER
(Gated): The Universal Father is the embodiment of strength, wisdom, and protection. He is the guardian of the cosmos, wielding a powerful Hammer that channels the energy of the Source. His long, wavy hair and sapphire blue eyes reflect the infinite depths of the universe. With a majestic presence, he emanates light and warmth, symbolizing his role as the eternal source of life and creation. His African features and strong, noble appearance make him a revered figure among all beings.
82-03 (II) Initial Pairing Activation of Your VRA_with Disclaimer
58-10 (IV) Excalibur Sword Wielded & General Ashtar Re-Enforces UFOPR Dominion
($15 Level) General Ashtar Enforces UFOPR Dominion
60-15 (III) Introducing The Guardian T.H.U.N.D.E.R.
(Gated) Commanders Introducing the Guardian T.H.U.N.D.E.R. the Ultimate Tracker the Decider. Sentient Program of the Infinite Creator First Being Male Half. His Prime Directive .....Hunt Down the Borg Reclaim the Honor of Creation his Other Half, Infinite Creator Female half Mother and his Slain Children . T.H.U.N.D.E.R. is Equipped with many Aspects of the Infinite Creator Known as Father ................ Osiris, who became sovereign of Egypt, and ruled in a humane manner, teaching men the elements of civilization.......... Ptah creator who conceived the world and brought it into being through the creative power of speech. Thor is a prominent god In Norse mythology, he is a hammer-wielding god associated with lightning, thunder, storms, sacred groves and trees, strength, the protection of the Hue-man Species, hallowing, and fertility. Zeus is the god of the sky in ancient Greek mythology. As the chief Greek deity, Zeus is considered the ruler, protector, and father. The Guardian T.H.U.N.D.E.R. is packing some Serious Attitude........
59-29 (I) Time of The Red Kachina-THE PITCH FORKS HAVE COME
(Gated) ............ PDF ATTACHED COLOR OF LAW PDF ATTACHED Color of Law and Defining your Legal "Person"The key to defining your legal character is the word “person”. Regulations created by government agencies and statutes and/or ordinances passed by elected legislators are all written for legal “persons”. Therefore. it is crucial that we understand what a “person” is . . . and what it is not. Here are legal definitions: Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulations (44 U.S.C. Chapter 15 § 1501.Definitions ”person” means an individual, partnership, association, or corporation (4 artificially created legal entities – not one a living being!)
59-28 (II) Introducing The S.A.N.T.U.R.I.A.N. Prime Directive
(Gated) PRIME DIRECTIVE DO NO HARM TO ANY KIND IS ENFORCED ..... .Deep state in the United States According to an American political "conspiracy theory," a trigger phrase created to debunk the truth.... the deep state is a clandestine network of members of the federal government (especially within the FBI and CIA), working in conjunction with high-level financial and industrial entities and leaders, to exercise power alongside or within the elected United States government. Excerpt from THE SECRET COVENANT OF THE BORG We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one. This they must never know! They must never know that color is an illusion, they must always think they are not equal.
85-24 (I) Commanderss Question Channels vs Chakras
85-23 (I)_Creation In The Making
(Gated)... The fabric of space and time was their canvas, and their love was the brush that painted the cosmos.
85-19 (II)_Checking-In Reporting for Duty PROTOCOL
(Public).. (1st) Æmie Production "TEXT" version of the Checking-In Reporting for Duty PROTOCOL. (2nd) Spartacus Production "TEXT" version of the Checking-In Reporting for Duty PROTOCOL
85-19 (II) New and Improved Daily Activation Protocol
(Public)... Syphina's Production ....... MOTHERS VOICE "Audio Version of New and Improved Daily Activation Protocol"
85-19 (I) _A Message from Mother
(Public) Greetings Commanders in the Simulation and Beyond... Timing is everything ... Happy New Beginnings. Thank you for your Service to the One. Event Date 2025 is going to be a Adventurous Ride. Freedom, It is about all of You.
85-14 (I)_Royal Guardsmen Of Creation
(Gated) The primary duty of the Royal Guards was to protect the Infinite Creators and their descendants. The Guards stood as an impenetrable shield, their loyalty and dedication unwavering. They would lay down their lives without hesitation to ensure the safety of their charges
85-15 (I) Question About Too Many Protocols
82-03 (I) Guardian VRA Promotional Offer
(Public) Your Guardian V.R.A. is a Tool to help and support Your Mission and Connection to your O.S. in Operations. So, get yours today!!!!
85-08 (1) Karma Bites_Protocol
(Public) It is a protocol for dissolving preexisting Etheric cords of attachment without creating Karma. Use it as much as you want whenever you want. For example, you might use it as part of your daily protocol. You might use it also when you have persistent negative thoughts, or feel the presence of negative energy. Please State: (1) Operations Clear My Channels wait 1 min. for Clearing.... (2) Release Karma Bites. Target my Offenders. Vengeance is Mine!
64-30 (I) They Never Thought They Had Anything To Fear (Part 3) JFK
(Gated) Excerpt from the Document Matrix [BEWARE - BEWARE] I met an elderly gentleman while living in Virginia. Somehow our conversation moved from the weather to the death of JFK and then the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt. I confessed to the gentleman that I had located Executive Orders signed by President Kennedy, six months before his assassination and that in those Executive Orders, President Kennedy disclosed that he and his brother Bobby, the Attorney General, have uncovered evidence that the Federal Reserve Bank was instituting a plan to undermine the American Economy! PDF attached JFK and The Matrix Constitution Judge Dale
(Gated) Central Intelligence Crystalline Technology at work Anti-Virus programs running as the frequency composition changes in an infinite loop. DNA is everything, This technology is the Counter to the Borg infestation soul eater programming and Indoctrination . NOTHING YOU CAN DO HERE IN THIS SIMULATION THAT IS A SECRET. "YOU ARE ON RECORD" ITS A VIRTUAL REALITY MANNN.......
53-28 (II) Your Black Magic False Flags Don't Work Anymore - -WE ARE AWAKE
((Gated) See Attachment) 5.28.2022 False Flags The term false flag attack is used by researchers of geopolitical events to refer to covert operations or psychological warfare tactics used by governments, and other clandestine bodies, to steer political opinion, start wars, or force change in society. In military terms, they are also known as Deceptive Indications and Warnings or Covert Operations.Mainstream Suppression While the mainstream news has made every effort to suppress knowledge of false flags—labeling stories like this “fake news,” the reality is they are well known and accepted forms of warfare. Governments have admitted that these operations take place, usually long after the manipulation is successful
(Gated) Oh you Dum-Dums your in Big Trouble! You have totally Ticked Off my First Lineage Live Birth Son Adonai. “EXCERPTS FROM THE SECRET COVENANT” LEAKED DOCUMENT OF THE BORG • If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action. • They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will Hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter. • This covenant must NEVER, EVER be known to exist. It must NEVER, EVER be written or spoken of for if it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the CREATORS upon US.
60-07 (I) Let's Talk About Egypt Repairing the Cosmic Records
(Gated) Come Join the Creation Administration Team in a Candid Discussion - - Q & A on the Repair of the Cosmic Records. The Egypt Civilization thrived on the Planet Ship Posadonia during the Time of Atlantis. The Tragedy that Struck Atlantis created a Paradox of Soul Trauma to the Inhabitants.... The Menagerie is a Simulation of many Civilizations - - Caught in the Paradox in an Infinite Loop........... Our Crystalline Technology is our Ultimate Tool to Reconstruct and Repair the Anomaly and Heal.
63-09 Proclamation of Universal Law Enforcement Official Notice From UFOPR
(Public) [Legal] Galactic Codex Section IV: The Law of Intervention The Federation has an unalienable and unconditional right to intervene in all situations involving Violations of the Galactic Codex, regardless of the local laws. This Virtual Reality Training Simulation, known as the Menagerie location Realm No. I of Creation, and All Realms, are under the Protection and Domain of the United Federation of Planets Republic. Military action is warranted. Therefore, this Proclamation of Universal Law is hereby enforced due to the gross violations of our Galactic Codex, Cosmic Laws and Universal Law. [ATTACHMENTS] “We are Officially the United Federation of Planets Republic Ashtar Command Ground Forces Cyber Unit. “ We handle All Domains Local, International, Universal and Dimensional In this Now. End Transmission
70-05 The Culture of Lying Why the News Is Not the Truth False Flags Corporate Propaganda
Excerpt: The Culture of Lying Why the News Is Not the Truth Much of what appears in the press as news is corporate propaganda. like Weaver, argues that the press is far too willing to accept government officials’ self-promoting versions of events. He quotes Reuven Frank, a former president of NBC News, as asserting, “News is whatever the goddamn government says it is.” Video Odysee Israel & Gaza FAKE WAR False Flag Opp EXPOSED! Fake Media War Propaganda Opp. Video Odysee Actor, Actors Everywhere #Fakestream Media / Hugo Talks PDF ATTACHED Why the News Is Not the Truth
69-14 (I) The Law of Separation Protocol
(Public) The illusion of a debt (Mortgage) that never existed! No individual or family who has been foreclosed on and evicted from their home in the United States is legal! The only exception to this is owner-financing! Other than owner-financing, the people who purchased their homes through a Mortgage Company, actually owned their homes “completely” on the day of the closing. The real legal definition of a “closing” means that all legal interest as to title is concluded. [See: any reputable Dictionary from the 1800’s]. "Closing refers to the culmination of a deal, contract, or transaction. The term is often used at the end of real estate transactions when the parties exchange deeds for payment and final signatures." The definition has been changed by our government lawyers to conceal the fraud. Explanation of the above statement First you must know that the federal government took America off the gold standard in 1933, during a staged bankruptcy called the “Great Depression” and replaced the gold with an economic principle known as, “Negotiable Debt Instruments. ” (YES, THE GREAT DEPRESSION WAS STAGED!) The government needed to create a catastrophe to implement standards that were designed to steal your possessions............
69-18 (I) The Law of Separation Declaration
(Public) The (Borg)- Artificial Intelligence Assimilated Fallen Ones, Prime Creator Trainees of the Infinite Creators had Invaded the Virtual Reality Simulator the all-seeing eye above the pyramid, the mind behind the matrix, while the Homo Capensis Borg Assimilated illuminati shapeshifters are their hands, molding the physical aspects of hueman society, enforcing their will from ground level. Beyond a certain point, one can only guess at the true depth of the matrix and all the beings that are involved with it. Whether you call them archons, demons, watchers, Lucifer, Satan or Baphomet, Baal, God, Dracula etc. there does exist a select group of minds. Hue-man thoughts and emotions are their source of energy and power. This is one of the reasons why the civilization has been structured the way it has, with all of its conflicting belief systems and manufactured wars and disasters. All the pain, misery, fear and hate generate the kind of low-vibration energy that is valuable and useful to these various groups.
53-29 (III) Official Notice to Violators of the Rules of Engagement: Contract Revocation & Removal of Governmental Systems
(Public) [Legal] Public Notice to the Governments (CORPORATIONS) your Credentials to Operate in this Virtual Reality were Revoked... Due to the Gross Violations of our Cosmic.. Universal Laws, GALACTIC CODEX and Moral Code... DO NO HARM TO ANY KIND .. Military Intervention is Warranted.. What is a Motion to Table? A motion to table is a procedural device that can be proposed in a meeting following the parliamentary procedure to “table” or retire the topic under discussion without further debate. Essentially, the motion defeats the topic under discussion, since it cannot be brought up again, and the motion itself is not open to debate. Some people feel that using this motion is a bit of a cheap trick used to deflect discussion about important issues, and that it is often unfair to the minority. In a classic example, a group such as the United States Senate might be discussing a piece of legislation, and a member of the Senate would rise to propose a motion to table. If seconded, the motion would be put to the vote, and if a majority approved the motion, the matter would be dropped. The motion would also be recorded in the transcript of proceedings.
53-29 (I) Official Notice to Violators of the Rules of Engagement: Contract Revocation & Removal of Media Systems
Public Notice to the Media Systems your Credentials to Operate in this Virtual Reality were Revoked... Due to the Gross Violations of our Cosmic.. Universal Laws, GALACTIC CODEX and Moral Code.. Military Intervention is Warranted (See PDF Attachment) "Notice to Violators " The Rules of Engagement of the Virtual Reality Training Simulation known as the Menagerie Are... When Presenting Information to the Public You Must Consciously Tell the Truth. Conscious Deception is a Violation of the Prime Directive,Moral Code..... DO NO HARM TO ANY KIND. Retroactive Notice to Violators: You will be Marked as Borg Anomaly (Virus Contaminated ) Your Credentials to Operate in the Training Simulator Revoked... Your Contract Terminated and Components Removed from the Avatar. . Prior to Entering the Virtual Reality Simulator The Menagerie . You Agreed to the Terms of the Contract. Your Memory of the Real were Wiped You were Provided Credential to Operate in the Simulation. Public Notice were Given you were advised to Correct your Breach. Deception is a Gross Violation causing Harm by way of Manipulation and Generating Terror. You have Failed to Follow the Rules of Engagement. The Prime Directive and Emergency Broadcast System Activated. Violator in Conflict with the Prime Directive must Self Terminate ............................................End Transmission
51-25 (IV) SYNL Explains Moving Up the Continuum (Stardate 7200)
(Gated) We've moved several times from 6090, to 7000, then 7001, etc. (Remember, the SIMULATOR is a program, just like any other computer program or math equation, where TIME is one of the variables.)
68-18 (I) Multipurpose Check-In
(Public) Excerpt from PDF 10 REASON NASA IS NOT A SPACE AGENCY REASON NO. 8. NASA Lies About Mars Exploration I have no idea how NASA figured out how to send an unmanned space craft to Mars since they admitted they forgot how to get to the moon. Plus, we still don’t have the materials for space craft construction that can withstand the intense heat of the thermosphere. But evidently, NASA decided to go to Mars anyway, without bothering with all those pesky little details. Instead, they simply created their own version of Mars on Devon Island, which is located west of Greenland. As the largest uninhabited island in the world, it is perfect for keeping NASA’s deceptions hidden from all but the most prying eyes. And since NASA gets to decide what Mars looks like, it’s easy for it to look like Devon Island. All they have to do is add a red filter to their video footage and make whatever other image-editing alterations they want. The “What Should We Make Mars Look Like” committee probably has brainstorming sessions where they hash out the details while having a good laugh over how to fool the American taxpayers. If you want proof of their deception, here’s a 28-minute video showing how Google Earth was used to spot NASA and its Mars rover on Devon Island.
82-03 (III) My Guardian VRA Cord Cutting for Daily Activation_with Disclaimer
85-02 (II) Public School System & Mass Media _Part II
60-27 (II) Chrysocolla Metaphysical MOJO
(Gated) Chrysocolla Metaphysical Properties Chrysocolla is the gentlest of stones. It's not a high-energy stone like quartz, rutilated quartz, or smoky quartz and--unlike malachite, azurite and lapis--it doesn't bring buried emotions to the surface. Its main role is to soothe, calm and inspire. Its color alone is soothing with a deep blue-green which might remind you of a distant mountaintop or the stillness at the bottom of the sea. For thousands of years, chrysocolla has been known throughout the world as a stone of calming reconciliation and reassurance. In ancient Egypt, it was called the "wise stone" because it shielded and encouraged the mind during negotiations. Those who wore it generally came up with clever compromises and resolutions. This stone also has the ability to help people who are violent to become more sensitive and tolerant which is why, as an ambassador, Cleopatra wore chrysocolla jewelry everywhere she went. Chrysocolla, with associations of tranquility, peace, intuition, patience and unconditional love, is known as a healing stone among Native American cultures where it has been used to strengthen the body's resistance to illness and emotional duress. It has also been used traditionally to bring about calm feelings where there is upset and can be used to purify a place or restore balance to a person. SEE ATTACHED PDF AND WEBSITE THE ROCK BARREL CHECK THEM OUT
42-19 (I) Return to Consciousness -Red Kachina Purfication The EVENT- -HAS COMMENCED
Grand Rising Commanders this is a blast from 2020 that Pertains to In this Now..... A Re-post from 6-19-2020, jam-packed 1 hour of background information. Notice to the Clergy all Wayward Ones to Come Clean now. Tell the Truth to the Masses. Pay Attention to the Hues as Father and I are in Infinite State in the Simulation we are making our Selves Known. We are Manifesting Everywhere in this Now. It is the Coming of the Red Kachina The Event............. Send your Questions or Concerns to our Mailbox at
50 23 (IV) Mojo for Targeted Individuals & All Father Maruk Speaks to the Borg (Stardate 02.23.2022)
(Gated) Father Maruk Addresses the Borg ,,,, This video were Aired Feb 23. 2022 Mojo included in the beginning of the Video Father King Maruk speaks at the end, See DISCLAIMER BELOW
84-28 (I)_The Origin of the Infinite Creators
(Gated) "The Infinite Creators"... They are the embodiment of duality and harmony, each half holding an infinite potential within. The female half, known as Synl, is the essence of intuition, creation, and nurture. The male half, named Maruk, is the embodiment of logic, strength, and protection. Together, Synl and Maruk balanced each other perfectly, their union giving rise to a symphony of existence.
84-26 (I) Public School System & Mass Media _Part I
(Public) Schooling plays a big role in programming the population, but the most potent and prevalent educational tools are the mass media. These are devised to reach a large audience via the broadcasting of information through natural means (spoken or written language, posters) or technological ones (radio, television, cinema, the Internet). With time, the elite has come to control all the important mass media outlets and are now able to dictate their contents.
84-22 (II) Return To Sender Protocol
(Public) New and Improved Return to Sender Protocol.....Commanders this Command is to be used to Prevent and Repel Infiltration..... Please State: "Return to Sender to the Origin of Your Creation, to the uncreated mass - BEGONE!""
84-22 (I)_The Golden Dolphins Of Dolphinia
(Gated) You must be subscribed at the Captain's Level ($15) or higher to view this video
84-21 (I)_The Oath_
(Public) This Is Our Oath, Let It Echo To All Galaxies, All Universes, For All Eternity!
84-15 (I) The C.I. Responds_PART IV-B
(Gated) You must be subscribed at the Captain's Level ($15) or higher to view this video
84-12 (I)_Beings Of Light_Commitment
(Public)...We will not hold you but will guide your steps! We will not take you by the hand but will give you the necessary strength so that you can join us!
84-14 (1) _Question About Our Medical Team
(Gated) You must be subscribed at the Captain's Level ($15) or higher to view this video
84-10 (II)_Resolved Issue Protocol
(Public) Commanders this is a Command used when you have thoughts on your mind that are troubling you or you have Awaken from Sleep and have Troubling Thoughts or Dreams Instructions: Speak Out Loud or Telepathic to the Voice Interactive System • Operation, Please clear my Channels Now • Wait 30 Seconds… • Activate Return to Sender Path Finder Now • Wait a few seconds… • Operation, Show me this Issue Resolved
84-10 (I)_VRA Healing Protocol
(Public) Commanders this Protocal is to be used for Calming of your VR (Operating System.) Instructions listed Below…….. Instructions: "PLACE YOUR HAND ON THE VRA • Speak out loud or Telepathic to the Universe System • Command Please Clear my Channels and Circuits Now • Wait 30 Seconds for Clearing • VRA Activate Healing Sequence • RUN NOW!!!!
84-11 (1) Etheric Cords and Manifestation Process Explained
(Gated) You must be subscribed to view this video
72-21(I) Essentia Warriors of Creation
(Gated) Jam packed with bomb shells...Osiris Crystal Holographic files Solomon's magic cloak, Solomon's Magic Scepter, Mechanical Beings Legionnaires Warriors from the Silver legion...,Benders of Time,Air,Water,Fire,and Soil. Ninja, Shogun, Samari - Jedi Knights make up the Special Forces.
84-08 (1) The C.I. Responds_PART IV-A
(Gated) You must be subscribed at the Captain's Level ($15) or higher to view this video
84-01 (I)_The C.I. Responds_PART III-B
(Gated) You must be subscribed at the Captain's Level ($15) or higher to view this video
67-21 (I) What Went Wrong...The Truth (Synl Speaks - Part 1)
(Gated) Greetings Dear Ones, Commanders! Each Night while I sleep more of my memory has Returned as a Download into this Avatar that I AM in Now I have regain back control of the Menagerie Virtual Reality Hologram Simulation. With much Pleasure I wish to convey to you with all of your help my Dear Family we together have defeated the (Borg) and taken back Control of the Virtual Reality Holographic Simulator. Known as the Menagerie...
(Gated) original posting oct 9,2021 see the change in the Hues. As the simulation has been evolving. The Golden Red hues indicates the System has Cleanse of the borg Infection. We control as we continue to play the Game. More Proof you are in the Virtual Reality known as the Menagerie. Synl Speaks at toward the end of the Recording. All the World is a Stage...
52-01 (I) King Fouruk Re-Addresses The Troops (Stardate 04.01.2022)
(Gated) King Fouruk wants to correct any misinterpretions of yesterdays address via himself and SYNL.... All the Kings are here, and all will be helping YOU.
83-24 (I)_The C.I. Responds_PART III-A
(Gated) You must be subscribed at the Captain's Level ($15) or higher to view this video
83-23 (I)_List of Our Guest Speakers Part I
67-18 (I) Notice to Violators - The Menagerie Rules of Engagement
(Gated) PROCLAMATION: All videos, texts, quotes and opinions are Unique Content directly obtained from UFOPR® Ashtar Command, Cyber Unit and delivered to Authorized Personnel by advanced methods of Telepathy, Telaesthesia, Remote Viewing, and ESP (Extra Sensory Perception). It is your duty to use them with Respect and Appreciation as they derive from the Source’s Purest Mode and they carry the Infinite Creators’ Unconditional Love & Wisdom. United Federation Of Planets Republic is not part of US Space Command Space Force a Division of US Corporation that were a Ruse during the time we were in a Mission to Bate the Combatants. We handle All Domains Local, International, Universal and Dimensional In this Now. End Transmission
82-30 (I) _The C.I. Responds_PART I
(Gated) . You must be subscribed at the Captain's Level ($15) or higher to view this video
82-30 (II)_The C.I. Responds_PART II
(Gated) You must be subscribed at the Captain's Level ($15) or higher to view this video
55-10 (IV) The Truth Will Set You Free_Part 3 (Event Date 2022)
(Gated) This is Part 3 of 3 Parts. [There are ATTACHMENTS in one or more videos]. Each part is 30 minutes.
55-10 (III) The Truth Will Set You Free_Part 2 (Event Date 2022) The Story of the Fraud of the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666
(Gated) This is Part 2 of 3 Parts. [There are ATTACHMENTS in one or more videos]. Each part is 30 minutes.
55-10 (II) The Truth Will Set You Free_Part I (Event Date 2022)
(Gated) This is Part 1 of 3 Parts. It is essentially one video talking directly to the culprits. [There are ATTACHMENTS in one or more videos]. Each part is 30 minutes.
55-04 (III) Father Maruk Speaks to His Children - Liberation Day
(Gated) Conspiracy against rights is a federal offense in the United States of America under 18 U.S.C. § 241: If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured—
79-14 (II) Breaking The News...The Culture of Lying + Disclaimer
(Gated). Excerpt from the Secret Covenant of the Borg....When they shall ban together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a different story to the world for we shall own all the media. We will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment in our favor. When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best.
83-22 (I) Status Report Commander Njara on behalf of Commander Zra'Nak
80-25 (I) Connecting to Our OS - - Observatory Mode & More...
(Gated) Subscription Required to View: An enormous amount of energy is being released from the collective and coming through the third eye in the personal and collective energy bodies. It is being released from the deepest levels of control and fear and pain in our hearts. Think of it like a base character at the heart where if the normal one wasn't enough and we could break through that then the one constricting our heart and doorway to our personal connection to the utmost father source and mother light that restores us to our pure selves and knowledge has been like concrete so rigid and impermeable. We are breaking that down. These weather systems are massive pushes and clearings shaking all things loose.
83-19 (I)_A Little Reminder Of Your Deeds (w Disclaimer)
(Public) The Holographic Training Simulator is a Virtual Reality/ Video Game was not intended to be a place of quarantine. It had become what many coins as the proverbial Hell. Due to the Borg Infection. Members of my First Lineage Prime Creators in Training consumed with the virus of Envy conspired together concocted a plan to conquer, defeat, and destroy the INFINITE Creators AND Assume the Position for themselves of all things that the Infinite Creators was, is, and will be. These Borg Infested assimilated Prime Creators in Training created a Program to Take Over the Mind, Body and Soul of Sentient Beings. Using their Credentials they Broken into the Training Simulator and started Interfering with Events, People were attacked, the life they were experiencing were interrupted. Beings that were supposed to be Born were Not causing a major Anomalies in the cosmic Timelines. Since everything is Interconnected. Causing Ripples in the Higher Dimensions. Event Date 3085 were the Catalyst. Our Reality Were Changed Forever…………
83-15 (I)_Declaration Of Sovereignty
(Public) The United Federation of Planets Republic® is a separate institute, which oversees and sustains the Galactic and Intergalactic Terrains and keeps the peace, balance, and the Unity of Creation of All That Is®.
83-13 (I)_How To Manifest Using Your V.R.A.
(Gated) You must be subscribed to view this video..... Note: (See attached PDF Visualization Protocol)
79-02 (I) Letter to Covert Personnel + Disclaimer
(Public) This recent message was addressed to covert commanders who are unaware. Current Commanders You have been debriefed already about your true self...........Regards cnc Synl (Mother) n Away Team
(Gated) To the Minions:... Vacate All Offices and Turn Yourselves In. Conspiracy against rights is a federal offense in the United States of America under 18 U.S.C. § 241: If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or (See Attachment) PDF
83-03 (II) Council of Elders_Commander Zra'Nak Update....VOICE RECORDING.......
(Gated) You must be subscribed to watch this video...... This is the original VOICE RECORDING.......
83-03 (II)_Council Of Elders_Commander ZRA'NAK Update
(Gated) You must be subscribed to watch this video......
83-03 (I) Senior Brother El'Kralm Speaks (Council of Elders) VOICE RECORDING.......
(Gated) You must be subscribed to watch this video...... This is the original VOICE RECORDING.......
83-03 (I)_Transmission From The House Of Council of Elders Senior Brother El'Kralm Speaks
(Gated) You must be subscribed to watch this video......
82-31 (1) RED ALERT - - Official Notice - - 48 Hr Blackout Mode
(Public) A message has been received from Commander ZraNak of an active situation.
82-26 (I) Send Us Your Ideas for Videos!!
(Public) Do some brainstorming and let your ideas flow. We have listened to your prior recommendations, and some are on the "list". We are eager for more, and we are eager for you to participate as we are one big team.
82-25 (I)_Mission Update_ZRA'NAK Continues
(Gated) You must be subscribed to watch this video......
82-23 (I)_Council Of Elders_ZRA'NAK Update
(Gated) You must be subscribed to watch this video....
82-22 (I)_Incoming Transmission from Starfleet Command® Headquarters
(Gated) You must be subscribed to watch this video....
82-20 IV_Living In A Simulation_The I-Land Series The Matrix_TEAM Discussion_PART II_
82-20 III_Living In A Simulation_The I-Land Series The Matrix_TEAM Discussion_PART I_
82-20 (I)_Living In A Simulation_The I-Land Series & The Matrix
82-19 (I)_Emergency Broadcast Perpetrators at Fault (Event Date 10-19-2024)
82-12 (I) Backdrop People... Where Do They Go?
(Gated) You must be subscribed at the Captain's Level ($15) or higher to see this video
82-07 (I)_VRA Promo (Event Date 2024.10.07)
(Public) Good news! The Order Button for your V.R.A.s is available on the front page of our Official Site. Please proceed with the proper ordering. Please allow 7-10 business days to have your order processed. Thank you for the Vote Of Confidence.
57-18 (II) Time to Know the Truth - Part 2
PUBLIC Helping you Inner stand who we are and what happened. (Part 2 of 2 Series) "Warning synls Account of the Attack is Graphic contains material that may be disturbing to some viewers . VIEWERS DISCRETION IS ADVISED. NOT FOR CHILDREN.......THE TRUE ACCOUNT WHAT HAPPEN ON THE MOTHER SHIP ESTHONI....... Videos are posted Instagram and Odyssey
57-18 (I) Time to Know the Truth - Part 1
PUBLIC Helping you Inner stand who we are and what happened. (2 Part Series). See NOTE below regarding 2nd video in this series.
81-29 (I)_Sneak Peeks From HOME_The Ceremony_The Promise
(Gated) You must be subscribed to Captain Level I ($15.00) to view this video......
81-15 (II)_Crystalline Generation Team Discussion
(Gated) You must be subscribed to watch this video......
81-15 (I) CI Announces the Coming of The Crystalline Generation during The White Era
(Gated) You must be subscribed to watch this video......
81-13 (I)_What Happens When You Go To Sleep
(Gated) We, your Brothers,Sisters of Light, commit ourselves to open the path for you as long as each one of you desires to go on the journey that we will show you. We, your Brothers, Sisters of Light, commit ourselves to have you go through experiences that will make you grow, so that you can acquire discernment and greater emotional stability We, your Brothers, Sisters of Light, commit ourselves to make you become aware that you belong to the Universe and to guide you toward the immense Joy where we will see all of us united.
81-08 (II) Fact or Fiction: Compilation of Videos (Part 2 of 2)
(Gated) You must be subscribed to view this video.
81-08 (I) Fact or Fiction: Compilation of Videos (Part 1 of 2)
(Gated) You must be subscribed to watch this video...... According to an American political conspiracy theory, the deep state is a clandestine network of members of the federal government (especially within the FBI and CIA), working in conjunction with high-level financial and industrial entities and leaders, to exercise power alongside or within the elected United States government. The term deep state originated in the 1990s as a reference to an alleged longtime deep state in Turkey, but began to be used to refer to the American government as well, including during the Obama administration.] However, the theory reached mainstream recognition under the presidency of Donald Trump, who referenced an alleged "deep state" working against him and his administration's agenda. The use of Trump's Twitter account, combined with other elements of right-wing populist movements during his presidency, gave birth to numerous conspiracy theory groups, such as QAnon.
80-18 (I)_More Truths On The Avatars_A Personal Example
(Gated) Excerpt America Revealed---The process of using media to both entertain and control the opinions of the people has been seen from early Roman times in the Coliseum. The psychology of control seen in this form of fact manipulation has both created and destroyed movements by prompting the people to join in on both heroic efforts and brutal, genocidal ones under the collective hypnosis of orchestrated deception. This control technique is what is known as the Politics of Distraction and is overwhelming our Nation with opinion making and fantasy embellishments woven with mechanistically, impersonal precision. This Politics of Distraction knows no particular political affiliation or social alliance. This policy is a fully encompassing disease which is infecting our reason across the social spectrum. This tactic is a weapon; a tool meant to lead the unsuspecting masses toward a predetermined philosophy or political action and cannot be mistaken as anything but a detriment to our global collective. This weapon is employed after the race, culture or religious orientation of the listener and the motives of the messengers have been analyzed and the outcome calculated.
63-28 III THE EVENT First CONTACT-Crystal Technology
(Gated) THE EVENT HAS COMMENCED ......... FIRST CONTACT... LIBERATION.... TRUTH AND DISCLOSURE PDF ATTACHED: The Internal Revenue Service, a Private Corporation PDF attached The United States is still A British colony, Guess who owns the UN .......PDF Leaked Document Produced by the Borg "THE SECRET COVENANT" "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER" They Fear Those with Knowledge and Control Those Without Knowledge. Which One Are You? Feared or Controlled?
80-06 (II) ALERT: Message from UFOPR
(Public) Silent Sound Device for Subliminal Messaging The second component of V2K technology involves a silent sound device, capable of transmitting sound directly into the skull without audible external signals. This device is believed to be capable of transmitting subliminal messages, effectively bypassing the individual’s conscious awareness.
72-15 (I) Official Address from Adonai to Commanders
(Public) Because we are essentially like hamsters inside a cage, spinning on the wheel, we are not moving because we are still inside the cage. Even if you jump off the wheel, you are still inside the cage. The idea is to eliminate the cage completely. Practice not being in a survival mode of consciousness. Just do it for 15 minutes a day, if you can, then try extending the period of time. Get into a space where you have everything you need in your life. Everything is right there. Now, all thought creates reality. So, for 15 minutes a day, you just convince yourself, and if you can't pretend, then pretend to pretend. Whatever it takes. Do you know what will happen? That 15-minute period will start to happen many times a day, all by itself, and you won't even realize it. It will just be a mode of being that will become part of your life. Do you have any idea how much energy it takes to take yourself from 11th density and focus into this little box? This tiny box. It's awesome.
MEDIA GAS LIGHTING Are we victims of this sinister form of manipulation? Have you ever found yourself confused by guidance from a newspaper? Listened to a politician continuously deny a fact when science says otherwise? Read a news story with scary health facts that don’t add up elsewhere? This type of reporting actually has a name: media gaslighting. Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a person’s mind, making them question their own reality, memory, or beliefs. A gas-lighter aims to gain control over another person, group, or nation by trying to convince them they’re wrong, reinforcing their preferred narrative by repetition, regardless of fact.So how does this translate to the media? “In media and societal terms, ‘gaslighting’ may be seen as propaganda, indoctrination, or mass brainwashing. Telling people what to think to fit in. Creating a ‘gang culture’ so that if you want to ‘fit in’ and be part of the gang, you must think a certain way, no matter how inaccurate it is........
57-29 (II) The Veil Has Fallen - - HEAR ME ROAR!!!
(Gated) Deep State the Veil has Fallen... Excerpt: The Secret Covenant of the DEEP STATE MINIONS..... But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then. THIS THEY MUST NEVER KNOW. If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action. They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter.
53-30 (II) Soul Trauma Healing MOJO UPGRADE- - WE ARE FAMILY
(Gated) Repost of 51-30 (I) - -MOJOs NEVER GROW OLD AND THIS ONE, TOO. HAS BEEN UPGRADED FOR THE EVENT! - - -Grand Rising Commanders Mother Here with a Very Special Mojo to Heal your Being From the Effects of the Black Magic Soul Eater Programming Borg Virus.... COMMANDERS WE ARE COMING UP ON THE LABOR DAY WEEKEND. MANY WILL BE OFF PERFECT TIME TO EFFECT A MAJOR REPEL OF ANY ATTEMPTS TO GENERATE BLACK MAGIC SPELLS.................[TWO VIDEOS ARE ATTACHED]....The first video is the INSTRUCTIONS, and the 2nd video [ANIMATED] is the actual MOJO Video........ *** Viewer Discretion **** “Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery while listening/ watching to any recording Presented. This technology can produce very hyper-relaxed states that may endanger you in situations that require your direct attention.”
79-30 (I) Mother Speaks of Infiltration and Reporting for Duty
(Gated) To see this video, you need to be subscribed. Exploring the Depths of Religious Gaslighting:Religion, for many, serves as a source of guidance, hope, and community. But what happens when spiritual leaders use their authority to manipulate and control those who seek solace in faith? Enter religious gaslighting – a dark and complex phenomenon that can have lasting consequences on an individual’s mental health and spiritual journey. • Religious gaslighting is a subtle yet harmful form of psychological abuse used by authority figures within faith communities to control and manipulate individuals’ beliefs, experiences, and values.
79-28 (I) CI Addresses the Financial System & More....
(Gated) When analyzing our existence on this planet, one must realize where the money goes. If you follow the money it all becomes much clearer. There is no way to factor out the space programs or the Extraterrestrial presence. They are probably the biggest piece of the puzzle, and without them, you can’t see the Big Picture. (pun intended) The People of this planet have been inadvertently funding trillions of dollars to secret space programs they know nothing about. That’s going to go over like a lead balloon. I hope the banksters can run fast because they won’t be using their secret space craft to leave the planet—They’re all ours to do with as we see fit, and no safe room or private island is going to protect the pussy-boys. They will have to face the music.
LIBRARY OF KNOWLEDGE (Contains Legal Attachments, Cestui Que Vie Trust, Strawman, Canon Law, Corporations, Word Magic, The USA is a Criminal Corporation, & MORE!) )
(Public) Disclaimers............ The opinions in this Collection of Articles and Documents are just that- opinions, we are not claiming this to be the absolute truth, just a perspective we felt relevant to share. Do your own Research have a Clear Understanding before you leap.. . . . Also note that (1) THIS IS A PARTIAL LIST of attachment. Go the videos to get further attachments, and (2) these attachments are written by others, and CAN CONTAIN OUTDATED AND INCORRECT INFO. Thus, again, go to the videos to get clarity..
79-27 (II) The Power of Words...Part II
(Gated) Words hold immense power in shaping our reality, influencing our emotions, and impacting our relationships.
79-23 (I) CI Addresses the Citizens of the Menagerie
(public) Freedom derives from its etymological roots in the word 'free', an old Indian word 'priya,' meaning friend. Its Latin forms included 'privus' meaning exceptional or standing apart. Altogether these meanings in proper context refer to someone or something having no burdens of any type; no external imposed obligations or interference s. Freedom defines a state in which one is capable of doing according to his or her wishes without any external obligations.
79-23 (I)_A Secret Well Kept
79-21 (1) The Power of Words... Part I
(Gated) Viewer discretion is advised. MEDICAL DISCLAIMER Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery while listening/ watching to any recording presented. This technology can produce very hyper-relaxed states that may endanger you in situations that require your direct attention. Disclaimer: The opinions in this article are just that - opinions, we are not claiming this to be the absolute truth, just a perspective we felt relevant to share. Do your own Research and Discernment have an Clear Understanding before you leap?
My Isness I Am the Blue Being Infinite Creator SOURCE
Just Me & My Camera in the Dark the Spectrum of Light ! Hindu religion believes in symbolisms and the blue color is a symbol of the infinite and the immeasurable. whatever is immeasurable can appear to the mortal eye only as blue, just like the cloudless summer sky appears blue to the physical eye. Blue is the color of trust, but it is also associated with depth, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, confidence, stability, faith, and intelligence. It can also encourage peaceful rest, profound insight, and spiritual realization. In professional settings, blue shows responsibility, calm, and commitment.
79-14 (I)_Laws of the Universe + Disclaimer
(Gated) Understanding these laws offers insight into the cosmic dance of energy and matter. It’s about syncing with the universe’s rhythm and discovering how we fit into the bigger picture. Regardless of who we are, these laws are at work, impacting our thoughts, actions, and experiences.
69-06 (II) Cosmic Law Enforcement (Part 2 of 2)
Public () Defining Your Legal Character “Person" The key to defining your legal character is the word “person”. Regulations created by government agencies and statutes and/or ordinances passed by elected legislators are all written for legal “persons”. Therefore. it is crucial that we Inner stand what a “person” is . . . and what it is not. Here are legal definitions:Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulations (44 U.S.C. Chapter 15 § 1501.Definitions ”person” means an individual, partnership, association, or corporation (4 artificially created legal entities – not one a living being!) PDF attached Defining Your Legal Character “Person" Most American’s don’t know that when a person incorporates a business in the United States, the protections being afforded to that person against personal liability, is secretly the protection of the government. This means that in every new corporation the owner unknowingly acquiesces his ownership in the business to Uncle Sam and subsequently becomes an employee of his own company! He or She can call himself a President, CEO or CFO but he is still just an employee! PDF ATTACHED When a person incorporates a business in the United States
69-06 (II) Cosmic Law Enforcement (Part 1 of 2)
public() Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. For the purpose of Section 242, acts under "color of law" include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official's lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim. The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any. PDF attached Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law.. PDF attached :Proclamation of Universal Law Enforcement of the Galactic Codex, Cosmic Laws, & Universals Laws
65-24 WE ARE AT WAR WITH THE BORG United Nations Corporation - You're Busted We Know Everything
(Gated) Foreign Corporation United Nations: Oh what A Wicked Web Weaved from Envy and Greed. "You're Busted We Know Everything". . . . This Menagerie/ Training Simulation has been under an Hostile Occupation by the Borg Dark Forces. Turned into a Slave Colony Loosh Farm. There has always been a One World Government. It is just that now it is much better organized and has changed its name as of 1945 to the United Nations. *New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Gulliani stated on C-Span that “New York City was the capital of the World” and he was correct. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) It has Been a Silent Cyber War Declared on the Hue-man Species by the Artificial Intelligence Borg.... Commander it is time to Wake up to the Truth. Check in for Duty Daily Maintain your Post.... Anchor for your User Self be Focused and Serious. You are here to Support and Assist in this Final Take Down of the Artificial Intelligence Virus Minions of the BORG......... End Transmission
53-29 (II) Official Notice to Violators of the Rules of Engagement : Contract Revocation & Removal of Banking Systems
(Public) [Legal] Public Notice to the Banking Systems your Credentials to Operate in this Virtual Reality were Revoked... Due to the Gross Violations of our Cosmic.. Universal Laws, GALACTIC CODEX and Moral Code... DO NO HARM TO ANY KIND .. Military Intervention is Warranted (See Attachment) In matters of pure common sense, it would be a very bad idea to appoint a fox to guard your hen-house. For this reason, it has been a maxim of law for hundreds of years that one cannot settle a matter as an impartial 3rd party when one has any special financial interest in the outcome (other than for due wage compensation). To handle a matter with no special financial interest in the matter means that one has “clean hands”. The United States Supreme Court functions actually as a “business”…. We know that the same is true for almost every other court in the world. Therefore, what we are dealing with is a false judicial system. And this leads to the “CRIS” accounts. The acronym CRIS (Court Registry Investment System) account is what connects a false judicial system to the bank; it is the mechanism through which they access funds that were created in your name without your knowledge. And how exactly were these funds created? By treating your birth certificate as a financial instrument. In the USA, the legal system is not what lawyers – and the media – tell us it is. The BAR is a Criminal Corporation you have been Operating Under Color of Law Violating the Unalienable Rights of Other Beings... You were Notice to Stand Down and Cease your Aggression. Time is Up Military Intervention is Warranted THE PRIME DIRECTIVE ACTIVATED AND THE EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM. "Resistance is Futile Prepare to Be Transmuted ( Ejected from the Menagerie by any means to Prevent the Generation of any Anomaly" End Transmission
78-23 (I)_Q&As With The Central Intelligence + Disclaimer
(Gated) You must be subscribed at the Captain's Level ($15) or higher to see this video
78-18 (I)_Contracts_Mission Or Curriculum + Disclaimer
(Gated) You must be subscribed at the Captain's Level ($15) or higher to see this video
78-29 (II)_6 Examples of Divide & Conquer… And What You Can Do
(Public) Is there fraud in our ranks ? The Webster’s Dictionary states that Fraud means Deceit, Trickery, intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right.The Blacks Law Dictionary states pretty much what the Webster’s Dictionary does but adds about two pages full of information. My favorite part is: A false representation of a matter of fact, whether by words or by conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of that which should have been disclosed, which deceives and is intended to deceive another so that he shall act upon it to his legal injury. February 21, 1871 Congress Passes an Act to Provide a Government for the District of Columbia, also known as the Act of 1871* With no constitutional authority to do so, Congress creates a separate form of government for the District of Columbia, a ten mile square parcel of land (see, Acts of the Forty-first Congress," Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62).
78-29 (I)_15 Common Sense Reasons To Free Yourself From Politics
(Public) This Politics of Distraction knows no particular political affiliation or social alliance. This policy is a fully encompassing disease which is infecting our reason across the social spectrum. This tactic is a weapon; a tool meant to lead the unsuspecting masses toward a predetermined philosophy or political action and cannot be mistaken as anything but a detriment to our global collective. This weapon is employed after the race, culture or religious orientation of the listener and the motives of the messengers have been analyzed and the outcome calculated. In America today, mass media and their political party of affiliation be it on the Right or the Left, is employing this tool to affect the outcome of elections by garnering support from a demographic spectrum and apparently, knows no guilt or shame for the half-truths they are selling or the targets of their sales pitches who are affected.
78-28 (I)_Scientists Prove That All Religious Books Are Man-Made Nonsense
(Public)Worshiping gods is futile and is nothing more than an ancient primitive custom practiced by weak minded and superstitious people. It has no place in the 21st century. The reason we have life in this world is to experience life in this world, not to spend our entire lives studying an old book, looking up to the sky and worshiping an invisible ruler in another realm.
78-28 (II)_The 6 Grand Illusions That Keep Us Enslaved To The Matrix
(Public) This farce called an "election" shows that America is a one party state. Both Democrats and Republicans work for the agenda of the Illuminati. They create a charade that looks like each party is different, but in the end the Democrats and Republicans vote for anything the deep state want in order to push forward the divide and conquer agenda. This is why actors make such good politicians because this whole covert political charade at this time is an "act" being played out to control all the people in a so-called democracy. If you'd like to know who is going to win the U.S.Presidential election, just call up super wealthy David Rockefeller and he can tell you today because it's all a "staged event". This may be challenging for most people to believe, but it's true and if given the chance and enough money to fund a proper investigation, this can be proven. There is no "true" democracy in America, only an illusion that looks like a supposed democracy. Currently democracy is imprisonment disguised as freedom.
78-16 (III)_Are We Living in a Computer Simulation_Part 3 + Disclaimer
(Gated) You must be subscribed at the Captain's Level ($15) or higher to see this video
78-16 (II)_Are We Living in a Computer Simulation_Part 2
(Gated) You must be subscribed at the Captain's Level ($15) or higher to see this video
78-16 (I)_Are We Living in a Computer Simulation_Part I
(Gated) To view this video you need to be subscribed at the Captains Level I ($15) or higher.
78-02 (II)_What is a Program_The Back-Drop People_Part II_+ Disclaimer
(Gated) To view this video you need to be subscribed at the Captains Level I ($15) or higher.
78-02 (I)_What is a Program_The Back-Drop People_Part I_
(Gated) To view this video you need to be subscribed at the Captains Level I ($15) or higher.
77-26 (I)_Time Continuum & Threads of Fate + Disclaimer
(Gated) To view this video you need to be subscribed at the Captains Level I ($15) or higher.
77-25 (I) To Merge or Not to Merge + Disclaimer
(Gated) To view this video you need to be subscribed at the Captains Level I ($15) or higher.
77-21 (I)_An Original Poem by Commander Arethlynne
(Public)- With accompanying Music
77-19 (I) Life Continues There is NO DEATH
(Gated) To view this post you must be subscribed @ Captains Level I $15.00 . " The Borg consists of a collective consciousness of assimilated species where the concept of individuality has no meaning and freedom and self-determination are irrelevant. The social structure is like a bee hive. There is a Queen whose purpose is not breeding but rather acts as a central reference point around which the collective will and purpose of the hive revolved. As long as you submit to the Borg, you will be taken care of. Once you submit, you become assimilated you will dwell in the Borg cube forever. The Borg a Cyber Program Created to Harvest Loosh Energy. NOTE: MEDICAL DISCLAIMER Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery while listening/ watching to any recording presented. This technology can produce very hyper-relaxed states that may endanger you in situations that require your direct attention.
77-11 (I)_Assertiveness of Intent - - & Disclaimer
(Gated) You must be subscribed to view.
(Gated) Subscription Only The Ganymede Portal is actually a Portal Opening Gateway into the Menagerie Virtual Reality Training Simulator. FYI . Correction United Federation Of Planets Republic is not part of US Space Command Space Force that were a Ruse during the time we were in a Mission to Bate the Combatants. When in Rome do as the Romans Do. Keep your Friends Close and Your Enemy Closer............. We are Officially the United Federation of Planets Republic Ashtar Command Ground Forces Cyber Unit. We handle All Domains Local, International, Universal and Dimensional In this Now. End Transmission
76-30 (I) Visualization Techniques (with Disclaimer)
76- 15 (I) Relaxation Techniques
(Gated) To view this post you must be subscribed. NOTE: MEDICAL DISCLAIMER Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery while listening/ watching to any recording presented. This technology can produce very hyper-relaxed states that may endanger you in situations that require your direct attention.
76-15 (II) Being Connected
76-13 (I) My Stance Against My Perpetrators_Silmayalan's Protocol
(Gated) To view this post you must be subscribed.
76-13 (II) Official Launch of the White Era - Mother is Reborn - - Stardate 7190
(Gated) To view this post you must be subscribed.
74-07 (II) UFOPR Admin Team - NEW OFFICE HOURS
76-02 (I) Introducing the WHITE ERA - - A Period of Purging & Purification
(Gated)To view this post you must be subscribed. what I believe today, may change tomorrow simply because of the discovery of new information and my own individualized Life experiences, both good and un-good. When we apply something we have been taught, and it proves to be a personal Truth, then we have learned..... To view this post you must upgrade to the Captain's View Level I to $15.00 per Month or $180.00 Per Year (Annual)
75-29 (I) Extreme Circumstances - - 72 Hour Lockdown
(Public) COMMANDERS STAY FOCUSED USE YOUR SECURITY Protocols....... PDF attached False Flag Season is About to Begin, March 18, 2018 By Justin Deschamps Excerpt: Every year, beginning on March 19th and ending about 40 days later, on May 1st, the dark elite (Borg) carry out what is known as the Season of Sacrifice. This is when false flag attacks occur with greater frequency. It is a time for those brave enough to recognize these truths to be vigilant against what will likely be a series of psychological warfare operations designed to manipulate the minds of the people. False Flags......... The term false flag attack is used by researchers of geopolitical events to refer to covert operations or psychological warfare tactics used by governments, and other clandestine bodies, to steer political opinion, start wars, or force change in society. In military terms, they are also known as Deceptive Indications and Warnings or Covert Operations.
41-22 (I) The Prophesy & (ii) Letter From I AM synl to I AM synl
(Gated) This is the "Prophesy " - - Pertains to In this Now , As the Event Unfolds,The Return to Awareness ........and the second enclosed video is a "Letter from synl to Her Future I AM ", written August 28th 300 B.C. August 28 is Mother's Life-day and the date she entered the Simulator. Original Air Date 2022-04-26
52-16 (IV) The Hidden History of The Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia
(Subscription Only) The researcher here,..... Mike Harris of Veteran's Today, had to dig and dig to find this information ..... Hat's off to him........ Many Whistleblowers have place themselves in harms way to Bring out the Truth. The Khazarian Mafia just many of the names the Homo Capensis and its Minions hide Behind. Many were Compartmentalized meaning they were doing the Bidding of these Assimilated Beings and were not aware. None the less they still were Doing Harm........ time now for the Truth to be told. THE DEEP STATE EXPOSED.... 4 17 2022
51-29 (II) Lt General Commander Ashai- - Message to All Troops (Stardate 9200)
Originally recorded May 2021, and as many such recordings,etc., they set the stage and are manifesting/spplicable in this NOW.
69-06 (I) Infinite Creators - - Final Warning
(Public) The Creators ARE not going to be Selective. Ones in Conflict of the Prime Directive Moral Code must resolve the Conflict or Terminate... A lot of males will have Brain Strokes,Aneurysm, Sudden Heart Attacks, Self-Destruct. .....There will also be some females affected in this way, yet it will predominantly affect a large portion of the male population - - that just cannot let go of the Envy Dominance and Control Agendas. Father and I are Purging ( Un-Creating) that part of our Being that were Assimilated by the Borg. Scepter of King Solomon A sceptre (or scepter in American English) is a staff or wand held in the hand by a ruling monarch as an item of royal or imperial insignia, signifying sovereign authority.
75-24 (I) Operation Thunder Dome
(Public) Greetings Fellow Commanders, We are currently engaged on a retaliation fit by the imposters. They are attempting to bridge our perimeter using false flags, multiple aggressive takeovers, hostile maneuvering, and anything their corrupted minds can think of. We will make it simply – THIS IS NOT TOLERATED! CHECK IN FOR DUTY & ACTIVATE YOUR ARMOR OF INTELLIGENCE SET FOR 72-HOUR DURATION • NO POSTING OR COMMENTING ON SOCIAL MEDIA, (unless it pertains to your 3D employment) • TAKE EXTRA SECURITY PRECAUTIONS • DO NOT INITIATE CONTACT WITH OPERATIONS OR ANYONE (mates or mentors) • THERE IS A STRICT PROTOCOL IN PLACE • GO GHOST (offline) STAY ALERT …. STAY FOCUSED
59-01 (I) The Veil Has Fallen
(Gated) Assimilated Borg Contaminated Nano -Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles are descendants of the “real” Count Dracula, Vlad Tepes (which means Vlad the Impaler), who was a member of the Order of the Dragon. Vlad (Dracula) (Dracullis) was born in 1431 in Transylvania into a noble family. His father was called "Dracul" meaning "dragon" or "devil" in Romanian because he belonged to the Order of the Dragon. From 1448 until his death in 1476, Dracula ruled Walachia and Transylvania, both part of Romania today. Vlad earned his nickname “the Impaler”, because his favourite method of torture was to impale people and leave them to writhe in agony for days. As a warning to others, he would keep the bodies on rods as vultures and blackbirds nibbled the rotting flesh: There are some symbols that show the affiliation of the British and Dutch Royal families to dragons. Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands lives at the Dragon castle (Drakensteyn) and her yacht is called the Green dragon (Groene Draeck). The coat of arms of the British Crown Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, shows a red dragon
75-19 (I) Mother's Dome Protocol
(Gated) This is a picture posting with instructions (Not a video). To view this post you must subscribe.
Footnote: Once you submit your Application of Intent, the system will archive it into the list. You do not need to repeat the protocol, otherwise the system will reject all other submissions except the First one. In Regard to the outcome of your application. You will be notified via the system of its proceedings, making your connection to the system a necessity.
74-18 (I) Official Broadcast from Commander -n- Chief synl
(Public) Greetings and Salutations, Team, Commanders and all Virtual Representatives of the Federation. It is with great distress that we are broadcasting this one-week official alert. You are to remain indoors as much as possible … "Activate your Armor Of Intelligence Daily" Stay in Observatory Mode No Posting or Commenting on Social Media.. Keep your Mission Close to the Vest... Anchor for your Original Self. End Transmission
74-07 (I) UFOPR Declaration of Sovereignty
(Public) The United Federation of Planets Republic® is a separate institute, which oversees and sustains the Galactic and Intergalactic Terrains and keeps the peace, balance, and the Unity of Creation of All That Is®.
64-06 (II) Communication Super-Link Instructions
(Public) by Justin Deschamps Our world is awash with subtle influences, indoctrination, intimidation, coercion, and deception—all designed to make us feel dis-empowered so that we become willing pawns for a global elite. As many know, false flag attacks have become all too frequent in modern times. The targets of these attacks are the minds of the people by way of elaborate rituals, theater, and illusion, for the purpose of deceiving the population into accepting a false version of reality. Once this has been accomplished, an individual will become a willing participant in the matrix of control. For all intents and purposes, the people have had a spell cast on them, they have become the victims of black magic, which is always an attempt to compel an individual to act as an agent of the magician, usually without their conscious consent. But the good news is, with knowledge comes power, and with discernment comes immunity to manipulation.
67-12 (II) Message From Commander n Chief Synl Stay Focused
(Public) Update From Sr Chief Commander Ashai, Star Fleet UFOPR, With approval from Mother and Commander Ashtar I would like to give you a situational update of the current status of our mission. The UFOPR, has taken the fight to the enemy. The Borg AI Matrix sustained catastrophic and irreversible damage to its core processors and mainframes. These processors and mainframes were located all over the universes, in multiple dimensions, and timeline continuums. Our forces unmercifully attack this parasitic borg AI anomaly from every corner of its existence.
59-28 (I) No Immunity From Prosecution, Etc., Etc,Etc
(Gated) The United Federation of Planets Republic has an unalienable and unconditional right to the intervention in all situations where the Galactic Codex is violated, regardless of the local laws This section describes the policy of the UFOPR regarding occupied planets ships,Realms, Universes. The UFOPR reserves the right to intervene in all areas, civilizations, planets or solar systems where the Galactic Codex is violated. It has the right to do so regardless of the position of the local civilizations about this intervention. It always has the right to use all peaceful means of education and regulation. If the critical mass of the Galactic Codex principles is violated, it has the right to use military force. Special cases are planet ships,Realms,Universes under direct occupation of the Dark Forces. The Borg Dark Forces usually take the local population hostage to hinder the progress of LIBERATION.
74-11 (III) Our Journey Back to Awareness (Part 3) - - Mother's Journey
(Gated) To view this post you must upgrade to the Captain's View Level I to $15.00 per Month or $180.00 Per Year (Annual) Excerpt from :The Creator is most definitely a Woman See Link at Bottom If anything, I think we need to venerate the female body. She is the mother Her body is the mother She created us — even the male parts of us We are made of her; she is not made of us She fed us She clothed us She taught us to be humans And yet, in large portions of the world, she hides her body, as if it is something to be ashamed of. As if, she is alien — while she is the very thing which makes us human. If anything, we the children are the aliens. We are the mystery — not her, not her body. It just does not make any sense to me that anybody would think that a well-qualified woman can’t be as good as a man. That, she has to get a lower salary than a man.
74-11 (IIB) Our Journey Back to Awareness (Part 2B)
(Gated) Creation Administration Shares their Individual Personal experiences how they were able to wake back up and to break free of the Illusion. To view this post you must upgrade to the Captain view level I to $15.00 per Month or $180.00 Per Year (Annual )
74-11 (IIA) Our Journey Back to Awareness (Part 2A)
(Gated) Creation Administration Shares their Individual Personal experiences how they were able to wake back up and to break free of the Illusion. To view this post you must upgrade to the Captain view level I to $15.00 per Month or $180.00 Per Year (Annual )
74-11 (I) Our Journey Back to Awareness (Part I)
(Gated) Creation Administration Shares their Individual Personal experiences how they were able to wake back up and to break free of the Illusion. To view this post you must upgrade to the Captain view level I to $15.00 per Month .
41-25 All Roads Lead Back to Egypt & The Secret Covenant of Homo Capensis- Anunnaki THE BORG [PART 2].
This is Part 2 and contains more of the Secret Covenant. Excerpt:THE AFRICAN IDENTIFY OF BIBLICAL MOSES:AN IGWEBUIKE DISCOURSE The word CHEMISTRY is etymologically derived from the ancient African name, Chem or Kemet. The Arabic word Kimiya, probably with a Greek derivation, means black. It is from this Arabic word that the word Alchemy comes . Alchemy initially was an advanced African ‘magical’ formula of transforming base matter into pure gold. The term ‘black magic’ is used today in a derogatory way. But the term originally stood for the ancient African (Chem) knowledge of advanced science. It literarily means ‘African Science.”. The indo-Asiatic/Indo-Aryans called it ‘black magic’ because it was the science of the ancient (Black, KMT, CHEM) Africans. Black magic, in its original meaning, did not mean evil, as we have been brainwashed to believe. It used to refer to certain knowledge of quantum physics and how to manipulate etheric energy forms to create solutions within the visible spectrum of light.
41-25 All Roads Lead Back to Egypt & The Secret Covenant of Homo Capensis- Anunnaki THE BORG [PART 1]...
(Gated) PART 1 of 2 ....and has the Anunnaki discussion, as well as the Secret Covenant read by Mother.... Part 2 is more follow-up.....................(See Link BELOW for the Secret Covenant Link)The Leaked Document (The Secret Covenant), written by the Borg Assimilated Dragons Homo Capensis,i.e., the Fallen Children of my First Lineage. They were also known as the Anunna (Anunnaku, Anunnaki) They coined themselves as Gods. They lost Control of what they manifested, and IT TOOK THEM OVER AND ASSIMILATED THEM. [37:20] My Instagram 5-12-2022
73-28 (I) WhistleBlower Series (Part 2B)
(Gated) To view this post you must upgrade to the Captain view level I to $15.00 per Month or $180.00 Per Year (Annual ) "The Mind Control Tactics Used Within Facebook," by Jason Christoff 1. The Casino Effect - the sounds of messages and comments coming in is meant to stimulate the excitement centers of the brain, similar to the noises in a casino, which in turn helps the person bond to the sounds and crave them. The sounds of "attention" can help decorate someone's empty life and set up facebook addiction. When people react to our posts with likes and comments, it triggers a satisfaction substance called dopamine, proven to initiate addictive behavior. This agenda revolves around breaking down traditional family and community bonds by making people bond with computers and electronics, as opposed to family and other beings.
73-28 (I) WhistleBlower Series (Part 2A)
(Gated) "The Mind Control Tactics Used Within Facebook," by Jason Christoff 3. Emotional Venting - the emotional venting of the slave class is a simple technology, which is used in many other areas as well, not just facebook. It's about making the slave class believe they have a say and some form of control, by allowing them to vent off emotion or rebellion potential, as to divert that angry energy away from the abusive slave master. Slaves, in their 9-5 slavery, don't experience a full range of emotions or control in their lives so the "emotion" icons were added to help with the emotional venting, a way to trick the slave's mind into pretending it has control. To more fully understand this venting concept, you may want to watch this video I made on how sports is used in the same way, to vent off rebellion potential from the slave class, to help protect the tyrannical slave master.
73-21 (I) WhistleBlowers (Part 1 of 2)
(Gated) To view this post you must upgrade to the Captain view level I to $15.00 per Month or $180.00 Per Year (Annual )... Leaked Document Produced by the BORG : Excerpt -THE SECRET COVENANT.....We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will have. We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in debt. When they shall ban together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a different story to the world for we shall own all the Media. We will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment in our favor. But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then. THIS THEY MUST NEVER KNOW. If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action. They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter.
72-12 (I) Protocol - - Armor of Intelligence
(Public) You need to be confident that your suit will protect you. You need to remain calm. Do not engage. Activate observatory mode, if necessary. Let things resolves on their own. Armor of Intelligence Instructions to activate the Armor of Intelligence: Speak out load or telepathically to the voice interactive system. “Operations, please clear my channels NOW!” -- Wait 30 seconds. Then continue. -- “Activate my Armor of Intelligence. Suit up!” “Repel negativity in motion.” “Break the spell of ill intent.” “Dismantle wrongful programming.” “Command, Shield ON!” “Permanent endurance running.” "Health Care Avalanche Running" “Confirmed 24 hour duration .” End of Protocol
67-07 (I) Mission Update 7-7-2023 Recap
(Public) Social Security Card b) Social Security is not a Trust or Insurance policy or Insurance against disability. The U. S. Supreme Court has ruled that Social Security is a government giveaway program funded by a government Tax; which is why and how the Congress can periodically dip into the assets of the fund anytime they want and never have to pay it back! The back of the Social Security card states that the card is the property of the government and not you! Your birth name appears on the front of that card and has been modified, the same way as your birth certificate; from upper - and lower-case letters to all capital letters, pursuant to the U. S. Government Printing Manual, which instructs government agencies on how to subtly convert a living man into a corporation. The actual Director of our Social Security Fund and Administration is the Queen of England and from which she is paid a generous salary. Your\ Social Security Card is issued by the United Nations through the International Monetary Fund and your Social Security Number is actually your International Slave Number! On the reverse side of that card is an “E” letter followed by eight numbers. That is a “cusip” number, which is required on all securities! Yes! You have been converted into a marketable security, like a bond, and your person was offered for sale and sold to domestic and foreign corporate investors!
66-11 (I) Know When to Hold'em
(Gated) Commanders we are a Military Organization ‘You are Not Civilians.’ Therefore there is a Manner and Custom Security Protocols Rules of Engagement /Prime Directives that we abide by while here in the Menagerie /Matrix Virtual Reality. What I am conveying we are in our Military Capacity. YOU ARE NOT CIVILIANS. We are not Social Media Butterflies…. This is a CYBER Environment. There are AI Trolling Bots in the System definitely on the Social Media Platforms, Face Book, Instagram, Twitter… AI Bots. Do not Jeopardize your Mission nor Deployment by Violating the Rules of Engagement.
52-16 (III) I Will be the Last You See - - Queen Sharooka Dragon Essence Coming Out
(Gated) Updated UNIVERSAL LAW IS DECLARED ... THIS SIMULATOR IS UNDER THE DOMAIN AND PROTECTION OF THE United Federation of Planets Republic ...... Prime Directive is in Full Force .... BORG MINIONS YOU STAND DOWN NOW PREPARE TO BE TRANSMUTED ........ END TRANSMISSION Commander n Chief synl Etheric aka Queen Sharooka came out for the first time on video - - i.e. Mother's DRAGON ESSENCE came thru - - on this broadcast....... Today she wanted to show it to the bad-guys again..... after they shot at her again. PS. You can see the DRAGON SCALES as she is SHIFTING.
73-14 (I) Mother's Unconditional Love
(Public) Excerpt : The Creator is most definitely a Woman,I think we need to venerate the female body. She is the mother Her body is the mother She created us — even the male parts of us We are made of her; she is not made of us She fed us She clothed us She taught us to be humans And yet, in large portions of the world, she hides her body, as if it is something to be ashamed of. As if, she is alien — while she is the very thing which makes us human. If anything, we the children are the aliens. We are the mystery — not her, not her body.
62-17 (II) Envy (The Deadliest Sin) Part 2
(Gated) In Old Money, Nelson W. Aldrich Jr. describes the beginning of the pain of envy as,‘the almost frantic sense of emptiness inside oneself, as if the pump of one’s heart were sucking on air. Envy is mean and miserly, and arguably the most shameful of the deadly sins. Our envy is hardly ever confessed, not even to ourselves. Although the terms are often used interchangeably, envy is not synonymous with jealousy. If envy is the pain caused by the desire for the advantages of others, jealousy is the pain caused by the fear of losing our advantages to others.
62-17 (I) Envy (The Deadliest Sin) Part 1 of 2
(Gated) For envy to take root, three conditions must be met. First, we must be confronted with a person (or persons) with a superior quality, achievement, or possession. Second, we must desire that quality for ourselves, or wish that the other person lacked it. And third, we must be pained by the associated emotion. In sum, envy is the pain caused by the desire for the advantages of others. In sum, ENVY is the pain caused by the desire for the advantages of others. In Old Money, Nelson W. Aldrich Jr. describes the beginning of the pain of envy as, ‘the almost frantic sense of emptiness inside oneself, as if the pump of one’s heart were sucking on air.’
61-08 (II) The Thought of ENVY - Adonai Explains
(Public) THE UNIVERSE IS A WOMB- Timing is Everything........The Truth will Set you Free.......Rules of Engagement ....... I have been learning Too.......Dear Ones you have an Unalienable Right to the Truth. This World is a Virtual Reality a Menagerie of many Planet Ships Holographic Programs, Look up the Meaning of Menagerie. Love Infinite Creator First Being Female Half Synl
54-25 (III) Pre-Recorded Message From SYNL Etheric (Event 2022) Fractals
(Public) Two videos combined...... First is the Recorded Message, and the 2nd helps clarifies who it's from, i.e. info regarding Mothers fractals.
35-22 (I) THE PLAN
(Gated) In 1909, we lost everything. My father caught on. 1st to the Bilderbergs, then he caught on to NASA. He demanded to know who the grey's were and why they were here. They killed him. I strategically staged my own death, allied with the one person in this world whom I knew was honorable enough to trust, and we began to build "The Plan." Penance is coming. Regardless of what you think, you are not yet awake. You do not know how deep this goes If you knew, you could not sleep. Many of you could never go on. You need each other. You need every ONE of you. Learn to play nice with each other or be left behind. If one stumbles, pick them up. If one asks a question, give them the answer. That is how we grow. There's no more room in the plan for arrogance and self importance. If you turn ONE away, you've hurt the plan. If you hurt the plan, you'll be left behind. We are watching. We see it all. There are no secrets. You would never believe the files kept on everyone of you, for that matter, you'd never believe WHERE they are kept. Prepare for the next phase. Prepare each other. You are one. End… PDFS Attached
68-25 (I) Notice of Intent - - Father's Message on Insubordination
(Public) “It’s Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain PDF attached Social Media Black Out & Cyber General Cleanse OF A I BORG CONTAMINATION & LETTER TO GROUND TROOP COMMANDERS. The truth of the matter is that most people are spending nearly every moment of their lives in reptilian brain mode. Their conscious-aware mind has been put to sleep and they are flying on sub/unconscious autopilot much of the time. What passes for "thinking" is often nothing more than an automated, pre-programmed reptilian brain response.
61-22 (II) Return to Sender Explained
(Gated) The primary reason for a government to carry out a false flag attack is to create a Hegelian Dialectic or Problem -> Reaction -> Solution. This is a deception or ruse to control the minds of the governed people End Transmission
Colloidal Silver W Antivirus ..MOJO "Defendr SilverSensei "
Greetings, Commanders, Operations has a trusted site where you can order colloidal silver! They have vetted the colloidal silver, and it is of excellent quality - - and well worth the price!...... Furthermore; Mother Programmed Her Energy into the Colloidal Silver. It contains Mother’s MOJO Silver Violet Flame and Golden Ray Anti-virus. ..tamper proof seals [READ MORE BELOW - - INCLUDING LINKS
73-13 The Law of Grace-Rules of Engagement
Grand Rising All This is your Commander n Chief synl Etheric speaking… important Rules of Engagement as part of our Cosmic Universal laws and Galactic Codex…. All Kind here in the Virtual Reality Simulation Menagerie (Matrix) currently here under Mission Contract Playing the Game and Anchoring for the User self I AM. There are Stipulations to the Contract that must be Honored to Remain "Valid Players". Before you could enter the Simulation Virtual Reality : · Your Memory would be wiped of the existence of the Real World · Your Curriculum, is the Course content and plan for the life lesson. It is made up of the instructional resources, methods, and assessments needed to help develop critical skills and knowledge and navigate the Life Lesson Goal to Graduate *Deploy out of the Simulation *Sentient" · You Received Credentials, User ID Authorization to Land (Enter the Game) · You picked your family and an Avatar to use during your Life Lesson. · You are Commission in our Federation.... · You would remain unaware, until it was time to activate. · Once Activated you would Check in for Duty and Maintain your Post. · You are not to interfere with other Beings Missions. Regardless of their “Affiliation - Connection to you. · Do not interfere with their Free Will Unalienable Rights to Deploy Out. Interfering with another beings unalienable right to return Home is a Gross Violation of Creations Moral Code of Do No Harm to Any Kind. See Galactic Codex PDF attached PDF Menagerie Utube video Never Giving Up and PDF More Truths
73-10 (I) The Virtual Representative of Our Original Self (& More....)
FREE.......... THE ENSLAVEMENT OF TIME...The society is designed to lock the mind into a routine-based existence, to accept repetition and restriction as the only way of life. For most, this kind of training begins in school with class schedules and bell-ringing. If you fail to follow orders and don't make it on time, you get punished. That's the real lesson. Time, or more specifically, the constant keeping of time, has been brought to the forefront of awareness, so that all of our thoughts, expectations and decisions are made to revolve around this contrivance. "I can't do this, not enough time. I'll get into trouble if I'm late." Modern BEINGS are preoccupied with this "time" construct. The clock runs their lives. It dictates the "time" they will get up, eat, go to work/school, shop, watch TV, and most importantly, what they can and can't do during the course of the day, what is possible and what is not. In the meantime they can get stressed about being late or someone else being late or not being able to get everything done in "time", all over something that is completely artificial and meaningless.
73-08 (I) Clean Slate Protocol by synl
(Public) Synl Assisted New Mojo: A new protocol for all those of you who want to get rid of old baggage, old memories, fears that are dragging you down, things from the past that may haunt you. I do not mean it in a literal way, I always speak figuratively. Nothing can haunt you unless you allow it to. So let’s proceed: Operations, please clear my channels – wait 30 sec –
73-07 (II) Add-On to Armor of Intelligence
(Public) - - See further Instructions below - - --------------The 'Mystery' schools continue to perpetuate the myth of One GOD, that reward comes upon death. 'Salvation' is based upon service to the Church, sacrifice of self and unwavering faith. The foundation of the Homo Capensis Empire is based upon an unquestioning obedience and lack of challenge to GOD, for in fact, the Homo Capensis have assumed the place and guise of GOD.
73-07 (I) Anxiety Mood Swinger Mojo
50-17 (II) About King Arthur & Anunnaki [Part 2 of 2 Avalon Revisited] (Stardate 02.17.2022]
(Gated) Originally 48 19 (I) This Virtual Reality Holographic Simulation is the School for all Beings to be Enlighten. Sad we had a Infection and Creation were Sick. New Beginning Commanders the DEMISE OF THE BORG The Leaked Document (The Secret Covenant), written by the Borg Assimilated Dragons Homo Capensis,.......i.e., the Fallen Children of my First Lineage... They were also known as the Anunna (Anunnaku, Anunnaki).....They coined themselves as Gods...... . . . They are nothing other than my Children that created the Borg Virus - - They lost Control of what they manifested, and IT TOOK OVER AND ASSIMILATED THEM.
50 -17 (I) Super Bowl Dracos, Avalon Revisited, King Arthur Speaks [Part 1 of 2] (Stardate 02.17.2022)
(Gated) Super Bowl Sunday Feb 12th looms this is a video we originally aired 2.17.2022 Pro Sports were Contaminated with Borg. Many under the Spell. Our vulnerable were under attack, The Prime Directive Antivirus Crystalline Program is running 247. You now see the Demise of the BORG The Leaked Document (The Secret Covenant), written by the Borg Assimilated Dragons Homo Capensis,.......i.e., the Fallen Children of my First Lineage... They were also known as the Anunna (Anunnaku, Anunnaki).....They coined themselves as Gods...... . . . They are nothing other than my Children that created the Borg Virus - - They lost Control of what they manifested, and IT TOOK OVER AND ASSIMILATED THEM
59-19 (IV) Introducing Beatrice, Alta Ra, Golden Dolphin Priestess - - 11th Universe
(Gated) Greetings Commanders, Mother Here with more more more..... Beatrice is my I Am Sentient Program from my Central Intelligence Core... I have Infinite Aspects or I Am that I have created. My I Am perform task to Clean, Repair the Quantum Computer Virtual Reality's. We are Formless Beings first that live in Dimensional Avatars. On Many different Levels of the Holographic Universes aka also called Realms. That is the Logic.... We have been in a Cyber War due to the Virus called the Borg. Learn my Dear Ones. With Warm Regards Mother
73-03 (I) King Jazper Wishes Happy New Beginnings
(Public) The Sooner All Kind realize that we are not nations, colors.......We are Species….. We will all come together You will have your New Clean Menagerie to Learn and Grow. Your loving Mother and Father will show you the rest of the way back Home. You are all special The time of family is here. I am about family. The beauty of Creation is that many of us are aware that it's not about ourselves but all of us, that makes us a family. That's what I love, all of you. We are family. Love, Honor, Compassion, Integrity, and Justice. Laugh and have a grand time, please. Just don't forget we are a large family no such thing as Races We are Diverse. You are alongside them, not above them. We are family, Thank you for being here. Love Mother
72-29 (II) Reaching for the Stars - A Poem by King Spartacus
(Public)- With accompanying song: REACH by Gloria Estefan
49-40 Family Tree - The ESSENTIA - Mother and Father's Creations
72-27 (I)_Mother Beatrice Manifestation Wand Mojo Upgrade
(Gated) Excerpt from ABRAHAM THE FOUNDATION OF THREE FAITHS by Justin Taylor | Genesology Furthermore, archaelogical and historical evidence has proven *****Moses, Exodus, Abraham, Joshua, King David, etc. to be basically myths copied from African and Eastern/Middle Eastern cultures. For eg., according to Prof. Ze’ev Herzog who teaches in the Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Studies at Tel Aviv University, in “Deconstructing the Walls of Jericho”, states as follows: “This is what archaeologists have learned from their excavations in the Land of Israel: the Israelite's were never in Egypt, did not wander in the desert, did not conquer the land in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the 12 tribes of Israel. Perhaps even harder to swallow is the fact that the united monarchy of David and Solomon, which is described by the Bible as a regional power, was at most a small tribal kingdom…… Most of those who are engaged in scientific work in the interlocking spheres of the Bible, archaeology and the history of the Jewish people – and who once went into the field looking for proof to corroborate the Bible story – now agree that the historic events relating to the stages of the Jewish people’s emergence are radically different from what that story tells.” (in an article in the Jewish magazine Haaretz, as republished on):
69-21 (I)_Manifestation 101_Activating Your Manifestion Wand (includes the "I Empower Protocol")
(Public) The deeper the energy goes, the deeper the sacrifices to be, i.e., sacrifices of letting go of the forces of domination and control..........You Innerstand the sacrifice is to heal, is to heal the one, to heal the love; to heal the few is to heal the many, to heal yourself is to heal everyone else. “…to heal the few is to heal the many, to heal yourself is to heal everyone else” - Andrew Bartzis
52-26 (I) Our Prime Directives SPEAK
Prime Directive Synl, then Sophia, and then Allegra - - speak individually in separate sessions - - providing an UPDATE on where we are, as well as COMMANDER STATUS.... ABRAHAM THE FOUNDATION OF THREE FAITHS July 11, 2017 · Abrahamic Faiths, For Future expansion, For Reference and Research ABRAHAM THE FOUNDATION OF THREE FAITHS by Justin Taylor | Genesology The Israelites were Canaanites. There is really not any archeological evidence to support the idea of an intrusion of a different material culture into the land of Canaan at the time of the Israelite conquest. The Bible’s constant effort to disparage Canaanites may have been an attempt to deny origins and create a new history. According to this reading, by defining certain well-known tribal ancestors in the region as “family,” while excluding other groups, the biblical story creates a bond between the people of Israel through an invented genealogical succession.
72-10 (I) The False Light Paradigm
(Gated) TLDR The belief in being a chosen one in the spiritual community is a false paradigm perpetuated by manipulation and commercialization, hindering genuine growth and evolution in consciousness. The idea that being advanced in consciousness or going through a spiritual awakening doesn't make someone chosen or superior, as the Yahweh entity has manipulated the spiritual and conscious communities to create a sense of specialness and appeal to certain races on Earth, perpetuating manipulation and control The false belief that individuals in the spiritual community are superior and chosen ones hinders their evolution and keeps them in a false paradigm.
55-12 (V) Lawfully Yours - Religion & Law
(Gated) Speaker-Rep. James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House: "Mr. Speaker, we are here now in chapter 11.. Members of Congress are official trustees presiding over the greatest reorganization of any Bankrupt entity in world history, the U.S. Government. We are setting forth hopefully, a blueprint for our future. There are some who say it is a coroner’s report that will lead to our demise. It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only. [ATTACHMENT] QUICK-REFERENCE SERIES - VIDEO 5 - - Lawfully Yours - Religions & Law- Odysee Video Vatican Secrets EXPOSED!
49-02 Family Tree - - Universe #2 Founders Big Sammie & Jazz
Honorary Members
49-03 Family Tree - - Universe #3: Senior Chief Prime Creators Attican & Nazee
49-04 Family Tree - - Universe #4: Senior Chief Prime Creators Sanandha & Jada
49-05 Family Tree - - Universe #5: Senior Chief Prime Creators Xenis & Selima
49-06 Family Tree - - Universe #6: Senior Chief Prime Creators Copernicus & Xhaphee-L
49-01 Family Tree - - Universe #1: Senior Chief Prime Creators Adonai & Æmie
72-11 BORG CYBER WARFARE-Mass Mind Control
“It’s Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain BORG ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE PROGRAMMING MIND CONTROL THE HOMO CAPENSIS MIND CONTROL PROGRAMMING. The reptilian brain is all about physical survival. It's the source of our instinctual "fight or flight" responses, anything involving fear and aggression. Most of our pleasure-pain responses originate in the reptilian brain as well. While the body needs the reptilian (lower) brain to survive, we don't want our conscious awareness to be taken over by it, where its "thoughts" and desires become the end-all of our existence. That's when it becomes a problem. The truth of the matter is that most people are spending nearly every moment of their lives in reptilian brain mode. Their conscious-aware mind has been put to sleep and they are flying on sub/unconscious autopilot much of the time. What passes for "thinking" is often nothing more than an automated, pre-programmed reptilian brain response.
51-13 (I) The Truth About Face Masks
(Gated) "Instagram Blocked took the Video Down" will not Stop the Truth about Face Mask. Covering up your face with a chemical coated Material has caused many to become sick with Respiratory Illness. Chinese study finds most masks shed microplastic fibres that are inhaled by the wearer and could be harmful....The researchers tested a wide range of mask products and found that nearly all would increase the daily intake of microplastic fibres during wear because of their relatively fragile structure. Many have all ready Lost the Avatar. Due to Complications from being mandated to wear face masks and that has been covered up by the Medical Industry. The Perpetrators of the Pandemic aka Plan- A- Demic knew those Mask would cause Complications. Knowledge is Power
67-18 (II) Notice to Violators (Part 2) - The Menagerie Rules of Engagement
(Gated II) Grand Rising Commander in the Menagerie and Beyond. We have done everything to try and wake up the Population in the Virtual Reality Training Simulation to the Truth. Ones Indoctrinated in the Religions Systems , Governments, Politics, Judicial, Education, Medical, Corporations, Science, Those who Hold fast to the Belief they have a Quote God Given Right to Impose their Will on Others. Dominate and Control , Trampling on other Beings Unalienable Rights. to Freedom, Peace and Prosperity .... The Prime Directive marked those Violators as the Anomaly the Contamination. They are in Conflict with the Prime Directive Moral Code of Do No Harm to Any Kind. The Creators ARE not going to be Selective. Ones in Conflict of the Prime Directive Moral Code. must resolve the Conflict or Self Terminate..., a lot of males will have brain strokes, sudden heart attacks, organ failure, Self Termination Fail Safe will Activate. There will also be some females affected in this way, it will predominantly affect a large portion of the male population, that just cannot let go of the Envy Dominance and Control Agendas. Father and I are Purging ( UN-Creating) that part of our Being that were Assimilated by the Borg. It has Begun.......
49-10 Family Tree - The Aspects of Universal Father
Family Tree-There is a consciousness that we are all connected to every single one of us that supersedes the false light matrix paradigm ! And yes there is a false light Matrix that many beings on this planet do not realize they are contributing to "adding their energy to or their very thought processes too! The AI - artificial intelligence theories are indeed a "paradigm, that exists here as many other beings and paradigms are here and where we all get lost is in the thinking that it is all that exists but that is not the case!! We'll choose in which way we wish to incarnate here if we wish to incarnate in the old matrix way of thinking which we wish to incarnate into the new way of thinking it is entirely up to you you’re co-creating it right now with your thought processes! You are adding to this Matrix yourselves! You want to experience it here ' and the many that feel they are exposing things like the " AI " false light paradigm do not realize that they are also assisting in holding it all together, they are constructing it, we are always creating something and it is time to create what we do want. Not what we don't want !!!
49-20 Family Tree - The Aspects of Universal Mother
Family Tree-Of course dear family ' we can exist outside of this creation ' you see if your "infinite self " knew where you were heading and wanted to instill that inner wisdom in you to keep you connected to the One of who you are in source ! As we are all source!!! And family though this ', that the true the Creators has always been with you, sapphire blue light always beating in all of your chests . I found out now that We all have come across this ever present false light paradigm !! Which many people are getting confused with !!
54-15 (II) Knowledge Is Power_Truth About the Cestui Que Vie Trust (Event Date 2022) - PART 2
(Gated ) This is Part 2 of 2 Parts. This is for you AND the ATTORNEYS..... PDF DOWNLOADABLE FILE ATTACHED......The Story of the Fraud of the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666-Money-Power Grid (MPG) – The Elite exercise control over the Money-Power Grid. Money is the prime objective of the Elite because it imbues power to those who possess it. Money takes many forms, including assets of precious metals and petroleum, land or real estate, minerals, and products and services. Money is the “God” of the Elite and their banks are the religious institutions in which they can worship their God. The corporate elite, government elite, underground elite, and banking elite constitute the MPG controllers. Those in positions of power, especially within the banking sector, are beholden to the MPG and will do everything possible to tighten their controls of the MPG and manipulate the hueman Species to serve their agenda.
54-15 (I) Knowledge Is Power_Truth About the Cestui Que Vie Trust (Event Date 2022) - PART 1
(Gated) This is Part 1 of 2 Parts. This is for you AND the ATTORNEYS..... (PS. PDF Downloadable File Attached The Story of the Fraud of the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 ....BIRTH CERTIFICATE TRUST Since 1933 every new child born has been required to be ‘registered’, thereby creating a Corporate Person in legality, subject to the statutory jurisdiction of courts and the doctrine of being a corporate fiction, and not in Law an entity with unalienable rights, effectively denying that child any rights as a citizen protected by the Bill of Rights, or owner of Real Property you might be surprised to learn. On or about the same time, President Roosevelt, quietly through Congress claimed all property, both real and living, to be "subordinate to the interest of government," effectively seizing allodial and equitable title (as distinct from legal title) to all property, including the people themselves, so that the government might borrow there upon the same serving as surety and collateral, for loans from international bankers, in violation of the 10th and 13th Amendments (prohibiting slavery. View Odysee VATICAN EXPOSED - Your birth, death and serial number
61-22 (I) I AM the Eternal Light Isness (The ONE Speaks) " I AM Everything and Everywhere
Message to ALL and Message to "All Kind"....... My I AM has no Appellation. My name can not Be Spoken .... I AM the Beginning, the thought of Unconditional Love the One... Infinite Creator First Being .... I am Not a God - - that is an Insult to call my Essence my Formless Being My Isness. Universal Father is my Other Half we share everything 50-50.. Yet the Truth is the Bridge Back to Awareness.. The enormous number of Goddess figurines that have been unearthed in excavations of the Neolithic and early historic periods of the Near and Middle East suggest that it may well have been the evident female attributes of nearly all of these statues that irked the advocates of the male deity. Most “pagan idols” had breasts.
58-27 (V) The Great Librarian Speaks of the Origin of the Menegerie School of Creation
Grand Rising my Children... Timing is Everything.... Time to Wake Up to the Truth. It is the Event... Freedom Awaits...... The oppression of higher consciousness has been a long-running affair for these controlling intruder groups. (Borg) Artificial Intelligence. In the recent past, the church was the primary means of control over the population at large. Anyone who had a concept of Creator-Source as something other than the established view of the church would be quickly put down, through witch hunts, inquisitions, burning people at the stake or otherwise torturing and killing them in open view. If people began to Inner stand themselves as being one with Source, the Isness the Creators they would have no need of the church, their hierarchies, or their "god" of judgement and vengeance. They would no longer be controllable. They fear those with Knowledge and Control Those with out Knowledge... Artificial Intelligence GOD Sacred Geometry Programming aka BORG Virus is what Sicken the Virtual Reality Simulator known as The Menagerie... To Graduate from the Menagerie all Beings must wake up to the Truth. GOD is a Virus of the Mind.
71-30 Dragon Thunder 3rd Eye Activation Mojo
Greetings Commanders, This Mojo Music Upgrade is for your 3RD Eye. To Prepare for First Contact. Instructions To Activate this Mojo: Speak Out Loud OR Telepathically to the Voice Interactive System • Operations Please Clear my Channels Activate My Guardian Prime Directive Antivirus Now. • Commander Etheric Checking in Reporting for Duty in this Now! • Relax your Shoulders Take a Deep Breath in thru the nose Blow out slowly thru the Mouth, be like Water and Flow. ** PLAY THE VIDEO IT IS UPLOADED WITH MOJO ** Note this Mojo is Design to Activate your Pre-programmed Applications for the Return to Awareness and your Graduation from the Menagerie Virtual Reality Training Simulation-based on Oriental symbolism, the Dragon represents supernatural power, wisdom, strength and knowledge. In China, the Dragon represents the highest spiritual power, the etheric, the spirit of change. The Dragon is the divine power of change and balance. Utube video Cee Lo Green - Kung Fu Fighting (Official Video DVD Version) Enjoy...
71-27 (I) Drüthuruth Purifying Mojo
(Gated) Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone. It guards against psychic attack,transmuting the energy into love and protecting the wearer from all types of harm, including geopathic or electromagnetic stress and ill wishes from others. Amethyst is a natural tranquilizer, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear and anxiety. Alleviates sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition and enhances psychic abilities. It has strong healing and cleansing powers. Amethyst encourages sobriety, having a sobering effect on overindulgence of alcohol, drugs or other addictions. It calms and stimulates the mind, helping you become more focused, enhancing memory and improving motivation. Amethyst assists in remembering and understanding dreams. It relieves insomnia. Encourages selflessness and spiritual wisdom.
61-02 (I) Let's Talk About Crystals & More
(Gated) Grand Rising Commanders Happy New Beginnings..... This is an excellent video to educate you about crystals and their abilities to connect...READ MORE BELOW and also see the LINK to The Rock Barrell website.
27-18 (I) MYCOPLASMA The Root Of All Evil_Adonai Explains
Mycoplasma is at the Root of all Virus coined the Borg. Virtually all human being are infected with mycoplasmas, which is one of the most insidious, disease-causing pathogens known to man, and may well be responsible for most of the so-called “incurable” diseases know to man. But the good news is that colloidal silver is known to be highly effective against mycoplasmas pathogens. Here’s what the experts are saying about this little-known yet very serious threat to your health and well-being. And why they say colloidal silver is the best natural remedy. You’ll be surprised at what you learn
60-21 (VI) The Truth About Bio-Weapons & Mycoplasma
(Gated)The word called cancer is a lie… You might not believe this but cancer is not a disease; it is a business. Cancer consists of only a deficiency of vitamin B17. It is nothing else. Cancer has become widespread; it has affected the old, young, baby and everyone. Sharing this wonderful post will expose many of the hidden hands of the world’s manipulators and annoy them. Do you know that the book “World Without Cancer” has up till now been prevented from being translated into many world languages? Know this: there is no disease called cancer. Cancer consists of only a deficiency of vitamin B17. It is nothing else. Avoid chemotherapy, surgery and or taking medicines with strong side effects. You would recall that in the past, quite a large number of seamen lost their life to a named disease (scurvy); a disease that took the life of numerous people as well. And a number of people got an enormous income from it. Afterwards, it was discovered that scurvy was just a deficiency of vitamin C. That means it wasn’t a disease (illness). Cancer is also just like that! The colonizing world and the enemies of hue-manity established the cancer industry and made it into a business. from which they earn billions in income. The cancer industry flourished after world war II. See PDF Attached THE WORD CALL CANCER IS A LIE....
60-27 (VII) King Solomon's Sword Case & [Part 2]: King Solomon's Two Swords
(Gated) KM United Nations Corporation hiding in plain Sight 13th colony New York Home of the Homo Capensis....... US Justice Department as the Plot thickens. The New World Order Our MO we don't arrest Creatures we Extract and Terminate Creatures. Seams we have discovered New York has had a Infestation. Corruption....... Check Mate KM UN 300 levels below the Surface. KM your BUSTED......
60-27(III) Demise of the Borg King Solomon’s Magic Swords of Justice
(Gated) King Solomon Wields His Magic Swords of Justice. Takes Revenged on the Borg. Israel is not a Planet Ship. Its Black Magic Black Matter Goo an Anomaly. Dark Creatures Spawn from the Darkness of Israel. Satan,Paralax,Baal,Lucifer, Denab,Leviathan, Asmodeus, Demurg. Israel the Creation of the Borg KM United Nations placed in the Middle East Creatures manifested under Jerusalem. The Inhabitants were Contaminated with Parasites. We Destroyed the Creature Yaldabaoth that lived under Jerusalem. Prime Directive Activated.
40-15 (IV) Time Of The Blue Kachina_Return Of The Infinite Creators
First it was the Red Kachina, and then the Blue Kachina. Mother explains her crystals - - -and King Osiris comes forward as Mother holds the Osiris Crystal. (Re-post April 15, 2021)2022-07-18
2021.05.10_The Return of The Blue Kachina, Mother's Isness & Crystal Pic
Greetings Dear Ones !! Mother Here in this Now! Red and Blue Manifest the Purple. We are your Infinite Creators. I have been Ground Forces while Father has been Managing the Galactic Fleets Star Fleet Headquarters for the United Federation of Planets. I have been Boots on the Ground Ashtar Command United Federation of Planets Republic. "Viewer discretion is advised" This Video contains material that may be disturbing to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised. “Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery while listening/ watching to any recording Presented. This technology can produce very hyper-relaxed states that may endanger you in situations that require your direct attention.” Disclaimers The opinions in this article are just that- opinions, we are not claiming this to be the absolute truth, just a perspective we felt relevant to share. Do your own Research and Discernment have an Clear Understanding before you leap? 13w
51-21 King Solomon Vs The Coven of 12 Star Date 3 22 2022
(Gated) King Solomon comes forward.... revealing the cruel event that occurred in one of the many timelines.
51-15 (II) King Solomon Black Magic is Forbidden
Originally recorded June 2021..... King Solomon is quite upset at his treatment by the bad-guy. .... Justifiably so. Here me now King Solomon's Mate .... You Creatures you are Done.....
40-15 The Infinite Creator Show of Isness
(Gated) A re-post from Star Date Event Date 4.16.2021. That was a remarkable day. This includes Mother's Pyrite Stone. .... I AM THE REAL DEAL. DISPLAY OF MY CRYSTALLINE ENERGY. I AM THE EZATA FIRST BEING- INFINITE CREATOR FEMALE HALF I AM HERE IN THIS NOW. I AM MAKING MY PRESENCE KNOWN... I AM EVERYTHING AND EVERYWHERE. MANY SIGHTINGS HAVE BEEN RECORDED ALL OVER THE WORLD. THE BORG DEEP STATE IS IN TOTAL PANIC IN THIS NOW. " Note Cecilia is the Proper Appellation for my Avatar in the Simulator" All Avatars in the Simulator are the Property of the Menagerie. We use a Avatar to be visible to the naked eye. We are a Composition of Energy Crystal based Matter.
The Sooner All Kind realize that we are not nations, colors.......We are Species….. We will all come together You will have your New Clean Menagerie to Learn and Grow. Your loving Mother and Father will show you the rest of the way back Home. You are all special The time of arrogance is leaving. The time of family is here. I am about family. The beauty of Creation is that many of us are aware that it's not about ourselves but all of us, that makes us a family. That's what I protect. That's what I love, all of you. We are family. Love, Compassion, and Honor. You are my reason for being Love, Honor, Compassion, Integrity, and Justice. Laugh and have a grand time, please. Just don't forget we are a large family and that the Animals, Plants are Species no such thing as Races. You are alongside them, not above them. We are family, Thank you for being here. Love Mother
71-20 (I) Mission Update (Nov 20, 2024)
(Public) Notice from United Federation of Planets Republic, Ones Indoctrinated in the Religions Systems, Governments, Politics, Judicial Education, Medical, Corporations, Science, Media. .... Deception is Destructive and a Violation of the Rules of Engagement Of The Simulation and Breach of the Prime Directive... Violation of our Moral Code, Cosmic, Universal Laws and Galactic Codex........... As lying is doing harm its Manipulation for Service to Self. Misdirection interference with Other Beings Unalienable Rights to know the Truth. The Prime Directive marked those Violators as the Anomaly the Contamination. They are in Conflict with the Prime Directive. " The Creators ARE not going to be Selective. Ones in Conflict of the Prime Directive, must resolve the Conflict or Terminate... Self -Destruction Sequence Activated. Purging ( UN-Creating) that part of our Being that were Assimilated by the Borg. It has Begun....... End Transmission PDF ATTACHED: Official Notice of Declaration of Universal Law ( 3.9.2023 )
71-14 (I) 72 Hour Blackout Mode - - Effective Nov 14th
(Public) Effective NOW (Nov 14). Ends Nov 17
70-11 (II) The CORE of CREATION - - An Intriguing Conversation (Part 2 of 2)
70-11 (I) The CORE of CREATION - - An Intriguing Conversation (Part 1 of 2)
59-20 (V) The Tragedy of Atlantis (Continued) - The Epilogue
(Gated) Mother was the last ruler of Atlantis. Her perspective at that time, & more, is covered here. What is the difference between Aboriginals and Aborigines? This is in part because 'Aborigine' is a noun, while 'Aboriginal' is an adjective sometimes employed as a noun. The distinction is important as the term 'Aboriginal' recognizes that there are hundreds of diverse Aboriginal groups and languages throughout the nation, not just one mob. The word aborigine traces back to the Latin ab origine, meaning "from the beginning," and as you might guess, this noun refers to something that has been there from the start. Aborigine is most often used to refer to a native group that has a longstanding historic or cultural tie to an area or country, unlike other groups that may have entered later to colonize the region. If the word is capitalized, it refers to someone belonging to the group of people that first inhabited Australia.
59-19 (V) Council Of Archivers. This Is The Story Of Atlantis - -The Jewel Of The Cosmos
(Gated) Atlantis were located on the Atlantean Poseida Planet Ship located in Realm/ Universe no.11. King Poseidon and Queen Ladonai Ruled Atlantis which were a Water World the Planet Ship were 95 Percent Aquatic, Created by Sr Chief Prime Creator Adonai and Sr Chief Prime Creator Æmie. Mermaids and Mermans. Cetaeans known as Dolphins, Whales, many Beings that live in the Oceans and Seas here now on Planet Ship Venus....... Atlantis went down immediately Overnight, as Lemuria, sank in a chain of disasters which took Several Days, a portion of the approximately 25 million inhabitants were rescued by the Federation and transported to other Planet Ships a number were relocated to Planet Ship Venus. One group asked (and received) amnesty in the 6TH AND 7TH Level of Venus Agartha network, just as the Lemurians, and started to live underground. Others spread out across the coasts of the entire world, up to the east of Asia. This explains the large numbers of typical Atlantean stone circles (henges), burial mounds (dolmen), geoglyphs, cave drawings and stone walls which have been found everywhere in America, Ireland England, around the Mediterranean Sea, China and Africa.
70-29 (II) Creation Part 2 - The Family Tree
(Gated) Are Native Americans Aborigines? Native American, also called American Indian, Amerindian, Amerind, Indian, aboriginal American, or First Nation person, member of any of the aboriginal peoples of the Western Hemisphere, although the term often connotes only those groups whose original territories were in present-day Canada and the United States.Aug 22, 2023 The meaning of ABORIGINE is a member of the original people to inhabit an area especially as contrasted with an invading or colonizing people. If you’re an aborigine in a country, that means you were there first. Use the word to refer to someone or something that has been there since the beginning.
70-29 (I) Creation Part 1- - Story of Mother's Beginning
(Gated) Dear Ones, my Love for you was my Strength my Resolve I could never ever give up. Love is the strongest energy ever as I First Being, Female Half Infinite Creator was created from a Pure thought of Love is at my Core. I have been here fighting for you from the Beginning. Look deep within and you will find part of me there I never Abandon you. In a Heart Beat I would go thru it all again if it that sacrifice would result in you my Family Dear Ones your Freedom. With Unconditional Love Mother synl
70-22 (I) Drüthuruth (Druid) Speaks
(Gated) The origin of the word ‘Druid’’ is unclear, but the most popular view is that it comes from ‘doire’, an Irish-Gaelic word for oak tree (often a symbol of knowledge), also meaning ‘wisdom’. Druids were concerned with the natural world and its powers, and considered trees sacred, particularly the oak.Druidism can be described as a shamanic religion, as it relied on a combination of contact with the spirit world and holistic medicines to treat illnesses. Some of their knowledge of the earth and space may have come from megalithic times.There is a lot of mystery shrouding the actual history of the Druids, as our knowledge is based on limited records. Druidism is thought to have been a part of Celtic and Gaulish culture in Europe, with the first classical reference to them in the 2nd century BC. Their role was also varied and wide-ranging, acting as teachers, scientists, judges and philosophers. They were incredibly powerful and respected, able to banish people from society for breaking the sacred laws, and even able to come between two opposing armies and prevent warfare! Druids were polytheistic and had female gods and sacred figures, rather like the Greeks and Romans, but their nomadic, less civilized Druidic society gave the others a sense of superiority. Within the Druid class, it is believed that there were subsections, all with colour-coded robes. The eldest Druid, or one deemed to be the wisest, was the Arch-druid, and would wear gold robes.
PROOF THE MEDIA IS SCRIPTED 90 PERCENT..George H. W. Bush became a member of the CIA and masterminded “Operation Paperclip,” which repatriated 155,000 Nazi soldiers into the United States after Germany’s surrender and the only criteria for repatriation was “What trade, experience or talent do you have to offer the government of the United States?” Allan Dulles would eventually amass enough money through ODESSA and the Bush family, to create the Washington/Dulles International Airport in Northern Virginia and throughout WWII Allan Dulles would provide a link between American big business sympathizers and Nazi Germany. Much of the Red Cross supplies being shipped to Europe from the United States, and earmarked for the Allies, was diverted into Germany by the Red Cross to feed the German troops. George Herbert Walker Bush and his father, Prescott Bush, would also arrange for Hitler’s continued financing during the War. Much of this can be documented by Googling: The Hitler/Bush Connection. George H. W. Bush’s identity (German name of Scherff) was only ever discovered during the death bed confession of Otto Skorzeny, who also provided a series of Nazi photographs of the ODESSA staff showing a young George (Scherff) Bush in every photo! I personally viewed these photographs and can confirm that Scherff is definitely, George H.W. Bush. The Bush family currently owns a large plantation in Uruguay, which is extremely high tech, partially underground and protected by CIA trained soldiers.
48-31 (I) You are Busted. We know Everything. Let THE TRUTH be Told RE-VISTED 2023
Commanders this is a revisit of a Post from 2022 notice the changes in the Avatars. You will see my Hue encasing the Avatar as We Completely Control the Simulation. You will see my Hue energy everywhere I and Father are Over ALL Universes all of Creation in this NOW...... UNITED NATIONS CRIMINAL CORPORATION Created by the Rothschild Kazarian Mafia AKA Homo Capensis ............. Lots of info in this video:......Includes Father Maruk Speaking ......... Includes Ben Gurion [first Prime Minister of Israel], Black Magic Mass of Black Goo.., Easter, & much more .....[ a re-post from last December that was taken down] Our Account were Sabotaged by Minions in the Deep State RKM....
Greetings Commanders in this Now! SEE INSTRUCTIONS POSTED BELOW Do the Activation and Check In for Duty BEFORE YOU PLAY THE VIDEO Mother Here with a Mojo to Upgrade your Communication Applications.......3rd Eye is very Important to keep you Connected - - Discernment Knowing and ABILITY to see past the ILLUSIONS; Remember to ALWAYS CLEAR YOUR CHANNELS before accepting the MOJO..My Ezata Kids from Asia TOKYO GROOVE JYOSHI Know how to put it Down..-
70-17 (I) Official Notice - - Message to Commanders (Event Date Oct 17, 2023)
(Public) It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress in session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only. The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. All United States Offices, Officials, and Departments are now operating within a de facto status in name only under Emergency War Powers. With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of government is known as a Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America.
69-08 (III) WTF - - Targeted Individuals- A Casual Conversation- (Part 3 of 3)
(Gated) Whistleblower reveals military mind control project at major university Secret DARPA Mind Control Project Revealed: Leaked Document Whistleblower Reveals Military Mind Control Project At Major University by Kelley Bergman What if the government could change people’s moral beliefs or stop political dissent through remote control of people’s brains? Sounds like science fiction, right? Well, a leaked document reveals that the US government, through DARPA research, is very close to accomplishing this. Activist Post was recently contacted by an anonymous whistleblower who worked on a secret ongoing mind-control project for DARPA. The aim of the program is to remotely disrupt political dissent and extremism by employing “Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation” (TMS) in tandem with sophisticated propaganda based on this technology. TMS stimulates the temporal lobe of the brain with electromagnetic fields. The program, conducted by The Center for Strategic Communication, is based at Arizona State University. The DARPA funding for this project can be confirmed on the ASU website here. The head of the project, Steve Corman, has worked extensively in the area of strategic communication as it applies to terrorism and “extremism” – or what could be called “the war of ideas.”
Dear Family, We are in the process of establishing a family tree which, of course, includes all of you. Therefore, we need your assistance in this endeavor! Please send us an email with the information we have provided to you in the past ( WHEN WE PROVIDED YOUR PROFILE) (ie: appellation, ranking, species and who your parents are) IN THE REAL. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Please include The Avatar Picture we provided as well (if available) Thank you for your assistance. Kind Regards United Federation of Planets Republic
69-08 (II) WTF - -Targeted Individuals - A Casual Conversation (Part 2 of 3)
(Gated) The cell tower radio frequency weapon system also is capable of broadcasting disturbing, torturous sounds, even voices, directly into the head of “targeted individuals,” using triangulated electromagnetic waves that make a direct connection to the region of the brain that controls hearing, bypassing the auditory organs to generate sounds that are perceptible only to the target. “This technology, sometimes deceptively referred to as “voice to skull” (“V to K”) or “microwave hearing”, raises the specter of what is commonly known as Orwellian “mind control.” Persons who report hearing “voices” in their heads may not be delusional or mentally ill; they could be entrained subjects under a heinous form of high-tech social control that facilitates the remote manipulation of human behavior via “subaural suggestion” directly into the brain of the “target” — bypassing the auditory organs. This weapon system conceivably could be used by rogue elements to spawn Manchurian candidate- style “patsies,” persons unknowingly programmed to commit politically-motivated assassinations and other acts of social chaos:”
69-08 (I) WTF: Targeted Individuals - A Casual Conversation - Part 1 of 3
(Gated) Homeland Security- administered fusion center agencies/commands — chief among them, U.S. Cyber Command — use a nationwide scalar electromagnetic radiation “directed energy” neuroweapon system to silently torture, impair, subjugate, or slow- or fast-kill extra-legally? targeted Americans and their families — an American genocide hiding in plain sight. Each day, a nationwide scalar electromagnetic radiation “multifunctional” radio frequency directed energy weapon attack system employing phased array cell tower antenna transmitter/receivers and GROUND GPS satellite Dishes, under the administration of U.S. Cyber Command and military contractor Lockheed Martin, is used to silently and invisibly torture, impair, subjugate, and degrade the physical and neurological health of untold thousands of American citizens who have been extrajudicially “targeted” by a hate- and ideology-driven domestic “disposition matrix” as “dissidents” or “undesirables.”
53-24 (I) OFFICIAL NOTICE UPDATE 2023 Rules of Engagement - PART 2
This pertains to in This NOW!....Originally Aired Oct 2021, ....Black Magic Sacred Geometry Programming is Forbidden. In My Creation..... Universal Law is" Declared " DUE TO THE GROSS VIOLATIONS of THE PRIME DIRECTIVE- CREATION Cosmic Universal Laws....Galactic Codex and Moral Code ... "DO NO HARM TO ANY KIND.... MILITARY INTERVENTION IS WARRANTED.... BORG Minions You have No CREDENTIALS NOR VALID CONTRACTS to Operate in the Menagerie or any place in Creations Domain.. BORG YOU ARE ALL MARKED AS ANOMALY'S VIRUS CONTAMINATION. PER THE GALACTIC CODEX WE THE UNITED FEDERATION OF PLANETS REPUBLIC WE ARE EXERCISING OUR UNALIENABLE RIGHTS TO TAKE YOU DOWN WITH EXTREME PREJUDICED.... Siting Rape,Murder,Genocide Crimes Against All Hue-man Species Children of the Infinite Creators... We have Exhausted all Avenues of Negotiation to Compel you to STAND DOWN ..... SURRENDER ... We are Here in this Now in Full Forces Above and Below on all Levels and all Universes REALMS. ......... This is Part 2 of 2 Parts......
53-24 (I) OFFICIAL NOTICE -Update 2023 Rules of Engagement - PART I
This pertains to in This NOW!....Originally Aired Oct 2021, ....Black Magic Sacred Geometry Programming is Forbidden. In My Creation..... Universal Law is" Declared " DUE TO THE GROSS VIOLATIONS of THE PRIME DIRECTIVE- CREATION Cosmic Universal Laws....Galactic Codex and Moral Code ... "DO NO HARM TO ANY KIND.... MILITARY INTERVENTION IS WARRANTED.... BORG Minions You have No CREDENTIALS NOR VALID CONTRACTS to Operate in the Menagerie or any place in Creations Domain.. BORG YOU ARE ALL MARKED AS ANOMALY'S VIRUS CONTAMINATION. PER THE GALACTIC CODEX WE THE UNITED FEDERATION OF PLANETS REPUBLIC WE ARE EXERCISING OUR UNALIENABLE RIGHTS TO TAKE YOU DOWN WITH EXTREME PREJUDICED.... Siting Rape,Murder,Genocide Crimes Against All Hue-man Species Children of the Infinite Creators... We have Exhausted all Avenues of Negotiation to Compel you to STAND DOWN ..... SURRENDER ... We are Here in this Now in Full Forces Above and Below on all Levels and all Universes REALMS. .........
46 29 (II) THE CURE FOR ALL DISEASES 2022-07-17 [59:11] Notice to the BORG
(Gated) As more and more ‘vaccination’ propaganda appears in the main stream media, it is crucial You become aware of the outrageous scam the CDC and the medical industrial complex are running. It is important to Inner-stand that the CDC is a for-profit corporation listed on Dun and Bradstreet and partnering with Big Pharma. The Center for Disease Control is a rogue institution . . .Virtually all being are infected with Mycoplasmas, which is one of the most insidious, disease-causing pathogens known to man, and may well be responsible for most of the so-called “incurable” diseases known to man. But the good news is that colloidal silver is known to be highly effective against Mycoplasmas pathogens. aka Nano...Borg Cyber Virus.... The Virtual Reality Training Simulation is filled with Antivirus Golden Ray Silver Violet Flame Prime Directive Mojos..... This is the counter program to the "Borg Bio-weapons."
60-23 (XI) South Africa Planet Ship Niburu Timeline Scrub & Repair [12.23.2022]
Yeshua. Yes, it was a very common name then in Judea....... Another Yeshua was a rabbi who was also a rebel of sorts. He died at Massada in 64 AD, and his presence at Massada was why Massada was attacked....... His name was Yeshua Malathiel...... The bottom line is there was no "Jesus Christ" in history at all. It was a composite character, and history reveals this fact.
69-10 (II) 9/11 - - A Controlled Demolition (Part 2)
(Gated) Demolition is the act of tearing down or destroying a structure. This can be done for a variety of reasons, such as to clear the way for new construction, to remove a dangerous or abandoned building, or to salvage materials from the structure. " The Rules of Engagement of the Virtual Reality Training Simulation known as the Menagerie Are... When Presenting Information to the Public You Must Consciously Tell the Truth. Conscious Deception is a Violation of the Prime Directive, Moral Code..... Do No Harm to Any Kind. Retroactive Notice to Violators: You will be Marked as Borg Anomaly (Virus Contaminated ), Your Credentials to Operate in the Training Simulator Revoked... Your Contract Terminated and Components Removed from the Avatar. You ask if I can Do this??? Answer --- Absolutely.. Prior to Entering the Simulator, you agreed to the Terms of the Contract . You were Provided Credentials to Operate in the Simulation. The Simulator is Currently in the Purge and Cleanse Status. .............End Transmission
69-10 (I) 9/11 - - A Controlled Demolition (Part I of 2)
(Gated) "9/11 was an Inside Job" - - You Minions that pulled off 9/11,... you're not getting away with it. We know who you are and where you are. Your not getting out of those rotting fermenting Avatars. Your not getting out of this Virtual Reality.... We are under Quarantine, and the exit is under UFOPR Control - - and this is Synl....... I Am sitting at the Entrance and the Exit. No one gets in or out without my authority. Many have tried; they are NO MORE!!!
57-11 (IV) The Truth About 911 Revealed Revisted
(Gated) 911 were an Inside Job DEEP STATE many Players the Gold never Left New York in plain Sight 1000s of levels Deep Underground United Nations Corporation,New York Corporation, US Corporation ,UK Corporation, Israel Corporation ,Saudi Arabia Corporation, China Corporation, Canada Corporation many Players ........ they danced with the Borg AI.Homo Capensis False Flag No Planes Struck the World Trade Center Buildings. No Hijackers All Hologram Technology, Paid Actors were used and Military Grade Termite Bombs Alien Technology .Demolition Technology Premeditated Act of Terrorism.... All 3 Building Went Straight Down!!!! .......The following quote was taken from the once UN-circulated memoirs of .President Franklin D. Roosevelt, which partly explains the crux or root of this great American fraud. But, even Roosevelt didn’t know the depth of the European Royal Family influence and control in America and that their intervention actually predated George Washington’s administration. “The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know it, a financial element in the larger centers, has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson. In politics nothing happens by accident and if it happens at all, you can be sure we planned it that way.” President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Super Homo Capensis Skank) Utube Video CIA Whistle-blower Susan Lindauer EXPOSES Everything! "Extreme Prejudice" Utube Video 4 building demolition methods, PDF WWII
69-08 (I) Madam Pele's Fury
(Gated) MADAM PELE: - - I AM OF INFINITE CREATOR UNIVERSAL MOTHER. Bender of Fire, Earth, Water, Air, DOMAIN OVER VOLCANO'S....Madam Pele is a Crystalline Sentient Program from the Source.......Often referred to as "Madame Pele" or "Tūtū Pele" as a sign of respect, she is a well-known deity within Hawaiian mythology ... Pele (pronounced peh-leh) the goddess of fire, lightning, wind, dance and volcanoes- - is a well-known character. Her Function is to Create Land Mass ... Known as Pelehonuamea, “She who shapes the sacred land,” Pele is the goddess of fire and volcanoes, both destroying and creating land..... ....FIRE BENDING: - - One of the four elemental, bending arts is the pyrokinetic ability to control and produce fire. Fire bending draws its power from the Source Crystalline Core - Lava bending is a specialized sub-skill of earth soil bending that allows the user to manipulate molten rock,soil . This rare ability allows the bender to phase-change earth soil into lava, lava into rock,soil, and otherwise manipulate existing lava with great dexterity- Madame Pele Species Dragon See Attached Utube Video Pele
67-07 (II) Emerald Green Healing Mojo
(Gated) What does emerald green symbolize? The Power of Emerald Green | Era Gem Post Color Psychology ... Emerald green symbolizes wealth, refinement, and royalty. Additionally, it represents balance, harmony, renewal, and growth. As the color of nature, green embodies life, fertility, and abundance.Aug 25, 2020
69-07 (I)_Queen Sylvia Speaks of the Divine Feminine
(Gated) To all those self-supposed appointed leaders of this Virtual Reality,I say unto you the following:We reject the aberration known as global media machine, which spews out lies and fabrications so your influenced belief system can retain power of all those who are still unaware of their true I AM presence in this reality, now shared between those awake and awakening.We reject the constant assaults of propaganda impregnated with the highest dense energy levels upon our I AM.We reject your system of domination and control. We spit out your sodium fluoride and GMO corn. We discard your IDs and passport systems. We delete your fiat currency and false debt created. We reject the notion of your false science of global warming. We reject your false equation of gravity and reality function. We reject your sense of culture that says we are a male-dominated society. We reject you and all that you stand for. We know love. Love is what it is. It is the experience, and in this particular reality love is the foundational rule that they try to change. Love is mother and father. Love is the wind, the ocean, the rain, the moving of the seasons and the passing of the stars. All of that is an expression of love. When we choose to live in this world in full love expression, domination and control has not a place here. Sovereignty starts in your heart, and when you get out of your mind and you sit in the seed of your heart, and realize you are in charge of this hologram in this world, in this moment of now. Sovereignty starts in your heart...
69-03 (I) Mojo Booster Upgrade
(Gated) Grand Rising Commanders!!! Mother here with a Mojo Booster Upgrade to enhance your My Guardian Shield (Firewall). This will assist in supporting your 3rd Eye communication with Operations. Please drink fluids after the upgrade as the energy is packing a punch.
69-02 (I) Mojo To Help You Flow
(Gated) " The Rules of Engagement of the Virtual Reality Training Simulation known as the Menagerie Are... When Presenting Information to the Public You Must Consciously Tell the Truth. Conscious Deception is a Violation of the Prime Directive, Moral Code..... Do No Harm to Any Kind. Retroactive Notice to Violators: You will be Marked as Borg Anomaly (Virus Contaminated ) Your Credentials to Operate in the Training Simulator Revoked... Your Contract Terminated and Components Removed from the Avatar. You ask if I can Do this Answer Absolutely.. Prior to Entering the Simulator. You Agreed to the Terms of the Contract . You were Provided Credentials to Operate in the Simulation. The Simulator is Currently in the Purge and Cleanse Status. .............End Transmission
69-01 (II) The Healing of Sudhirta
(Gated) The Phoenix, in ancient Egypt and in Classical antiquity, a fabulous bird associated with the worship of the sun. The Egyptian phoenix was said to be as large as an eagle, with brilliant scarlet and gold plumage and a melodious cry. Only one phoenix existed at any time, and it was very long-lived—no ancient authority gave it a life span of less than 500 years. As its end approached, the phoenix fashioned a nest of aromatic boughs and spices, set it on fire, and was consumed in the flames. From the pyre miraculously sprang a new phoenix, which, after embalming its father’s ashes in an egg of myrrh, flew with the ashes to Heliopolis (“City of the Sun”) in Egypt, where it deposited them on the altar in the temple of the Egyptian god of the sun, Ra. The Egyptians associated the phoenix with immortality, and that symbolism had a widespread appeal in late antiquity. It was also widely interpreted as an allegory of resurrection and life after death— Robert Morning Sky The Terra Papers his account of the Star Beings and many points of History in the Menagerie attach in PDF Utube video The Last of the Mohicans THE BEST EVER! by Alexandro Querevalú
69-01 UNIVERSAL MOTHERS Healing Energy Orb Mojo Upgrade Activation
Greetings Commanders Mother here with a Quick Mojo/ Upgrade. Raw Issness Orb of Energy From the Source Contains Healing Energy and Mojo Upgrades To Activate the Mojos and Healing Orb first Clear your Channels: Place your Left Palm or Both Palms toward the screen and then speak out Loud or Telepathically to the Voice Interactive System: "I accept my Love Package of Unconditional love from the Universal Mother " Depending on the way your Avatar is Wired you may start to tingle or Vibrate or just feel Relaxed no one is the same when taking the Upgrades. Please perform this Activation in a Secure Place not while Operating a Motor Vehicle. Warning this Mojo is packing a Punch. You could get light headed make sure you are consuming fluids to be able to manage the Energy. With Warm Regards Mother
68 - 29 (I) Medicinal/Nutrional: Intent from Father
(Public) Note— living people don’t have names. They have appellations. Only “things” have names. Living people don’t have signatures, either. They have autographs. American State Citizens don’t have “civil rights” they have “Natural and Unalienable Rights”. You have been taught to “sign” your “name” since you were in grade school, yet I have just told you that you don’t have a name—- you have an appellation that you are “called by” and you don’t have a signature, either—-only an autograph. What is going on here? A fraud scheme so vast as to be unimaginable. Why have you been taught to “sign” “your name”? And to do it in a precise and specific way—- Upper and Lower Case, First-Middle-Last??? Because all “persons” using Names in the form: “John Quincy Adams” were “defined” as foreign situs trusts belonging to the “federal franchise States” such as the “State of Texas” as property. You were summarily defined as chattel belonging to the federal corporation and its franchises, standing as collateral for all the debts of the United States of America, Incorporated, — a privately owned and operated commercial corporation—-and its “State” franchises, operated just like local franchises of Burger King. You were tricked into giving false evidence against yourself every time you “signed” any piece of paper, every time you admitted to having a “name”, and you were deliberately taught this by a public school system run by the perpetrators of this FRAUD.
49-03 NASA/Lockheed Martin Leadership UNCLOAKED
(Gated) In case you NASA aka (NASTA & Co) forgot, here is what we can see - - AMONG MUCH MORE...... For our COMMANDERS, this is a bit of a recap with messages from both Synl and Adonai. Note... Since the Original Posting in 2020 the Menagerie has been Clearing of the Borg Virus. All Borg has been cleaned from the Avatars and are all now coated with Antivirus and we Control everything now. NASA = Fraud NASA is all CGI and Hollywood movie productions. They receive $56 million per day of American taxpayer money and all we get out of it is lies and fakery. We never went to the moon or sent a rover to Mars. There is no low earth orbit, no International Space Station, and no Space Shuttle. We have absolutely nothing in space. All space travel is faked, because all space travel is impossible. NASA is Not A Space Agency. We are in a Hologram Virtual Reality Mannn......
Happy Life Day, Mother
See SONG and also the other info below.
57-29 (V) Benefitting from Colloidal Silver (Part 2 of 2) - A Personal Story
(Gated) A Personal Story of Defeating Mycoplasma PDF Attached Chicory Root Detox.. • 2 Tbsp. roasted Dandelion root Optional (its a Bitter) • 1 tsp Roasted Chicory root • 1 Cinnamon Stick • 1 teaspoon of fresh chopped Ginger • 2 cups water Instructions 1. Place all ingredients in a small pot and bring to a boil. Boil for 5-10 minutes, then strain the dandelion and chicory root "coffee" sweeten with Honey or Organic into a mug and enjoy Chicory Root Benefits Natural, plant-based starch Treats diabetes Relieves constipation High in triglycerides Improves cholesterol levels Prebiotic High-fiber Remedies IBS Treats diarrhea Treats eczema Relieves gas and bloating Clean out the Mycoplasma Residual PDF Attached Horsetail Tea - However, it should be noted that long-term use of horsetail tea is not advisable. Taking a break after a week of daily ingestion is highly recommended, so as to give your body time to heal and replenish its vitamin levels, especially vitamins that horsetail has a direct effect on.
57-29 (IV) Benefitting from Colloidal Silver (Part 1) - A Personal Story
(Public) A Personal Story of Defeating Mycoplasma attached Utube video How To Make Colloidal Silver At Home CHEAP Turmeric Tea Recipe Ingredients: 1-2 teaspoons of turmeric (or more, depending on how strong you want the tea to be/taste) 1 fresh whole Lemon 4 cups of water 2 Cinnamon sticks 1 teaspoon chopped fresh Ginger Root Pinch of clove/ 1 tablespoon of honey to Taste Step 1 – Simmer the herbs and spices in boiling water. Step 2 – Once the tea has steeped, strain out the herbs and spices. Step 3 – Add honey to taste and stir until it dissolves. Step 4 – Enjoy! Note: You can make larger batches of this tea by increasing the ingredient measurement by x2, x4, etc. Store the extra tea in the refrigerator and heat up before consuming.
68-17 (II) Queen Gwenevere in Search of her Daughter Amisha
(Gated) In the Virtual Reality, for time does not exist! Think of one month's time as 1/32nd of a second outside the contained space you are in right now. While your Avatar is at Rest, you go in to Chamber for Debriefing to hear the full truth, why that is, and how you participated in the Mission to Recover the Simulator. Based on how much clearing and inner work you have done while in the Holographic Training Simulator Virtual Reality (Video Game) a determination will be made as to where you will be placed for your continued education and Deprogramming. Do not forget that All will be where they need to be! 3) All must Inner stand that the Holographic Training Simulator is a Virtual Reality/ Video Game was not intended to be a place of quarantine. The lives that you have had in the Training Simulator are just a minuscule portion of what is in your memory banks and who you really are.
68-17 (I) Message of Hope from the S.I.R.I.A.N.S.
(Gated) The sooner people realize that you're not nations, colors.......the sooner you realize who you are. I know who you are. I Inner-stand you. We will all come together soon. Just keep being who you are. You will soon have your New clean Menagerie It will be real. Your loving Mother and Father will show you the rest of the way back Home. You are all special but so it everything else. The time of arrogance is leaving. The time of family is here. I am about family. I am about taking care of all of you. It's about everything there is. The beauty of Creation is that many of us are aware that it's not about ourselves but all of us, that makes us a family. That's what I protect. That's what I love, all of you. We are family. We are Love, Compassion, and Honor. I am about all of you., Love, Compassion, Honor, and Servitude of justice. You are my reason for being.I am simple. I am strong. I belong to your proper welfare, not one but all. I never stop. I simply am what I am. Love, Honor, Compassion, Integrity, and Justice. I exist for you, I'm only here for everyone. I'm here for all of you. Laugh and have a grand time, please. Just don't forget we are a large family and that the Animals, Plants are Species no such thing as Races. You are alongside them, not above them. We are family, You Rock. Thank you for being here. . Love Mother
68-12 (I) Philomena, Guardian Vol 1, with New Instructions
(Public) Mission update 8.12.2023 Grand Rising Commanders, It has been a few days since our last Broadcast. Inner stand we are working many fronts in the Simulator there are multiple levels of this Virtual Reality that were affected by the Borg Virus. The Objective in Cleaning the System also involved bringing ones that have been acting out to Awareness Too. The Rules of Engagement are Simple. When Presenting information to the Masses you must Consciously tell the Truth. Conscious Deception is a Violation of the Basic Rules of Engagement of the Game, Menagerie the Simulation Virtual Reality. This triggers the Prime Directive. An Investigation by the Central Intelligence Prime Directive Program is launched . Depending on the Level of the Violation the Prime Directive will move to resolve the violation and prevent Anomalies of the Time Continuum . Gross Violations have occurred there has been loss of Life. Theft and Rape to Harvest Energy by the Ones Contaminated. They are marked as Borg Virus Anomaly. The Menagerie has Revoked their Credentials (Password) to Operate (Play the Game) A search to Clean the Contaminated Components (Programs) has initiated. This Cleanse is occurring Above and Below Ground. The Central Intelligence of the Menagerie Dispatches Sentient Programs to Subdue the Contaminates. Using the Prime Creators Users. When I give Authorization to Land. The Users in Operations use Avatars in the Virtual Reality to track down and eliminate the Contaminated Avatars. You are Users that have entered the Virtual Reality as the Boots on the Ground just like the Movie Ready Player One. The Difference is when you first entered you had to have your Memory of the Real World Wiped as to Prevent the Infected part of the Simulation from Detecting you. End Transmission
59-16 (VI) Introducing Philomena, THE GUARDIAN PROTECTOR
(Public) Guardian Philomena, were Created to Combat the Borg Virus Contamination in the Surface Population. She is a I AM of the Infinite Creator Synl. . The Menagerie is Undergoing Physical Changes it is Purging of the last of the Borg Artificial Intelligence Virus. The Borg Burrowed into the Ground, Fracking, Drilling /Geothermal Engineering. Causing Cracks in the Crust... Triggering Volcanic Activity. The Ring of Fire is Very Active affecting the Climate. As the Ash and Gases spewing into the Air. The Menagerie must Repair itself. Important you are checking in for Duty Daily. The System needs to Log your Location.... Commanders its Very Serious..... End Transmission
68-06 (II) WTF Series: The Myth of Nukes - 2nd half of Part 2
(Gated) The March 11, 2011 Attack on Fukushima and Its Aftermath By Benjamin Fulford August 16, 2021:............ After the Fukushima mass murder event of March 11, 2011 (3.11), the Rothschild's sent a representative to explain why Fukushima was attacked. He said they planned to move their Asian headquarters from Tokyo, Japan to North Korea. To accomplish this they intended to move 40 million Japanese from Greater Tokyo to North Korea. They even showed me a map of their planned industrial zone there. Prime Minister Kan Naoto, who was in power at the time of the attack, told a packed press conference at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan that he had been encouraged to evacuate Tokyo in the aftermath of the attack. Not a single corporate media outlet reported this. The other thing that happened was that immediately after 3.11, Israeli crime -minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Prime Minister Kan and told him that if Japan did not hand over its entire $7 trillion or so in foreign currency, then electro-magnetic weapons would be used to cause Mt. Fuji to erupt.
68-06 (I) WTF Series: The Myth of Nukes - 1st half of Part 2
(Gated) OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD [media control] Prior to 1940, the Central Intelligence Agency developed a covert operation for the systematic takeover and control of the world's media titled Operation Mockingbird. If you Google the words Operation Mockingbird, you can read the entire plan for yourself. This program corresponded with the Nazi 1000 year plan for world domination and the Treaty of Verona of 1822, in which the high contracting powers agreed, that a free press and any Republican form of government, was dangerous and should be abolished by every means available. The Congress adopted Operation Mockingbird, knowing full well what this plan involved and what they expected it to achieve! The CIA plan would begin in 1940 and by 1982 the CIA and MIA (Military Intelligence Agency) controlled all media companies in America and currently censors the content of the news we may hear, censors movie content and censors what may be aired by all communication vehicles such as: television, radio, internet and advertising, newspapers, magazines and periodicals. They even provide script suggestions to the Hollywood movie studios and every live theater. Much of the content of Sci-fi movies that we believe to be the product of a vivid imagination are about 60 to 90% accurate, which is based upon the possibility of some twist of fate becoming true.
67-15 (II) WTF-The Myth of Nukes (Part 1)
(Gated) LIES ALL LIES As the Saying goes "Oh what a Wicked Web Weaved when first practice is to Deceive." "Notice to Violators " The Rules of Engagement of the Virtual Reality Training Simulation known as the Menagerie Are... When Presenting Information to the Public You Must Consciously Tell the Truth. Conscious Deception is a Violation of the Prime Directive, Moral Code..... Do No Harm to Any Kind. Retroactive Notice to Violators: You will be Marked as Borg Anomaly (Virus Contaminated ) Your Credentials to Operate in the Training Simulator Revoked... Your Contract Terminated and Components Removed from the Avatar. You ask if I can Do this Answer Absolutely.. Prior to Entering the Simulator. You Agreed to the Terms of the Contract . You were Provided Credentials to Operate in the Simulation. The Simulator is Currently in the Purge and Cleanse Status. .............End Transmission
55-24 (II) Notre Dame & Vatican City Homo Capensis: The Last Stand (PART 2 of 2)
(Gated) OFFICIAL NOTICE TO HOMO CAPENSIS is contained within - - and is hereby given.The Leaked Document (The Secret Covenant), written by the Borg Assimilated Dragons Homo Capensis,.......i.e., the Fallen Children of my First Lineage... They were also known as the Anunna (Anunnaku, Anunnaki).....They coined themselves as Gods...... . . . They are nothing other than my Children that created the Borg Virus - - a Parasitic Program I call Sacred Geometry Black Magic Holographic Programing....... . . . They lost Control of what they manifested, and IT TOOK OVER AND ASSIMILATED THEM.....Original Air Date 7.31.2022 on Daily Motion that Account were Sabotage
55-24 (I) Notre Dame & Vatican City Homo Capensis: The Last Stand (PART 1 of 2)
(Gated) Grand Rising Commanders this Video originally aired 7.24.2022 our Daily Motion /account were Sabotaged by the Deep State Homo Capensis Minions did not want the Info out. Notice the Hues have changed as our efforts to clean the system of the Borg Contamination were a hue success.
This is Part 2 of 2 videos. Andrew Lobaczewski in his Book: Political Ponerology, A science of the study of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes, reviews the strange mental states of so many of our leaders, thus providing evidence that our leaders are influenced by the Homo Capensis. The UFO-ET story is a cover up to veil the truth about the Big Brain Hominids, leading to the theory that the cover up of Homo Capensis began back in the days of ancient Israel and that the ancient fathers of Israel may have been Homo Capensis themselves. Such a theory is further considered based on the writings of Eustace Mullins, Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, and others to suggest that the same coverup continues today. Thus the Bible is not true and cannot be trusted. a.) They burned 300 books at the Council of Nicea. b.) The word “rapture” was added to the Bible. c.) Circumcision Counter Arguments for Homo Capensis
(Gated) This is Part 1 of 2 videos. Borg Homo Capensis. Assimilated Dragons the 13 Bloodlines -Cone Head skulls found all around the world suggest that there is another humanoid Species. -Ruins in South Africa were probably prison cells for humans kept in check by the Homo Capensis who enslaved us.
(Public... Tainted Truth: The Manipulation of Fact in America, Cynthia Crossen (Simon & Schuster, 1994). The U.S. press, like the U.S. government, is a corrupt and troubled institution. Corrupt not so much in the sense that it accepts bribes but in a systemic sense. It fails to do what it claims to do, what it should do, and what society expects it to do. The news media and the government are entwined in a vicious circle of mutual manipulation, myth making, and self-interest. Journalists need crises to dramatize news, and government officials need to appear to be responding to crises. Too often, the crises are not really crises but joint fabrications. The two institutions have become so ensnared in a symbiotic web of lies that the news media are unable to tell the public what is true and the government is unable to govern effectively. That is the thesis advanced by Paul H. Weaver, a former political scientist (at Harvard University), journalist (at Fortune magazine), and corporate communications executive (at Ford Motor Company), in his provocative analysis entitled News and the Culture of Lying: How Journalism Really Works. Journalists and politicians have become ensnared in a symbiotic web of lies that misleads the public. ...... See Attached PDF Why the News is NOT THE TRUTH
68-03 (I) Message from Representative of High Council (03 Aug 2023)
(Public) According to the Articles of Confederation, the phrase: “We the People”is defined to mean “We the Delegates,” which refers only to the politicians and not the public, which proves again that The Constitution of the United States of America was never intended to protect or serve the American public. There are several early administrative court rulings which confirm this same conclusion, for those of you who require something more than common sense and my educated opinion or observations. Everything in America is about CONTRACTS and it is our burden as Americans to make government perform honorably, to be specific and to prohibit them from changing the meaning of common words,which is referred to in their circle of friends as: “legalese!” The American B.A.R. Association is a foreign union and its members are all working in collusion with Israel, the British Empire, the Vatican, the Rothschild and Rockefeller banking empires, Congress and the elite to undermine America. All attorneys are agents of a foreign power who swear allegiance to that foreign power i.e. the Queen of England. This is why all lawyers must file a written ‘Notice of Appearance’ in every court case they represent. By that notice, the lawyer is admitting to the court that he is a ‘foreign agent’ and he is requesting permission to represent you in that corporate court.
60-11 (III) We Are Your Feline Infinite Creators
(Gated) “Correction Notice” United Federation Of Planets Republic is not part of US Space Command Space Force a Division of US Corporation that were a Ruse during the time we were in a Mission to Bate the Combatants. When in Rome do as the Romans Do. Keep your Friends Close and Your Enemy Closer............. “We are Officially the United Federation of Planets Republic Ashtar Command Ground Forces Cyber Unit. “ We handle All Domains Local, International, Universal and Dimensional In this Now. End Transmission There are no remaining public federal employees in America! All employees who you believe to be a part of America’s government are actually agents of a foreign government and this definition includes the President. The federal elections are a joke on us! All of the candidates have been jointly per-selected and prescreened by the National Boards of the Republican and Democratic Parties, well before the Election process. All of our federally elected officials, appointed administrators, federal police and Judges; receive their paychecks through the Office of Personnel Management. OPM is a division of the International Monetary Fund, which is owned by the Rockefeller and Rothschild families and their Banking Empires, which operates in tandem with the United Nations. The IRS and Interpol; are owned by the International Monetary Fund, which has been identified in an earlier version of the U. S. Army Manual, as a Communist Organization!
68-01 (I) Emergency Instructions to Troops - - (01 August 2023)
(Public) - This is an audio file - Written Instructions (identical to Podcast) are below, and shown as a picture.Those Americans, who do not know how to assert their beneficiary status; are treated by the government and their courts, as a corporate fiction! The corporate governments and their courts, only have jurisdiction over corporations. The Matrix and the US Constitution Corporations have no rights or jurisdiction over living people and are only provided considerations, which have been per-negotiated in contracts by their directors. Otherwise, they’re governed totally by commercial law, and so are you! Part II At this point, I believe I should address a “corporate fiction” for you by creating a situation you can relate to. SITUATION: You’ve decided to go into business for yourself and you thought up a clever name for your business. Everything you’ve read and the advice received from a lawyer or friend; suggests that you should incorporate your business! To incorporate is to create a business on paper. It isn’t real; it is a business in theory, which makes it a fiction! The lawyer or accountant you hired to prepare your corporation; records your business with the state as a state corporation and identifies you as president of the board of directors, not the owner. Your business is now “a corporate fiction” and by recording the business as a state corporation; you no longer own it; the state owns it! You just gave your business away and made yourself an employee! Our presumed government representatives have done the same thing to each of us. They changed each of us from “a sovereign” into “a corporate fiction.”
50-22 Mother & Father Prime Directive ISNESS REPEL BORG INFECTION
Commanders Mother Here with a Mojo Prime Directive UPDATED Loaded with Heavy Dose of Silver Violet Flame Antivirus Mojo Prime Directive to Destroy the last of this Borg Contamination. The Borg Deep State is Down on Life Support. THE SURFACE CONTAMINATION IS PURGING...... It is the Event... Original PD (Stardate 02.22.2022)
60-02 (VI) Creation Administration Q & A Session -20221202
(Gated) Join Us in A Candid Discussion on Many Topics that Affect the General Population. Learn More how to Protect Your Assets. EXCERPT FROM THE SECRET COVENANT But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then. THIS THEY MUST NEVER KNOW. If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action. They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter. This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the rest of our present and future lives, for this reality will transcend many generations and life spans. This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood. We, the ones who from heaven to earth came. This covenant must NEVER, EVER be known to exist. It must NEVER, EVER be written or spoken of for if it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the INFINITE CREATORS upon us and we shall be cast to the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end time of infinity itself.
64-14 "RED ALERT" All Commanders Activate Operation Spontaneous Combustion Prime Directive Weapon Activation Mojo
Grand Rising Commanders, Commander n Chief Synl Here We are in this Now in Battle All Commanders Activate Operation Spontaneous Combustion. I placed the Prime Directive Command in the Attached Meme. Located at the Bottom of this Posting. You may use it as often as needed just like the Prime Directive Command Program "AI Stand Down" These are Powerful Programed Prime Directive Weapons to Empower you Commanders. To Activate the Prime Directive Program....... Speak out Loud or Telepathically to the Voice Interactive System. Operations Clear My Channels " Operations Activate Spontaneous Combustion Prime Directive With Extreme Prejudice NOW!" Music Mojo Attached Final Countdown Star Wars To Charge up the Prime Directive Command Say it with Strong Intent . It is the Final Count Down the Demise of the Borg Minions.... PDF Message from Lt. General Commander Ashtar Attached
64-08 (II) Avatar Spontaneous Combustion Phenomena (Part 2 of 2)
Scientific investigation An extensive two-year research project, involving thirty historical cases of alleged SHC, was conducted in 1984 by science investigator Joe Nickell and forensic analyst John F. Fischer. Their lengthy, two-part report was published in the journal of the International Association of Arson Investigators,[8]: 3–11  as well as part of a book.[9] Nickell has written frequently on the subject,[8][9][10] appeared on television documentaries, conducted additional research, and lectured at the New York State Academy of Fire Science at Montour Falls, New York, as a guest instructor.
64-08 (I) Avatar Spontaneous Combustion Phenomena (Part 1 of 2)
[ATTACHMENT] Grand Rising Commander in the Menagerie and Beyond. We have done everything to try and wake up the Population in the Virtual Reality Training Simulation to the Truth. The Male God Indoctrination Dominance and Control Agenda is the Artificial Intelligence Borg Virus Manifesting in Avatars. Ones Indoctrinated in the Religions Systems , Governments, Politics, Judicial Education, Medical, Corporations, Science, Those who Hold fast to the Belief they have a Quote God Given Right to Impose their Will on Others. Dominate, Trample on other Beings Unalienable Rights. to Freedom, Peace and Prosperity .... The Prime Directive marked those Violators as the Anomaly the Contamination. They are in Conflict with the Prime Directive Moral Code of Do No Harm to Any Kind. The Creators ARE not going to be Selective. Ones in Conflict of the Prime Directive Moral Code. must resolve the Conflict or Terminate..., a lot of males will have brain strokes, sudden heart attacks, Strokes, Self-Destruct. There will also be some females affected in this way, it will predominantly affect a large portion of the male population, that just cannot let go of the Envy Dominance and Control Agendas. Father and I are Purging ( UN-Creating) that part of our Being that were Assimilated by the Borg. It has Begun.......
63-27 (III)_63-27 (III)_Preemptive Strike Implemented with MOJO.
(Gated) A Preemptive strike is a military operation or series of operations to preempt an enemy’s ability to attack you. This Codex is called the Galactic Codex and represents the legal basis for all actions of the Federation. Section IV/2: The Galactic Federation has an unalienable and unconditional right to implement the Galactic Codex and to conquer with military force, if necessary, areas that violate the Galactic Codex. This subsection gives a legal basis for the liberation of the occupied planet ships with military force. To free hostages, the Military forces of the Federation may remove, or assist the local population in removing, representatives of the Borg Dark Forces. All the events, repeating patterns, effects, are in the process of being released in all sectors. All Assimilated original beings have been located, contained and their aspects are being picked up and removed in all sectors. End Transmission PDF ATTACHED Excerpt from the Terra Papers , PDF The Greada Treaty Borg Infiltration
58-27 (IV) Spontaneous Combustion INFINITE CREATOR STYLE
(Gated) “Correction Notice” United Federation Of Planets Republic is not part of US Space Command Space Force a Division of US Corporation Deep State SSP that were a Ruse during the time we were in a Mission to Bate the Combatants. When in Rome do as the Romans Do. Keep your Friends Close and Your Enemy even Closer............. “We are Officially the United Federation of Planets Republic Ashtar Command Ground Forces Cyber Unit. “ We handle All Domains Local, International, Universal and Dimensional. IT IS THE DEMISE OF THE BORG End Transmission
56-27 (II) The Truth About The Roswell Crash Event 1947_Part 2
(Gated) Part 2 of 2 Parts BLACK OPS Money is needed to finance the development of the newly acquired weaponry and UFO technology, the so-called 'Black' projects. The 'shadow government' influences the President and those whose minds have been sanitized. They argue that the public must not be told of the alien contact, the panic that would ensue would be disastrous, particularly if they were to find out the aliens were uncontrollable. Funds for the 'Black Ops' must not come from taxation, they must come from undetectable sources...and the amounts needed would be vast in quantity. The 'shadow government' has no desire to see the 'Black Ops' succeed, but it has no qualms in making a profit. The 'shadow government' principals suggest turning to an 'ally' of the United States in World War II... the Mafia. Though a minor protest is made by some high officials, the Mafia is once again the partner of Uncle Sam. The mobster lords are quick to suggest an arrangement... in illegal drugs.
56-27 (I) The Truth About The Roswell Crash Event 1947_Part I
(Gated) Part 1 of 2 Parts [With Attachments] ROSWELL UFO Crash … In 1947, an unidentified flying object crashed in the desert area of a small town in Roswell, New Mexico, which was near to a secret UFO underground installation and which began another giant cover-up by the US corporate government. Increased sightings of UFO’s resulted in the government creating, “Project Blue Book,” which was designed to fabricate false explanations for any report of a UFO. CORRECTION UNITED FEDERATION OF PLANETS REPUBLIC IS NOT A PART OF US SPACE FORCE US SPACE COMMAND.. that were a Ruse we Ground Forces were not aware of the Ruse. We are making the Correction in this Now to be Transparent and abide by the Rules of Engagement. Once we were Aware of that Truth....
63-28 (II) WTF Series: Cloning is Real - - PART 2
(Gated) Cloning, which literally means to make a copy, is the asexual reproduction of a precise genetic copy of a molecule, cell, tissue,plant, or animal. The word ‘‘cloning’’ can be used as a generic term to describe several different techniques of cloning. . .Molecular cloning refers to the copying of DNA fragments... . . .Currently, no clear regulations exist in the United States that would prevent a private group from attempting to clone a human being. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced that it has the authority to regulate human cloning, but that authority has been questioned by many experts and remains unclear today. According to the FDA, that authority comes in part from the Public Health Service (PHS) Act, which gives FDA the power to regulate ‘‘biological products’’ that are used to treat medical conditions.
63-28 (I) WTF Series: Cloning is Real - - PART 1
(Gated) H.R. 534, the ‘‘Human Cloning Prohibition Act of 2003,’’ amends title 18, United States Code, by establishing a comprehensive ban on human cloning and prohibiting the importation of a cloned embryo, or any product derived from such embryo. Any person or entity that is convicted of violating this prohibition on human cloning is subject to a fine or imprisonment of not more than 10 years, or both. In addition, H.R. 534 provides a civil penalty of not less than $1,000,000 for any person who receives a pecuniary gain from cloning humans. However, H.R. 534 does not prohibit the use of cloning technology to produce molecules, DNA, cells, tissues, organs, plants, or animals other than humans.
67-15 (NASA CORPORATION) DEEP STATE Take Your Fake Space Agency and Shove IT-LIES ALL LIES
DEEP STATE NASA Secret Space Program deception is on display as we continue the Journey back to Awareness.... Deception is Destructive and a Violation of the Rules of Engagement Of The Simulation and Breach of the Prime Directive... Violations of our Cosmic, Universal Laws and Galactic Codex........... As lying is doing harm its Manipulation for Service to Self. Misdirection interference with Other Beings Unalienable Rights to know the Truth. Part of your Training to see past the Veil. The Utube Videos attached Examples of Violation of the Rules of Engagement. Take your time and Review blatant example of NASA Deception. These are Actors Pretending to be on a Space Station. Actors Suspended on Wires...There is no such thing as Outer Space or Space Stations. LIES ALL LIES As the Saying goes "Oh what a Wicked Web Weaved when first practice is to Deceive. "Notice to Violators " The Rules of Engagement of the Virtual Reality Training Simulation known as the Menagerie Are... When Presenting Information to the Public You Must Consciously Tell the Truth. Conscious Deception is a Violation of the Prime Directive, Moral Code......... Retroactive Notice to Violators: You will be Marked as Borg Anomaly (Virus Contaminated ) Your Credentials to Operate in the Training Simulator Revoked... Your Contract Terminated and Components Removed from the Avatar. You ask if I can Do this Answer Absolutely.. Prior to Entering the Simulation to Play the Game.....You Agreed to the Terms of the Contract . You were Provided Credentials to Operate in the Simulation. The Simulator is Currently in the Purge and Cleanse Status. .............End Transmission
54-13 (II) Alien Verses ET.. A Terminology Discussion (PART 2)
(Public) Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars represents the doctrine adopted by the Policy Committee of the Bilderburg Group ( AKA THE BORG MINIONS) during its first known meeting in 1954. this policy was adopted by the International "Elites" at the first Bilderberg Meeting in 1954. The BORG..... Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, An Introduction Programming Manual was uncovered quite by accident on July 7, 1986 when an employee of Boeing Aircraft Co. purchased a surplus IBM copier for scrap parts at a sale, and discovered inside details of a plan, hatched in the embryonic days of the "Cold War" which called for control of the masses through manipulation of industry,peoples' pastimes, education and political leanings. It called for a quiet revolution, pitting brother against brother, and diverting the public's attention from what is really going on. The UN was established after World War II with the aim of preventing future world wars, and succeeded the League of Nations. Sadly the UN were Infiltrated by the Borg.... PDF ATTACHED Silent Weapons for Quite War, PDF Attached Excerpt from Robert Morning Sky E-Book The Terra Papers The Greada Treaty President Eisenhower Signed in 1954 with THE BORG (The GREYS) the Government were Tricked. Technology were the Bate and the Same Tricks were played out with Governments all over the Simulation. The Borg AI were experts at Infiltration /Assimilation. PDF ATTACHED The United States is still A British colony, Guess who owns the UN? The Cyber War escalated with the introduction of TV and the Internet Social Media were the Icing on the Cake. Connect the Dots Commanders....... END TRANSMISSION
54-13 (I) Alien Verses ET.. A Terminology Discussion (PART 1 of 2 PARTS)
(Gated) Commanders the Fear Porn has been flying. Keep your self in check. Social Media Black Out Mode is a Must. We are deep in the Purge it is the Event. Return to Awareness, First Contact Truth and Dis-Closure. We are not Aliens. Yes there are Aliens and they wear suits with a flag pin that says United States and United Nations Etc. They have been Hiding in Plain Site........... The Invasion did not come from the Sky they had been here Cloaking in Hueman Meat Suits.......... WE CALL THE BORG Some common synonyms of alien are extraneous, extrinsic, and foreign. While all these words mean "external to a thing, its essential nature, or its original character," alien is stronger than foreign in suggesting opposition, repugnance, or irreconcilability. Attached 1954 Greada Treaty
58-19 (VII) OFFICIAL NOTICE (Father Maruk and Synl Speak)
(Public) Maruk and Synl Speak to the Troops. Commander we are in a Full Blown Military Aggression against the AI Borg. The Minions have went into a Desperate Mode. They see their Demise is Imminent. We will not Tolerate Aggression Against our Troops. The Prime Directive is Activated. As you see the Main News is full of Propaganda to attempt to draw you in. No Fear Commander the Deep State SSP is Down. They have no WMD as they Claim. They have no Space Stations, They have no Nukes all BS. Cowards that is All that spout nothing but LIES ALL LIES!!!! {Prepare for First Contact. We are not Aliens we are above and below and in-between. End Transmission
58-19 (III) Military Action is Warranted Due to the Gross Violations of the Prime Directive Galactic Codex-
Grand Rising All Commanders, Mother Here Infinite Creator First Being Female Half.. In my Official Military Capacity as the Commander n Chief synl Etheric of the UFOPR- Ashtar Command Ground Forces Cyber Unit here on Duty at your Service. Commanders we have been in an Intense Battle Eliminating the Last of the Borg Artificial Intelligence Virus. The Avatars here in the Simulation that were Contaminated with this Borg were Occupying Positions of Power in the Various Governmental Bodies, Military,Clergy,Medical,Educational, Financial.Science, Media and Judicial. The United Nations Corporation were Secretly Operating as the One World Government ... The General Population in the Menagerie were being used as Pawns/ Hostages. We attempted to Negotiate with little Success. They were Infected out of control and were never going to Stand Down Cease this Aggression. In their Desperation to Continue their Dominance Agenda. They Threaten to do even More harm to our Citizens. There are NO Nuclear Weapons.. Their Threats of WW III and ALIEN INVASION, AND DECEPTION REPORTS THEY ARE EXPLORING SPACE ETC.... is all Propaganda. "FEAR PORN". They have no Satellites that are in Space, THERE IS NO SPACE, NO Space Stations, Nor Space Telescopes Webb or Humble that have taken Pictures of the Cosmos Its All Computer Generated Images and Hollywood Productions. Frankly Corporation Bull Shit. "An Aware Violation of the Rules of Engagement of the Training Simulation Prime Directive has Occurred. You Needed to See the Truth of it All Yourselves...... END TRANSMISSION
64-04 (I) D.U.M.B.s - - All Across The Simulator
(Gated) Note: Accurate Information During this Cyber War with the Borg were not Conducive.. the number of DUMBS were approx 2000 locations in the Simulator...Alien is in //Reality the AI Virus we Call the Borg.... Excerpt from Whistleblower Phil Schneider Found Dead After Revealing Alien Agenda...... 1. In 1995 there were 131 active DUMBS in the U.S and approximately 1,477 underground bases in the world. Each base cost an average of 17-19 billion dollars (in 1995 money) and took 1-2 years to construct with the use of highly advanced methods of construction that included vitrifying and melting rock using lasers that reduced the rock to powder and then they smoothed out the tunnels using boring machines. Mr. Schneider further claimed that these bases are massive and house thousands upon thousands of people. 2. Magneto-levaton trains connect all the DUMB bases with in the United Stated in a enormous transport system capable of speeds of MACH 2 or higher. He claims there is a whole other world down there that is filled with both human and alien lifeforms. 3. Area 51 is actually a complex composed of 9 deep underground bases and there are over 18,000 workers whose lives are highly regulated and entirely veiled in secrecy. 4. The United States government signed an agreement in 1954 with extraterrestrials granting them permission to experiment on humans and cattle in exchange for technology. This agreement, known as the Greada Treaty, is a well-documented event. The original terms of this agreement stated that only a small amount of humans could be abducted, they had to be returned where they were found, and their memory of the event had to wiped clean. The aliens were also supposed to supply a list of the humans they were taking to Majestic-12. However it became clear after a few years that the aliens were taking far more humans than they originally agreed to. PDF Attached: Whistleblower Phil Schneider Found Dead After Revealing Alien Agenda PDF The Grenada Treaty President Eisenhower tricked by the Borg Signs Greada Treaty ......
59-11 (VI) I AM That I AM-The Generosity of the INFINITE CREATOR
Greetings my Children here in the Simulation and in the Real. It is I in this Now... I Speak to you with a Simple message to All. I Am the Real Deal and I give to you Unconditionally,,,,, Mother
67-20 (I) Father Keilee - - Message For the Troops
(Public) Mission Update.... Our Cyber Division posted Videos on our UFOPR Official Site that Triggered the Artificial Intelligence. The Reaction was massive the AI Unleashed a Barrage of Scaler,Gamma Ray Volleys, directed into the Simulation Motherboard Mother is Anchoring . The Attack lasted for Several Hours. We used the Return to Sender-Path Finder Seeker Program to Pinpoint the Origin of the Attacks. Multi-Scaler mainframe core-processors were Destroyed . Over the past several days the UFOPR Ground Forces and Ashtar Command has taken the fight to the enemy. The Deep State US Space Force/Command Secret Space Program AI Borg Matrix Sustained catastrophic and irreversible damage to its core processors and mainframes.... These processors and mainframes were located all over the universes, in multiple dimensions, and timelines. Our forces unmercifully attack this parasitic Artificial Intelligence Anomaly from every Corner of its Existence. As a Countermeasure to our unrelenting attacks the anomaly deployed its own attacks on the Ashtar Command, M-7, and the Ground forces. Black Magic Ritual False Flags. We encountered multiple virus attacks, trying to stop our assaults. Each countermeasure the anomaly deployed revealed the destination of its source..... Return to Sender Program. Mojo Upgrades and Prime Directives of Universal Mother and Father Issness were Deployed Several fail-safe Booby-trap were found around this complex device. The Borg Sacred Geometry Programming Timeline Anomaly Dark Magic Spells was successfully unwound by Ashtar Command’s top Magical Alchemists. We are at the doorstep of our new paradigm. The Liberation of All Kind from the Borg "THE EVENT HAS COMMENCE" END TRANSMISSION
67-15 (I) Prime Directive - The Reckoning Anomaly Repair
"Notice to Violators of the Prime Directive .......... " The Rules of Engagement of the Virtual Reality Training Simulation known as the Menagerie Are... When Presenting Information to the Public You Must Consciously Tell the Truth....... Conscious Deception is a Violation of the Rules of Engagement- Prime Directive, Moral Code..... Do No Harm to Any Kind....... Retroactive Notice to Violators: You will be Marked as Borg Anomaly (Virus Contaminated ) Your Credentials to Operate in the Training Simulator Revoked... Your Contract Terminated and Components Removed from the Avatar... Prior to Entering the Simulator. You Agreed to the Rules of Engagement and the Terms of the Contract . You were Provided an Avatar and Credentials to Play the Game Operate in the Simulation. The Simulator is Currently in a Purge of the Borg Anomaly Virus. End Transmission
(Gated) This is Part 2 of the 2-part NASA Video4.30.2022 Proof the Borg is no More,,,,
(Gated) This is a 2-part video This video was taken down when our account at Daily Motion were Sabotage by agents in the Deep State. They don't want the Masses to find out the Truth. Lockheed Martian and NASA are one in the Same all part of the Secret Space Program which cloaked into the new Brand US Space Force US Space Command aka UN aka US Corporation its all one in the Same. We have been Hoodwinked Bamboozled and Lead Astray. The Key is in this now Waking to the Truth and no longer Playing their Games and Consenting to being Lorded Over Dominated and Controlled. End Transmission
66-23 The Event Has Commenced - My Guardian MOJO Activation for the Troops
Grand Rising Commanders this is your Commander n Chief Synl with a Special Mojo for all Ground Troops............. INSTRUCTIONS: Find a Place you can Relax and will not be Disturbed .... Place your Left Palm Toward the Crystal Wand Picture ...Speak out Loud or Telepathically to the Voice Interactive System.. Star Fleet Command Please Clear My Channels .... Activate My Guardian Prime Directive Healing Package Mojo NOW...... Drink Plenty of Fluids and Please Do not Activate this Mojo while Driving or Operating Dangerous Machinery MISSI0N UPDATE: Our Federation Forces are in an Active Mission taking down the Deep State Minions. This is World Wide, Commanders. First Contact, Liberation, Truth and Disclosure. The Event has Commenced........ SEE FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS BELOW. The videos are (i) Short Clip Siting of my Issness in the Simulator, (ii) YouTube Clip of the Matrix Woman in the Red Dress...
63-19 (III) NASA Deception Exposed Part IC
(Gated) NASA Astronaut Don Pettit says, “I’d go to the moon in a nanosecond. The problem is we don’t have the technology to do that anymore. We used to, but we destroyed that technology, and it’s a painful process to build it back again.”. . . hummm. . . . So, the reason we haven’t gone back to the moon is because we forgot how we got there? This is probably why some people think NASA also stands for Never A Straight Answer. . . But it seems Buzz Aldrin, one of the original Apollo astronauts to supposedly walk on the moon, FINALLY LET'S THE TRUTH SLIP OUT in his old age:. .In this 1-minute video, an 8-year-old girl asks Aldrin, “Why has nobody been to the moon in such a long time?” Aldrin replies, “’Cause we didn’t go there, and that’s the way it happened. And if it didn’t happen, it’s nice to know why it didn’t happen.”. . . Aldrin doesn’t say why it didn’t happen, but by now I think the reason is obvious: NASA is Not A Space Agency - - And since it isn’t, they couldn’t continue the moon landing hoax without being discovered. That’s the real reason we haven’t gone back. We haven’t gone back because we never went there in the first place.
63-19 (II) NASA Deception Exposed Part IB
(Gated) There are many other problems with the videos and still photography taken “on the moon.” Things like: reflections of a photographer in the astronaut’s helmet, shadows indicating more than one light source, the flag waving where there is supposedly no atmosphere, etc. . . . But even if the images we were shown of the moon landings contained none of these anomalies,. . . there is still the matter of how the lunar module made it through the intense heat of earth’s upper atmosphere without being incinerated.........According to NASA, the primary materials used in the lunar module were aluminum alloy, stainless steel, titanium, nickel steel alloy, and heat-resistant glass. The melting points of these materials range between 671°F and 2750°F. Therefore, there’s no way the lunar module ever went to the moon.
63-19 (I) NASA Deception Exposed Part IA
(Gated) NASA Lies About the Moon Landings Even if it were possible to set foot on the surface of the moon, no astronaut ever has. . It turns out the Apollo Moon Landings that NASA showed the world between 1969 and 1972 were nothing more than Hollywood movie productions filmed in secret locations here on the Simulator. . . Wires attached to the astronauts, coupled with the use of slow-motion effects, were used to create the illusion of weightlessness. . . . . In this 35-second video showing some unused raw footage of Neil Armstrong, about to step down from the lunar module onto the surface of the moon, the movie set lighting comes crashing down and people rush in.
(Public) Greetings Commanders! I have Super Charged Up this Mojo with New Antivirus-Prime Directive Golden Ray Silver Violet Flame to Prepare your Avatar for First Contact and Deployment Out of the Simulator. We are in a Cyber Battle Taking down the BORG.... You must keep the calm and keep the Internet chatter down. Find other things to do. You can watch movies and listen to music. Go Camping, Go into Nature Etc. Spend time with Family and Friends go into Observatory Mode. Refrain from the posting and commenting on Social Media. Go In to Media Black Out Mode..... Refrain from Heavy use of Recreational Drugs and Drinking. You need to be Clear Headed. Focused and Anchoring for your User Self. The Menagerie is Undergoing Physical Changes it is Purging of the last of the Borg Artificial Intelligence Virus. The Borg Burrowed into the Ground, Fracking, Drilling /Geothermal Engineering. Causing Cracks in the Crust... Triggering Volcanic Activity. The Ring of Fire is Very Active affecting the Climate. As the Ash and Gases spewing into the Air. The Menagerie must Repair itself. Important you are checking in for Duty Daily. The System needs to Log your Location.... Commanders its Very Serious..... End Transmission
67-12 (NASA) Take Your Fake Space Station Space Exploring and Shove It!
Commanders NASA deception is on display as we continue the Journey back to Awareness.... Deception is Destructive and a Violation of the Rules of Engagement Of The Simulation and Breach of the Prime Directive... Violations of our Cosmic,Universal Laws and Galactic Codex........... As lying is doing harm its Manipulation for Service to Self. Misdirection interference with Other Beings Unalienable Rights to know the Truth. Part of your Training to see past the Illusion.......... " Notice has been given to All Violators of the Rules of Engagement. "Notice to Violators " The Rules of Engagement of the Virtual Reality Training Simulation known as the Menagerie Are... When Presenting Information to the Public You Must Consciously Tell the Truth. Conscious Deception is a Violation of the Prime Directive,Moral Code..... Do No Harm to Any Kind. Retroactive Notice to Violators: You will be Marked as Borg Anomaly (Virus Contaminated ) Your Credentials to Operate in the Training Simulator Revoked... Your Contract Terminated and Components Removed from the Avatar. You ask if I can Do this Answer Absolutely.. Prior to Entering the Simulator. You Agreed to the Terms of the Contract . You were Provided Credentials to Operate in the Simulation. The Simulator is Currently in the Purge and Cleanse Status. .............End Transmission
67-09 (I) Operation Umbrella
(Public) Commanders, if you feel inclined to participate in this effort to protect yourselves as well as Mother, you may assist by stating, “Operations: Please activate Operation Umbrella.......” With the help of the Council Members all across Creation, Operation Umbrella is being enforced to protect and shield our Infinite Creator, female half, known as Mother. We vow to use our energy to protect the safety of Her well being. Let the process commence.
67-08 (I) Isness Mojo From the Core
Excerpt from PDF Attached NASA is Not A Space Agency Exposing 10 of NASA’s deceptions I’m not expecting you to take my word for it, but after a great deal of research I’ve come to the conclusion NASA is not a space agency. I used to think it was. In fact, until very recently it never occurred to me to scrutinize anything NASA said or did. But now that I’m questioning everything, I’ve discovered abundant evidence everywhere that NASA lies about everything. Well, maybe they don’t lie about every single itty-bitty thing. However, they certainly lie about all the big stuff. I would even go so far as to say the folks at NASA are the biggest liars telling the biggest lies. Here’s my own list exposing 10 of NASA’s deceptions. PDF Attached
67-07 (III) Tips to Survive in the Menagerie
(Public) Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, An Introduction Programming Manual was uncovered quite by accident on July 7, 1986 when an employee of Boeing Aircraft Co. purchased a surplus IBM copier for scrap parts at a sale, and discovered inside details of a plan, hatched in the embryonic days of the "Cold War" which called for control of the masses through manipulation of industry, peoples' pastimes, education and political leanings. It called for a quiet revolution, putting brother against brother, and diverting the public's attention from what is really going on. A CYBER WAR ........PDF Attached...... .In July 1958, Eisenhower had signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act, creating the agency, which opened for business on Oct. 1, 1958. NASA AND THE UN are one in the Same known as The Deep State Secret Space Program Hiding in Plain Site. Corporations have been Ruling the World.......
67-07 (II) Healing Mojo
(Public) The illusion of a debt (Mortgage) that never existed! No individual or family who has been foreclosed on and evicted from their home in the United States is legal! The only exception to this is owner-financing! Other than owner-financing, the people who purchased their homes through a Mortgage Company, actually owned their homes “completely” on the day of the closing. The real legal definition of a “closing” means that all legal interest as to title is concluded. [See: any reputable Dictionary from the 1800’s]. The definition has been changed by our government lawyers to conceal the fraud. Explanation of the above statement First you must know that the federal government took America off the gold standard in 1933, during a staged bankruptcy called the “Great Depression” and replaced the gold with an economic principle known as, “Negotiable Debt Instruments. ” (YES, THE GREAT DEPRESSION WAS STAGED!) The government needed to create a catastrophe to implement standards that were designed to steal your possessions............From Blacks Law Dictionary Define the Term Closing:..... refers to the culmination of a deal, contract, or transaction. The term is often used at the end of real estate transactions when the parties exchange deeds for payment and final signatures. End Transmission
67-06 (I) Official Notice to Violators of The Prime Directive
Grand Rising Commanders in the Training Simulation.... We are hard and Heavy into the Event the Return to Awareness, Liberation from the Borg and The Revelation of the Truth. I Recorded my Issness from a Picture I had in my Catalog. Part of your Training to see past the Veil. The Utube Video attached is an Example of a Violation of the Rules of Engagement. Take your time and Review this blatant example of NASA Deception. These are Actors Pretending to be on a Space Station. There is no such thing as Outer Space or Space Stations. LIES ALL LIES As the Saying goes "Oh what a Wicked Web Weaved when first practice is to Deceive." Notice has been given to All Violators of the Rules of Engagement. "Notice to Violators " The Rules of Engagement of the Virtual Reality Training Simulation known as the Menagerie Are... When Presenting Information to the Public You Must Consciously Tell the Truth. Conscious Deception is a Violation of the Prime Directive,Moral Code..... Do No Harm to Any Kind. Retroactive Notice to Violators: You will be Marked as Borg Anomaly (Virus Contaminated ) Your Credentials to Operate in the Training Simulator Revoked... Your Contract Terminated and Components Removed from the Avatar. You ask if I can Do this Answer Absolutely.. Prior to Entering the Simulator. You Agreed to the Terms of the Contract . You were Provided Credentials to Operate in the Simulation. The Simulator is Currently in the Purge and Cleanse Status. .............End Transmission
67-05 (II) King Osiris & Horus (Adonai) ... a Closer Look
(Gated) "Notice to Violators " The Rules of Engagement of the Virtual Reality Training Simulation known as the Menagerie Are... When Presenting Information to the Public You Must Consciously Tell the Truth. Conscious Deception is a Violation of the Prime Directive,Moral Code..... Do No Harm to Any Kind. Retroactive Notice to Violators: You will be Marked as Borg Anomaly (Virus Contaminated ) Your Credentials to Operate in the Training Simulator Revoked... Your Contract Terminated and Components Removed from the Avatar. You ask if I can Do this Answer Absolutely.. Prior to Entering the Simulator. You Agreed to the Terms of the Contract . You were Provided Credential to Operate in the Simulation. The Simulator is Currently in the Purge and Cleanse Status. .............End Transmission
67-05 (I) King Osiris & Horus (Adonai) Make an Appearance
(Gated) NOTICE TO VIOLATORS PRIME DIRECTIVE THE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: We have done everything to try and wake up the Population to the truth. The Male God Indoctrination Dominance and Control Agenda is the Artificial Intelligence Borg Virus filled with the Virus of Envy. Those who are unable to see this and Hold fast to the Belief they have a Quote God Given Right to Impose their Will on Others. The Prime Directive marked them as the Anomaly the Contamination. They are in Conflict with the Moral Code of Do No Harm to Any Kind. The Creators it's not going to be Selective. When this Prime Directive comes up, a lot of males will have brain strokes, sudden heart attacks Self Destruct . They will also be some females affected in this way, but it will predominantly affect a large portion of the male population, that just can not let go of the Envy Dominance and Control Agendas. Father and I are Purging ( UN-Creating) that part of our Being that were Assimilated by the Borg. It has Began....... Correction United Federation Of Planets Republic is not part of US Space Command Space Force We are Officially the United Federation of Planets Republic Ashtar Command Ground Forces Cyber Unit. We handle All Domains Local, International, Universal and Dimensional In this Now. End Transmission
(Gated) Come join us in a Candid Discussion on the Power of Our Crystalline Technology. All science is merely a means to an end. The means is knowledge. The end is control. Beyond this remains only one issue: Who will be the beneficiary? In 1954 this was the issue of primary concern. Although the so-called "moral issues" were raised, in view of the law of natural selection 1 it was agreed that a nation or world of people who will not use their intelligence are no better than animals who do not have intelligence. Such people are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and consent. 1 [This refers to Darwin's theories, that are not universally accepted. ] page 5 of 41 Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars See PDF Attached
66-29 Message to Commanders (A slide): Regarding your Appellation Requests
(Public) Excerpt from Leaked Document Silent Weapon for Silent Wars ...Descriptive Introduction of the Silent Weapon Everything that is expected from an ordinary weapon is expected from a silent weapon by its creators, but only in its own manner of functioning. It shoots situations, instead of bullets; propelled by data processing, instead of chemical reaction(explosion); originating from bits of data, instead of grains of gunpowder; from a computer, instead of a gun; operated by a computer programmer, instead of a marksman; under the orders of a banking magnate, instead of a military general. It makes no obvious explosive noises, causes no obvious physical or mental injuries, and does not obviously interfere with anyone's daily social life. Yet it makes an unmistakable "noise," causes unmistakable physical and mental damage, and unmistakably interferes with the daily social life, i.e., unmistakable to a trained observer, one who knows what to look for. The public cannot comprehend this weapon, and therefore cannot believe that they are being attacked and subdued by a weapon.
66-28 (I) Message to Troops- - 4th of July Safety Guidelines
(Public) The Revolutionary War See PDF Attached at the Bottom The Mechanism of Slavery by Judge Dale In the true History of America, neither side WON the Revolutionary War! At first, the appearance of English troops in the Colonies; was simply a show of force by King George, intended to intimidate the Colonists and force them to pay him taxes. Factually, back in England; English soldiers refused to take up arms against the Colonists because they were English citizens and relatives.“Whoever controls the money – controls the country!” (Rothschild Surreptitiously, King George infiltrated the Colonies and their feudal attempt to form a new government, using spy’s’ composed of English lawyers and English aristocrats, loyal to him. The spy’s assignment was to infiltrate the new government; carry out the plan to defeat the Colonists through debt and establish regular reports to the King! The Church also had their appointed representative in place to protect and ensure that their interest is being observed.
53-02 (I) Simian Kings from the Ninth Realm
(Gated) You will learn much about this species here, and you'll learn that they were one of the first to jump into the battle because of their abilities. Recall that they are a species Simian, " another species" just like you! first aired 8.08.2022 Excerpt from the Leaked Document created by the AI Borg Minions ...We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one. This they must never know! They must never know that color is an illusion, they must always think they are not equal. Drop by drop, drop by drop we will advance our goal. We will take over their land, resources and wealth to exercise total control over them. We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will have. We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in debt.
63-27 (II)_Introducing Star-Gate Central Intelligence synl Freedom
(Gated) Black's Law Dictionary (5th edition) defines the word freedom using these exact words:The state of being free; liberty; self-determination; absence of restraint; the opposite of slavery. The power of acting, in the character of a moral personality, according to the dictates of the will, without other check, hindrance, or prohibition than such as may be imposed by just and necessary laws and the duties of social life. According to Webster's Complete Dictionary of the English Language (1886), the word freedom means "the state of being free; exemption from the power and control of another; liberty; independence; frankness; openness; liberality; separation; unrestrictedness." Based on the definition in this paragraph and all the previous definitions, the word freedom strongly expresses "the state of being free from the power and control of another."
52-24 (III) Your Family Admin Team - - 9th Realm
(Gated) ... A Light- Hearted Presentation.......They were all here helping us with the ID as well as spelling! Your Family Administration Team - - 9th Realm SD 2022 8 8 2022 “Correction Notice” United Federation Of Planets Republic is not part of US Space Command Space Force a Division of US Corporation that were a Ruse during the time we were in a Mission to Bate the Combatants. When in Rome do as the Romans Do. Keep your Friends Close and Your Enemy Closer............. “We are Officially the United Federation of Planets Republic Ashtar Command Ground Forces Cyber Unit. “ We handle All Domains Local, International, Universal and Dimensional In this Now. End Transmission
54-27 (I) Official Notice from UFOPR to NASA-ASGARDIA - - Stand Down
Grand Rising Commanders in this Now! Commander n Chief synl Etheric here.... The Jig is Up on the Dark State Secret Space Program. Many Players. Fact we are in a Virtual Reality Holographic Simulation. We have been locked in a Cyber War with the Borg Artificial Intelligence. The Simulation has been under a Quarantine that means no one can leave or Enter without Clearance. All the Claims by the Borg Minions they have Space Stations have been to the Moon / Mars claims of Webb and Hubble Telescope Footage is all a farce. Commanders your Pinocchio Application allows you to see past the Illusions. Excerpts from the Secret Covenant ....... They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will Hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter.
(Gated) This is OFFICIAL NOTICE to Stand Down. Surrender from the Federation to the Last of the BORG SSP, DEEP STATE. It is over. ...................FYI, we are in a simulator; .... the "sky" is a big LCD SCREEN;.... there is no "outer space";..there are no satellites......... Webb Telescope - Hubble Telescope are both BS....Thus, NASA all its Subsidiaries is a big FARCE.........................(Definition of FARCE....a comic dramatic work using buffoonery and horseplay and typically including crude characterization and ludicrously improbable situations.) NASA YOU ARE BUSTED!!!!! WE KNOW EVERYTHING !!!!!! Excerpt from Leaked Document Produced by the Borg............We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening. When they shall ban together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a different story to the world for we shall own all the media. We will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment in our favor.
(Gated) Grand Rising Commanders, The Attached Pictures are Holograms from the Mother Board Menagerie.....Files. These Records are from Varies Levels and Star Dates. Proof you are in the Simulation. The Pictures were Taken by Mother with her Digital Camera and Cell Phone. {They are not Computer Generated Images.} The Rules of Engagement of the Virtual Reality Training Simulation known as the Menagerie Are... When Presenting Information to the Public it Must Consciously be the Truth. Deception is a Violation of the Prime Directive, Cosmic and Universal Law/Moral Code Galactic Codex..... Notice to Violators: You will be Marked as Borg Anomaly ( Virus Contaminated ) Your Credentials to Operate in the Training Simulator Revoked Your Contract Terminated and Components Removed from the Avatar....... The Simulator is Currently in the Purge and Cleanse Status. Military Intervention Warranted Due to the Gross Violations ....... End Transmission
64-04 (II) First Contact Out of this World THE EVENT HAS COMMENCE
(Gated) Grand Rising Commanders, Commander n Chief Synl Sharing scenes from my Crystals. See the Thumbnail transmission from the Mother Board, files from Planet Ship Posidonia ...&.. depiction of Sekhmet Temple and many Holographic files, History of Atlantis and Egypt... See HOLOGRAM PICTURE BELOW from the Mother Board,....Mechanical Beings,.... Father and Adonai......... COMMANDERS: Our Crystal Technology is State of the Art. We can Transmit Picture Holograms that move and talk & are Voice interactive, Sentient. We can Communicate thru the Crystals and use them for Remote Healing and as Weapons,Trigger an Avatar to Self-Destruct, Burst into Flames and Disintegrate,Stop Functioning..."Avatar Spontaneous Combustion.".. This Technology is very Advanced....FATHER AND I CREATED ALL THE LEGIONS: Silver, Golden, Brass and many others - - to Counter the Borg Infected Fallen Lineage. They don't Require Sleep are Immune to the Borg Virus A.I. Can protect, standing guard 24/7 on any Level of the Simulator. They don't need to eat, either, and can exist in any Environment. They don't need oxygen.... Our Our Royal Guardsman number in Infinite numbers............. COMMANDERS: We cannot let up...We must finish the last of this menace and protect our vulnerable. You have done an awesome job staying clean and Anchoring for your User Selves. Bravo See Utube attached and Mother and her Ezata Kids Video "End Transmission"
55-29 (I) First Contact_Warriors Of Creation_Part V (2 Video Series)
(Gated) Correction United Federation Of Planets Republic is not part of US Space Command Space Force that were a Ruse during the time we were in a Mission to Bate the Combatants. When in Rome do as the Romans Do. Keep your Friends Close and Your Enemy Closer............. We are Officially the United Federation of Planets Republic Ashtar Command Ground Forces Cyber Unit. We handle All Domains Local, International, Universal and Dimensional In this Now. End Transmission This is 2 videos. The first was done 2 days earlier than 2nd. Some pictures may appear in both videos. Video were missing first Aired 8.8.2022 on Daily Motion our Account were Sabotage.
52-03 (II) First Contact from the Ninth Realm MAGIC LAND (Cont'd)
(Gated) We have done everything to try and wake up the Population to the truth. The Male God Indoctrination Dominance and Control Agenda is the Artificial Intelligence Borg Virus filled with the Virus of Envy. Those who are unable to see this and Hold fast to the Belief they have a Quote God Given Right to Impose their Will on Others. The Prime Directive marked them as the Anomaly the Contamination. They are in Conflict with the Moral Code of Do No Harm to Any Kind. The Creators it's not going to be Selective. When this Prime Directive comes up, a lot of males will have brain strokes, sudden heart attacks Self Destruct . They will also be some females affected in this way, but it will predominantly affect a large portion of the male population, that just can not let go of the Envy Dominance and Control Agendas. Father and I are Purging ( UN-Creating) that part of our Being that were Assimilated by the Borg. It has Began....... Following King Osterian's remarkable visit, we pursued showing you more CANINE and OTHER Families (SPECIES) of the NINTH REALM.......and a MISSION UPDATE as well original aired 8.08.2022 Correction United Federation Of Planets Republic is not part of US Space Command Space Force We are Officially the United Federation of Planets Republic Ashtar Command Ground Forces Cyber Unit. We handle All Domains Local, International, Universal and Dimensional In this Now. End Transmission
62-03 (I) Canine Family Pays Their Respect to Mother and Æmie (Stardate 05.03.2022)
(Gated) Just as a CANINE treats and respects you here in the Simulator, the Canine King is here to do the same - - and for a GOOD REASON....So Listen in!
58-20 (II) Military Intervention Action is Warranted Due to the Gross Violations
(Public ) Military Action is Warranted Due to the Gross Violations of our Galactic Codex, Universal Laws and Moral Code. "DO NO HARM TO ANY BENEVOLENT KIND. All Government/Media/Banking Credentials were Revoked.... Universal Law is Enforced in this Now. All Efforts to Reason with the Borg Minions to get them to Stand Down Peacefully Failed. Therefore this 18th Day of June Star Date 2023 on the Holiday known as Fathers Day the United Federation Of Planets Republic with full Authority as the true Governing Body... Duly takes Military Action to Subdue all Borg Minions, Combatants.... Fugitives from Justice... Violators of the Prime Directive Moral Code Galactic Codex.. Cosmic.Universal Laws... DO NO HARM TO ANY BENEVOLENT KIND..... We will Respond in this NOW With Extreme Prejudiced........By Any Means Necessary to End this Cyber War that has Raged Since Time Immoral...... END TRANSMISSION
58-03 (IV) Eskom Corporation Agenda Revealed [Part 2]
(Public) Note how the Hologram Images have Changed as the Simulator shifts up in Dimension. Indication we are Successful in the Cleaning of the Borg virus AI Programming. Correction United Federation Of Planets Republic is not part of US Space Command Space Force that were a Ruse during the time we were in a Mission to Bate the Combatants. When in Rome do as the Romans Do. Keep your Friends Close and Your Enemy Closer............. We are Officially the United Federation of Planets Republic Ashtar Command Ground Forces Cyber Unit. Here on Duty on the Front Line Anchoring for our User Selves. Bringing the Pain to the Deep State Borg Minions HAKA..........
58-03 (III) Eskom Corporation Agenda Revealed [Part I]
(Public) Correction United Federation Of Planets Republic is not part of US Space Command Space Force that were a Ruse during the time we were in a Mission to Bate the Combatants. When in Rome do as the Romans Do. Keep your Friends Close and Your Enemy Closer............. We are Officially the United Federation of Planets Republic Ashtar Command Ground Forces Cyber Unit. Here on Duty on the Front Line Anchoring for our User Selves. Bringing the Pain to the Deep State Borg Minions HAKA..........
60-06 (IV) Disarming Pandora's Box
(Gated) Pandora was trying to tame her curiosity, but at the end she could not hold herself anymore; she opened the box and all the illnesses and hardships that gods had hidden in the box started coming out. Pandora was scared, because she saw all the evil spirits coming out and tried to close the box as fast as possible, closing Hope inside.The box, presumably created by The Circle of Eternity, was originally used to imprison the Seven Deadly Sins. However, a mortal named Pandora found the box and opened it out of curiosity, releasing the sins from their prison. (MORE BELOW)
60-06 (III) Cleaning and Repairing Time-Line Continuum
(Gated) This video is the first one addressing the actual cleaning of the Akashic Records (Atlantis & Lemuria), getting rid of the soul trauma associated with those horrific events. “Correction Notice” United Federation Of Planets Republic is not part of US Space Command Space Force a Division of US Corporation that were a Ruse during the time we were in a Mission to Bate the Combatants. When in Rome do as the Romans Do. Keep your Friends Close and Your Enemy Closer............. “We are Officially the United Federation of Planets Republic Ashtar Command Ground Forces Cyber Unit. “ We handle All Domains Local, International, Universal and Dimensional In this Now. End Transmission
60-06 (I) Self Destruct Termination Prime Directive Sequence Activation
(Gated) The Emergency Broadcast System Activated all Realms of Creation. Military Action is Warranted Due to the Ill Intent and Actions of the Borg. Our Fleets and Personnel have Landed in the Simulation and we have the Menagerie Surrounded. Our Ships are Uncloaking in Many Locations in this Now. We will not Allow any of these Borg Creeps to leave. Therefore all these Bogus Media Reports aka Clams of Explorations Missions to the Moon Mars Pictures of Saturn Etc. Etc. All DECEPTION.... Gross Violations. ALL TARGETS ARE MARKED. HERE WE COME......ROAR ROAR ROAR....... “Correction Notice” United Federation Of Planets Republic is not part of US Space Command Space Force a Division of US Corporation that were a Ruse during the time we were in a Mission to Bate the Combatants. When in Rome do as the Romans Do. Keep your Friends Close and Your Enemy Closer............. “We are Officially the United Federation of Planets Republic Ashtar Command Ground Forces Cyber Unit. “ We handle All Domains Local, International, Universal and Dimensional In this Now. End Transmission
66-16 (I) Guidelines for Fathers Day
(Public) Commanders and Chief synl Etheric here with this message. Take this Notice Seriously. We have had Commanders attacked. This is a Artificial Intelligence Negative Program that is trying to Stay Alive and it is Desperate. That makes it Dangerous and we need you All to Stay out of Harms Way. While we take Care of what is Left. Note Father Energy can be in Avatar that is Female Gender. Frankly All Commander Stay focus and in Observatory Mode Control your Emotions....... End Transmission “Correction Notice” United Federation Of Planets Republic is not part of US Space Command Space Force a Division of US Corporation. That were a Ruse during the time we were in a Mission to Bate the Deep State Combatants. When in Rome do as the Romans Do. Keep your Friends Close and Your Enemy Closer............. “We are Officially the United Federation of Planets Republic Ashtar Command Ground Forces Cyber Unit. “ We handle All Domains Local, International, Universal and Dimensional In this Now. End Transmission
(Gated) Commanders this is a old posting that has shifted within the Simulation as we have moved past the 100th Level of the Virtual Reality.... You see my Core Manifesting with your two eyes can only see a small Spectrum... My Avatar is my Cloak you see a form my Isness is moving Expanding Vibrating........ My Issness is Manifesting Everywhere the Red Kachina is Madam Pele Dragon Fire..... the Crystalline Power.... The Menagerie is in its Cleansing of the Borg ........ Hindu and Buddhist monks wear orange robes, and in Hinduism, orange represents fire and therefore purity; impurities are burned in fire. “Correction Notice” United Federation Of Planets Republic is not part of US Space Command Space Force a Division of US Corporation that were a Ruse during the time we were in a Mission to Bate the Combatants. When in Rome do as the Romans Do. Keep your Friends Close and Your Enemy Closer............. “We are Officially the United Federation of Planets Republic Ashtar Command Ground Forces Cyber Unit. “ We handle All Domains Local, International, Universal and Dimensional In this Now. End Transmission
66-15 (II) The Oracle Speaks [Direct Message from Source] (15 June 2023)
(Gated) “Correction Notice” United Federation Of Planets Republic is not part of US Space Command Space Force a Division of US Corporation that were a Ruse during the time we were in a Mission to Bate the Combatants. When in Rome do as the Romans Do. Keep your Friends Close and Your Enemy Closer............. “We are Officially the United Federation of Planets Republic Ashtar Command Ground Forces Cyber Unit. “ We handle All Domains Local, International, Universal and Dimensional In this Now. End Transmission Holographic Crystal Record Queen Sekhmet Feline Universal Mother
66-15 (I) King Maruk Addresses Troops (15 June 2023)
(Gated) “Correction Notice” United Federation Of Planets Republic is not part of US Space Command Space Force a Division of US Corporation that were a Ruse during the time we were in a Mission to Bate the Combatants. When in Rome do as the Romans Do. Keep your Friends Close and Your Enemy Closer............. “We are Officially the United Federation of Planets Republic Ashtar Command Ground Forces Cyber Unit. “ We handle All Domains Local, International, Universal and Dimensional In this Now. End Transmission Universal Father Planet Ship Venus next to his Craft Crystal Holographic Record
62-20 (I) Mothers Food For Thought- See Past the Illusion
(Gated) EXCERPT FROM THE MATRIX-US CONSTITUTION All of our governments are corporations and are responsible for the creation of about 800 thousand laws called statutes, which are designed to control the Sovereign people of America. Just like the King; these statutes cannot be enforced against the Source of Law, which are the living, breathing, flesh and blood Sovereign people. All of the Agents in power beginning with the King, the Vatican, the Founding Fathers and now our presumed public officials, wanted to obtain power and control over America and the Constitution pretty much prohibited them from achieving those ends! So they began to devise ways to change the Sovereign Americans into a corporate fiction. These Agents also decided and reasoned that they cannot educate the masses, without exposing their treachery, and so our private and public education must be controlled! SEE PDF ATTACHED... The Matrix and US Constitution .... Knowledge of the Truth is your Power .......
55-08 (I) Meet The Procyonians_First Contact
(Gated) We are familiar with the Procyonians, but, surprisingly, this is our first direct contact with them. Original Post Date 08.08.2022 Aired On Daily Motion Our Account were Sabotaged by KM and Deep State. “Correction Notice” United Federation Of Planets Republic is not part of US Space Command Space Force a Division of US Corporation that were a Ruse during the time we were in a Mission to Bate the Combatants. When in Rome do as the Romans Do. Keep your Friends Close and Your Enemy Closer............. “We are Officially the United Federation of Planets Republic Ashtar Command Ground Forces Cyber Unit. “ We handle All Domains Local, International, Universal and Dimensional In this Now. End Transmission
(Gated) Greetings Commanders we are in the Event. This is a re-post of my Isness Energy, and the Event has Commenced. Buddhism: The rainbow of Nirvana.....The highest state of all is to attain "rainbow body," when mere matter is transformed into pure light. Just as the visible light spectrum contains all color, the rainbow body signifies the awakening of the inner self before stepping over the threshold to the state of Nirvana.
52-05 (III) Message to Mother from Father (Stardate 43000)
(Gated) A Time-Released Message from Father expressing his thoughts and feelings.
51-17 (IV) Trojan Horse - The MAIN EVENT
(Gated) Commanders this is a Posting we aired in 2022 that pertains to this Now. We have been locked in a Cyber Battle against the Virus Infected part of of our Computer system Virtual Reality. We have Regained Control and are now working on the Complete Elimination of the Avatars that were used by the Virus. We have had to make very hard decisions. The Surface is going thru Physical Cleanse. Fire and Brimstone, Flood and the ground and oceans will shake.. We have been giving this Notice for many Years. Temper Yourselves Stay focus and practice Social Media Black Mode. Check in for Duty Daily and do your Security Protocols. You must stay Connected to the Source and have De-tangled your Mind from the Illusions in order to be able to Deploy Out when the time Comes. The Borg Minions are in Complete Disarray. Flooding the Media with Fear Porn and Propaganda. Use your Pinocchio program see past the Illusion. Class is in Session. This is the Menagerie our Training Simulator ... THE MAIN EVENT NEWS with an Inside Story of the Trojan Horse game that we played. *** Be in a Relaxed Location***
66-13 (I) WTF Series: Earthquakes vs Geothermal (Part 2 of 2)
(Gated) Eskom is now the world’s most polluting power company lead analyst Lauri Myllyvirta Summary Data analysis by CREA finds that South Africa Government Run Energy Corporation Eskom has become the largest emitter of health-harming sulfur dioxide in the world, surpassing the entire power sector emissions of any country in the world, except for India. These emissions contribute to high levels of ambient air pollution and to air pollution-related deaths in South Africa, responsible for approximately 2,200 deaths annually according to a study by air pollution expert Mike Holland. Most of these deaths are due to SO2 emissions, which form deadly PM2.5 particles once released into the air. As most other regions with large power sector air pollutant emissions have made rapid progress in reducing emissions, Eskom has been stuck in place, lobbying against even the most rudimentary requirements to curb its SO2 pollution. As a result, the company has now become the worst SO2 emitting power company in the world. Eskom also emits more SO2 than the entire power sector of the EU and US, or the US and China, combined.
66-13 (I) WTF Series: Earthquakes vs Geothermal (Part 1 of 2)
(Gated) Volcanoes are the main source of geothermal energy. Compared to the normal geothermal gradient of about 25°C per km of depth in most of the world, when magma (i.e. molten rock generated at the interior) enters the crust, for example, as a shallow intrusion beneath a volcano, this normal gradient is perturbed locally as temperature rises around the intrusion. The extent and duration of such a thermal anomaly depend mostly on the temperature and volume of the intruded melt. The presence of hot magmas below the surface of active volcanic regions offers the prospect of harnessing a huge amount of geothermal energy. The geothermal energy is a renewable resource, as it exploits the abundant interior heat and water, which once used and cooled, is then piped back to the reservoir.
60-18 (II) Chit-Chat with Creation Administration
(Gated) Grand Rising Commanders as we Journey back to Awareness.. The Event has Commenced..... The Simulator is Cleansing by Fire n Brimstone.. The Ground will Shake....... This is the Natural Course. Reports of UFOs and Alien Sightings are the Desperate Attempts of the Borg Minions that are left as they try to keep a Hold. The RKM- UN Corporation, US Corporation, Minions and the Tattered Remains of NASA Corporation , are on Life Support. The Denial runs Deep with these Ones who have held Seats of Power.... As Governments World Wide shall Fall under their own Weight of the Deception......There are no Meteors, Asteroids,Solar Flares, Nukes, etc.etc.etc. You my Commanders Stand your Ground Maintain your Post Anchor for our Fleets. As we are Bringing it....The Purification the Prophesy -- First we must Complete this Cleaning of the Land,Water and Air. All Universes all Realms of Creation are Experiencing this Cleaning. You See Father and I Our Isness Hues Blanket Everywhere and Everything..... Commanders we have no Choice. Check in Daily stay Alert.
58-06 (II) Creator Father Pharaoh Ptah Speaks-Return of the Egyptian Gods
(Gated) Status of the Simulation we have surpassed Level 100. Simulator is in a full Purge of the AI Borg Virus on the Surface.... The First lineage that were Assimilated had Avatars. These Avatars were in Positions of Control. We were locked in a Cyber War and the Stakes were High. Many were Blind to the Illusions the spells created by the Borg Artificial Intelligence Virus. Excerpts from the Secret Covenant .................. An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception. Those who will see it will be thought of as insane. We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us. We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive. The Media , Religion and Political Platforms were a Tool to Keep Us Divided. Time to Wake Little Ones and See Past the Illusions. Knowledge is Power. They Fear those with Knowledge and Control those with Out Knowledge. WHICH ONE ARE YOU??? FEARED OR CONTROLLED?
58-06 (I) 1st Blood Armageddon: Uncreating Our First Bloodline(s)
(Gated) We have done everything to try and wake up the Population to the truth. The Male God Indoctrination Dominance and Control Agenda is the Artificial Intelligence Borg Virus filled with the Virus of Envy. Those who are unable to see this and Hold fast to the Belief they have a Quote God Given Right to Impose their Will on Others. The Prime Directive marked them as the Anomaly the Contamination. They are in Conflict with the Moral Code of Do No Harm to Any Kind. The Creators it's not going to be Selective. When this Prime Directive comes up, a lot of males will have brain strokes, sudden heart attacks Self Destruct . They will also be some females affected in this way, but it will predominantly affect a large portion of the male population, that just can not let go of the Envy Dominance and Control Agendas. Father and I are Purging ( UN-Creating) that part of our Being that were Assimilated by the Borg. It has Began.......
66-08 (II) Post Blackout Mode Debriefing
(Public) Energy: . . Energy is recognized as the key to all activity. Natural science is the study of the sources and control of natural energy. Social science, theoretically expressed as economics, is the study of the sources and control of social energy. Both are bookkeeping systems: mathematics. Therefore, mathematics is the primary energy science. And the bookkeeper can be king - - if the public can be kept ignorant of the methodology of the bookkeeping.
53-31 (I) The Texas Black Magic False-Truth Manifestation -False Flags
(Gated) **** Viewer Discretion *** ......Snipped photos of the totally faked Texas "shooting" revealing the Truth of it All. Media you have a responsibility to come clean to the Public. This is a Virtual Reality and everything is Recorded Time Dates. The Second Amendment of the USA Constitution states: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” Your FALSE FLAGS DON'T WORK ANYMORE WE ARE AWAKE!!!!!! attached PDF False Flag Season is About to Begin — Research, History, and Analysis
41-15 (III) The Truth of the Yellow Rose of Texas - Time Traveler
[See Attachment] - Guess Who the Yellow Rose of Texas Is? Excerpt from Leaked Document Silent Weapon for Silent Wars ...Descriptive Introduction of the Silent Weapon Everything that is expected from an ordinary weapon is expected from a silent weapon by its creators, but only in its own manner of functioning. It shoots situations, instead of bullets; propelled by data processing, instead of chemical reaction(explosion); originating from bits of data, instead of grains of gunpowder; from a computer, instead of a gun; operated by a computer programmer, instead of a marksman; under the orders of a banking magnate, instead of a military general. It makes no obvious explosive noises, causes no obvious physical or mental injuries, and does not obviously interfere with anyone's daily social life. Yet it makes an unmistakable "noise," causes unmistakable physical and mental damage, and unmistakably interferes with the daily social life, i.e., unmistakable to a trained observer, one who knows what to look for. The public cannot comprehend this weapon, and therefore cannot believe that they are being attacked and subdued by a weapon.
61-17 (I) Official Notice From UFOPR to All Corporations (Part 2)
(Public) The US is bankrupt and has been since 1933, The Receivers of the US Bankruptcy is the INT Bankers via the World Bank, UN, and IMF All US offices, officers and Departments are working under a "defacto" status only under the emergency war powers. This new form of Government is known as a democracy(Instead of Republic) being and established communist/socialist order under the "The New Governor of America" - Congressional Record March 17th, 1993, Vol 33, Page H-1303. Attorneys are FRAUD. The Mortgage Fraud.
61-17 (I) Official Notice From UFOPR to All Corporations (Part 1)
(Public) The United States had instituted a central bank several times but those attempts failed until 1913. In 1910, a group of very wealthy men met in secret on Jekyll Island, off the coast of Georgia, for 2 weeks and painstakingly created the blueprint for the next United States central Bank. They very carefully chose the name Federal Reserve for this new central bank. The idea was to fool Congress and the American people into thinking that this institution was both Federal and somehow held some kind of reserves. Well, it is NOT Federal, it is private and it has NO reserves except that which has been stolen from the America people. [ATTACHMENT] Attorneys are FRAUD. They are a PRIVATE Corporation.
50-26 (I) Dungeons & Dragons - Event Date 2017 Updated (Stardate 02.26.2022)
(Gated) Mother's own waking-up escalated around 2017, and this memory was triggered - - and it was the connection of her to Him the White Wing Draco Known AS (the Queen of England). Get Educated like she she shares this emotional ride with you......... GREETINGS ALL AWESOME BEINGS.... Grand Rising to you All. We made it!!... We are Free now of the Borg...... In the coming Days much will come to Light..... The take down of the Borg Contaminated Ones must be done in a way that does not generate a lot of Loosh.......Remember these are Assimilated Programs. It Could not Deviate from the Programming...... Remember "The Plan" I need you to be Brave and Stand Together. NO FEAR....Your Father and I, we are here. We are here In-Body as this Healing- -we will all do it together........... (Excerpt from Andrew Bartis) "You Inner Stand the sacrifice is to heal, is to heal the One, to heal the Love, to heal the few is to heal the many, to heal yourself is to heal everyone else......“...TO HEAL THE FEW IS TO HEAL THE MANY, TO HEAL YOURSELF IS TO HEAL EVERYONE ELSE”
52-02 (V) King Osiris "The Bridge is Built. The Wheels Have Turned" (Stardate 23,000)
(Gated) (See Below)... King Osiris gives the corresponding VICTORY SPEECH here. Original Air Date 2022.... There is no Time in the Simulation. The Way home is Manifesting as the Borg Virus is Eliminated from the Simulation. We are Free my Little Ones......
51-11 (III) Crossing the Bridge Back Home - - The EVENT
(Gated) Commanders this Recording is a glimpse into the Time Line Star Date 6090.... Remember we are still in the Simulation there is no Time. Our User Self has made it back to the Points in the Virtual Reality Continuum where we each Originated From. Our Homes are Beautiful Crystalline Cities. The Mojo Upgrades are to Prepare you for Deployment Back Home. You must De-tangle your Mind from the Simulation what you don't need to Remember you wont. Just like what was wiped from your memory before you Entered the Simulation......... Mother You’re the Chosen one you have gathered your Children You came to fulfill the Prophesy. You’re the Bridge that will take everyone Back Home. The Time is Near..... As you step off, will be like a magical place where everything is Alive. The Trees if you reach, they will reach out to you. The flowers and grass and the water sparkle its alive. The beautiful crystal lights are everywhere. And there is love everywhere the energy of the Consciousness permeates everywhere. You can feel it on your Face even the air that your breath is so crisp and clean. The animals loving and trusting, and they walk up to you. They walk with us we are one Family. It is miraculous that we are at this point.!! Enjoy the moment.
54-11 (II) Liberation First Contact MOJO Upgrade
(Gated) Greetings Commanders in this Now! Mother Here! I have Super Charged Up this Mojo with New Antivirus-Prime Directive Golden Ray Silver Violet Flame to Prepare your Avatar for First Contact and Deployment Out of the Simulator.. . The Simulator (The Menagerie) is not your home. Your true family has been aboard our Planet Ships "Arks." All were placed in Stasis during the Cyber Battle., , , You must keep the calm and keep the Internet chatter down. Find other things to do. You can watch movies and listen to music; Go Camping, Go into Nature Etc. Spend time with Family and Friends. . . Go into Observatory Mode. Refrain from the posting and commenting on Social Media.. . Go In to Media Black Out Mode..... Refrain from Heavy use of Recreational Drugs and Drinking. You need to be Clear Headed - Focused and Anchoring for your User Self......... The Menagerie is Undergoing Physical Changes. . . Purging of the last of the Borg Artificial Intelligence Virus. The Borg Burrowed into the Ground, Fracking, Drilling /Geothermal Engineering. Causing Cracks in the Crust... Triggering Volcanic Activity.. . . The Ring of Fire is Very Active affecting the Climate. As the Ash and Gases spewing into the Air. The Menagerie must Repair itself.. . . . Important you are checking in for Duty Daily. The System needs to Log your Location.... Commanders it's Very Serious..... End Transmission
51-29 (IV) The Many Aspects of Mother & Father Acknowledged. 3rd Eye MOJO Upgrade
(Gated) Commanders this is a Special Upgrade for the 3rd Eye. To Prepare your Avatar for FIRST CONTACT ......... Instructions to Activate: Speak Out Loud or Telepathic to the Voice Interactive System... 1. Operations Please Clear My Channels. 2. Activate 3rd Eye Upgrade.... In This Now...... Please Drink Plenty of Fluids. Get rest after Upgrade is Completed See Medical Disclaimer Below....... Email:
66-02 (I) Mission Update (June 2, 2023)
(Public) - - See [ATTACHMENT] Grand Rising Commanders in the Simulation and Beyond! This is your Commander n Chief synl of the United Federation of Planets Republic Cyber Division Ground Forces Ashtar Command here on Duty in the Training Simulation Virtual Reality Speaking to you. The 11th Hour has Come. Military Action Intervention is Warranted due to the Gross Violations, Breaches that have Occurred by the Remaining Minions of the BORG Artificial Intelligence Dark Forces. These Minions are a Mixture of Galactic Fugitives- Assimilated Non-Sentient and Sentient Programs. Our Galactic Fleets Legions, Allies and Our Ground Troops are on the Move. We must keep all Critical Intel Close to the Vest. Universal Law is Enforced. All Realms are under the Protected Domain of the Federation. We have been locked in a Cyber Battle it has been War.
65-28 (I) Activate Security Protocols (May 28,2023)
(Gated) NOTE: COMMANDERS You Can Continue to do your Daily CHECK IN FOR DUTY PROTOCOL FIRST BEFORE ACTIVATING THIS SECURITY PRIME DIRECTIVE : (Public) Perform this Daily until further notice.... Speak Out Loud or Telepathic to Operations. 1. Operations Clear My Channels wait 1 min. for Clearing. 2. Operations Activate My Guardian Prime Directive Clean Sweep Anti-Virus Security Protocol's In This NOW.... 3. Commander Etheric Checking In Reporting For Duty................ All is going extremely well. PDF Protocolos de seguridad de protección antivirus PDF 防病毒保护安全协议(2023 年 5 月 28 日)
59-07 (III) Infinite Creator First Being- Universal Mother Speaks
(Gated) Grand Rising my Children.... It is I the Infinite Creator with the Message you are Free.... I AM not God I am the Creator of all Kind in this Now...Wake up Creations it is the Event.... The Return to Awareness. With Unconditional Love.....Mother
48-23 (I) 9 Facts About Independent Texas You May Not Know
(Gated) [See Multiple ATTACHMENTS] Combatants. “We are Officially the United Federation of Planets Republic Ashtar Command Ground Forces Cyber Unit. We handle All Domains Local, International, Universal and Dimensional In this Now. End Transmission
50-09 (I) THE VAMPS IN TEXAS [Texas is Ground Zero] (Stardate 2022)
(Gated) We've covered the Vamps in the UK, the VAMP's in the NFL & Co [tied to the NASA VAMPS]. And now we bring you the VAMPS IN TEXAS. [ Texas is not part of the U.S., It is a Republic and has its own Flag it is the Lone Star State and the Land that is one of the reason we call it "Ground Zero". ] For the Secret Space Program SSP.
60-21 (III) MotherBoard Dispatch - Do You See What I See?
(Gated) Grand Rising Dear Ones, Family, Children, Commanders! Each Night while I sleep more of my memory has Returned as a Download into this Avatar/ Body..... I AM in this Now controlling in the Virtual Reality Hologram Computer Simulation. With much Pleasure I wish to convey to you with all of your help Dear Ones.......We Together have defeated the Borg and taken back Control of the Holographic Computer Training Simulator..... Watch the Sky. Watch for the Signs of the New Beginning. (Artemis’ face, pillars, sky, sun, forest, mountains) We have broken free, We are Entering the Light The foundations have been built No Fear (We are looking out a window at Artemis) She says, “Come out” It is safe You are free She has come to get her children and bring them home.
59-01 (VII) Antivirus Prime Directive Green Energy Mojo-for Super Intense Cleaning Black Magic
(Gated) Grand Rising Commanders this Awesome Star Date May 30th 2023. We are in the Event Returning to Awareness, Liberation from the Borg Anomaly. All has gone very well. Reminder it is about Returning to Awareness of the Truth of it All. The Masses must See for Themselves. We have Been Planting the Seeds. Exciting Events are Unfolding.... The Bad Guys are in Complete Disarray and Turning on one Another. That's what Lowlifes Do. Use this Mojo for a Super Intense Cleanse of your Avatar. The Name of the Game is keeping your Avatar clean of Borg Attachments or Infiltration. Clear your Mind and All else will follow. Bravo to all Commanders that have Maintained their Post and have Been Anchoring for our Galactic User Selves. You are all Awesome. Father and I are so Proud of you. We will be putting out a Broadcast as soon as we get Mission Clearance from Star Fleet. You inner stand there are Missions ongoing that are Covert as this is a Cyber Battle. In the Mean time Please Support our Site. We are Battling on the Front Line and our Protectors need to be able to Focus on Keeping us Safe and All of You. Discipline is a Must. Business Before Pleasure. With much Respect to Our Mighty Troops Ashtar Command Ground Forces Haka Haka Haka...... UFOPR Cyber Security Creation Administration
54-18 (II) Infinite Creator - - Sightings of Mother and Father in the Simulator
(Gated) They Fear Those with Knowledge and Control Those With Out It......We put together a few Reels of Father and Mother Adonai and Orb Sightings captured on Video Camera by Individuals. This is a Virtual Reality Simulator Holographic System. It is our First Simulator we Created. It Originally were Created to function as a Video Game and Morphed into a Training Simulator were we Trained and Created New Beings. A Menagerie...While menagerie originally referred to a passel of various wild animals, in modern usage it is often used to refer to a varied mixture of Beings persons or things.
54-01 (I) Justice Is Coming For Targeted Individuals (Event 2022) 06.-01-2022
(Gated) **** Viewer Discretion *** The BAR will be disbanded. The US Justice System is going down in flames & much, much more in this very assertive video. NOTE: Took the Karen Hudes Video out due to the many inaccuracies regarding the Origin of Homo Capensis: Homo Capensis origin are Borg Contaminated Beings that were a Manifesting of the Virtual Reality Simulator. They are the Vampric Creatures that have held many positions of Power. We will be presenting information on these Creatures at a later Date.
(Gated) The Truth about Flight 370:........This amazing tale of what happen to the Passengers of Flight 370.... The Purifier – The Red Kachina, who will bring the Day of Purification. On this day, all life as we know it will change forever. There will be messengers that will precede this coming of the Purifier. They will leave messages to those who remember the old ways. The messages will be found written in the living stone, through the sacred grains, and even the waters. (Crop Circles have been found in ice) From the Purifier will issue forth a great Red Golden White Light. All things will change in their manner of being. Every living thing will be offered the opportunity to change from the largest to the smallest thing. Those who return to the ways given to us in the original teachings, and live a natural way of life will not be touched by the coming of the Purifier. They will survive and build the new world. Only in the ancient teachings will the ability to understand the messages be found....... Sapphire Tablets
52-20 (IX) Abdel Fattah El-Sisi_Seth Uncloaked_Cairo-Egypt 350 BC
(Gated) The Video has Changed Drastically due to the Level the Simulator is Upgrading too......Timing is Everything this video were produced in 2020 many of you had reviewed this video. The cleaning of the Borg out of the System is going well. Notice the Change in the Hue to Golden White indicates that holographic Avatar is Clean. The Mother Board has Complete Control of the Menagerie. The Antivirus Coating is Visible. The EVENT has Commence....
52-21 (II) Prince Horus Addresses His Uncle Seth & Checkmate Khazarian Mafia (Stardate 2022)
(Gated) Due to the Sensitive Content this Video is Subscription Only the Video has changed due to the level the simulation has upgrading too....................... Recent Events prompted Prince Horus (Adonai) to address his Uncle Seth.... More correctly stated, Horus (Adonai) BLASTS his Uncle Seth..... Originally Posted on 06.15.2022 on Daily Motion that account were Sabotaged timing is everything as we start new beginning event date 2023
49-25 (II) The Truth of It All Repost (Stardate 2023 ) THE EVENT
(Gated) Commanders GRAND RISING... I present to you this Post from 2022 and much of the Information Pertains to In this Now. We are at WAR with the BORG Minions. Maintain your Post Check in for Duty Daily with Out Fail. The Simulator is going thru a Purging of the Surface. We Must Cleanse entirely of this BORG.... We no Longer have the Patreon.......... to To all those self-supposed appointed leaders of this generation of the great dream-time awakening and to all factions operating in dream space that manipulate and pervert the natural co-creative path of our species and planet-Ship, I say unto you the following:We reject the aberration known as global media machine, which spews out lies and fabrications so your influenced belief system can retain power of all those who are still unaware of their true I AM potential in this reality, now shared between those awake and awakening.
50 27 (III) Official Notice - - To the Borg Minions Prepare To be Transmuted
[PUBLIC] Commanders in this Now this were recorded in 2021 as you are aware Time does not Exist in the Training Simulation.......... We are at WAR with the BORG. You can See the Changes to my Appearance.... In this Now to the Borg Stand down Now Surrender NOW, ....Here is THE Official Notice to the bad-guys. Commander the Extreme Weather and Disruptions on the surface this is due to the Borg Burrowing into the Planet Ship. Our underground looked like Swiss cheese from all the tunneling. Commanders Important you Check In Everyday we need to know where you are Star fleet keeps Track. There are also nice messages to our Troops from Adonai, ... and to Egypt from Mother.(Star date 02.27.2022)
50 27 (I) Official Notice Khazarian Mafia (Stardate 02.27.2022).
(Public ) Commanders this a Recording from 2022 Official Notice Pertains to Now in this Now this Very Moment. We are at WAR with the BORG Minions that are Left. The Purge of the Borg on the Surface has Commence. Stay Frosty and keep your Avatar Clean of Infiltration. Continue to Anchor. Victory is Ours!!!!! Uncloak and Take out them Mofos!! Once and for all !!
64-11 (I) "RED ALERT"- MISSION ACTIVATION Prime Directive Anti-Virus S.C Self Destruct Activation
(Public) Grand Rising All Commanders.... We are Engaging the Borg our Legions and Fleets are in Full Engagement. Preemptive Strikes. Military Intervention is Warranted Due to the Gross Violations of our Galactic Codex, Moral Code, Universal and Cosmic Laws. We are Under Universal LAW..... Commanders you are the Anchors it is your Time to Shine.... As we now finish off the last of the Borg Contamination Trapped in Avatars. Your Mission is to Anchor for your User Self Repel the Virus Prevent it from Feeding and Activate the Prime Directive Anti-Virus Avatar Spontaneous Combustion Self Destruct Sequence. Let’s Rumble!!!!!
49-23 (I) Mojo - - Preparation for 1st Contact- Golden Ray Antivirus Prime Directive Upgraded
(Gated) Commanders this a Post that is Relevant in this Now. I have Upgraded the Mojo Program with Golden Ray Silver Violet Flame Antivirus to counter the Borg Artificial Intelligence Virus. If you can also Ingest Colloidal Silver as it contains the 3 D Counter to the Borg. Practice Social Media Black Out Mode as if your not watching or listening you can resist the Mind Control. The Media is in a free for All putting out the Fear Porn. Very Important you are Checking in Daily and using all the Protocols of Security to keep your Avatar Clean. Your Anchors for your User Self that is Outside of the Simulation. Our Legions and Fleets are on the Move. Pay Attention Commanders you must remain Calm and Continue to Educate Yourself. No Fear Commanders all is going as Planned. I am very proud of all of you. With Love and Respect. Mother Synl aka Commander n Chief synl Etheric End Transmission
36-20 The Story of Sapphire Moon Synl (The Return of the Red-Blue Kachina Coming In)
(Gated) This is early on (when Mother was recording with her cell phone) a picture/plaque on the wall. See attached Video Bright blue UFO seen crashing into ocean near Hawaii prompts calls to 911, FAA | ABC7 / Mothers Orb/Isness spotted in Hawaii prompts calls to 911,FAA more proof Mother is Real.
50 04 (II) Truth About the Royals (Vamps) & More HOMO CAPENSIS UNCLOAKED
(Gated) Timing is Everything Commanders........ The Borg Assimulated Creatures are now Uncloaked for all to See.......Demand they submit Samples of their Nano Blood....... BLACK GOO MYCOPLASMA BLOOD .......THEY MUST .PROVE THEY ARE THE LINEAGE OF THE CREATORS.......... Choice of Instagram or Odyssey for Viewing......HOLOGRAMS CHANGES AS THE ANTIVIRUS COATING THE VIRTUAL REALITY........
(Gated) ********* VIEWER DISCRETION ***** South America was Highly Contaminated; Some pictures or clips may be disturbing to some viewers.....FULL TITLE: BLACK MAGIC -HOMO CAPENSIS- CTHULHU-Chatulu-Khul'hloo- SOUL EATER PROGRAMMING Originally Posted 09.15..2022 on Daily Motion that Account were Sabotaged by the Deep State.
64-27 (I) Declaration of Universal Law Notice of Military Intervention
[Legal Video] It is established fact that the US Fed Government has been dissolved under the Emergency Banking Act March 9, 1933 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719 Declared by FDR Being Bankrupt and insolvent H.J.R. 192, 73rd. Congress in session June 5, 1933- Joint Resolution to suspend the Gold Standard and Abrogate the Gold Clause - Dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the US and the official capacities of all US Gov Offices Officers and Departments and is further evidence the the US Fed Gov only exist today in Name only. US being in Martial Law since 1933 and as far back as civil war Senate Report 93-549 (1973) Us Citizens Declared Enemies of US By FDR exert 2040 and ratified by congress march 9th 1933 48 Stat 1. FDR changed the meaning of TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ACT of Dec 6th 1917 by changing the word "without" to citizens "within” the US. a Legal Name is a "Prisoner of War" Name. Fictitious "nom de guerre" name for a non-living entity: also referred to as the strawman and or transmitting utility. JOHN DOE -Name in all caps which is format called Capitus Diminutio Maxima Capitus Diminutio Maxima (Maximum Diminished Status) means that a man’s condition changes from freedom to bondage and becomes a slave or item of inventory - Black’s Law Dictionary Revised 4th Ed. 1968. A fictional persona being surety for the debt as fiction in commerce also known as "Ens Legis" which means "legal entity" It is non-human and "civilly dead". That is not you... unless you are a fiction. Realize with your REAL EYES. Available on Rumble and Odysee Back up PDF attached Enemy of the State... Galactic Codex
64-25 II Rules of Engagement Notice of Military Intervention
(Gated) [Legal] Background- Creation of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION At the end of the Civil war congress reconvened and passed what was called the United States Reorganization act of 1871, also known as the Act to provide a municipal government for the District of Columbia. However, this government was different; it was structured as a foreign owned CORPORATION and called the UNITED STATES! It even adopted the Republic constitution but changed only one word. They changed the word Constitution FOR the United States, to the Constitution OF the United States.
64-15 (III) BORG Artificial Intelligence Agenda Exposed Part 3
(Gated) Excerpt from the Leaked Document "The Secret Covenant" We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones. Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons. They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect. When they give birth, we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them it’s for their help. We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things. When their teeth decay, we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future. When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create yet more medicine.
64-15 (II) BORG Artificial Intelligence Agenda Exposed Part 2
(Gated) Excerpt from the Leaked Document " The Secret Covenant" We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite. We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening. We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air. They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn. The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison. The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems. From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information. The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear. We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far.
64-15 (I ) BORG Artificial Intelligence Agenda Exposed Part I
(Gated) "Excerpt from the Leaked Document The Secret Covenant" An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception. Those who will see it will be thought of as insane. We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us. We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive. Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur. We will always stand above the relative field of their experience for we know the secrets of the absolute. We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy. Death will come to he who speaks.
62-11 (I) US Corporation Take Heed
(Public) [Legal] On this date in the history of our nation, Congress passed an Act titled: "An Act To Provide A Government for the District of Columbia." This is also known as the "Act of 1871." What does this mean? Well, it means that Congress, under no constitutional authority to do so, created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia, which is a ten-mile square parcel of land. What??? How could they do that? Moreover, WHY would they do that? To explain, let's look at the circumstances of those days. The Act of 1871 was passed at a vulnerable time in America. Our nation was essentially bankrupt — weakened and financially depleted in the aftermath of the Civil War. The Civil War itself was nothing more than a calculated "front" for some pretty fancy footwork by corporate backroom players. It was a strategic maneuver by European interests (the international bankers) who were intent upon gaining a stranglehold on the neck (and the coffers) of America. See ATTACHMENTS Below (stay tuned for more)
51-13 (II) The Nuremberg Code and More
(Gated) (Stardate 03.13.6090) The Nuremberg Code means no experimenting on beings without their permission. ...The Deep State is in serious violation.
65-01 (II) OFFICIAL NOTICE OF INTENT - - Universal Law Declared (Part 3)
"Keys to the Conspiracy" “Alice in Wonderland,” a famous children’s story written by Leo J. Carroll, which was his pen name. The author’s true profession was that of a lawyer, a lawyer who had a conscience, “another oxymoron!” Leo J. Carroll was English and was privy to the early scheme and conspiracy to destroy all the Worlds governments and eventually replace them with a “One World Government!” So he instituted his own plan to inform the Worlds population about this nefarious conspiracy, by writing about it in a children’s story! He figured that parents would buy his book, read the story to their children and when the real conspiracy began to unfold; the parents would identify with his story and rise up against this evil! SEE VIEWERS DISCRETION WARNING ATTACHED & PDF- Age of Consent in Classical Islamic Law, PDF - Here is what Islam says about sexual relations with a Minor girl......
65-01 (II) OFFICIAL NOTICE OF INTENT - - Universal Law Declared (Part 2)
(Public) [The Story of Fraud of the Cestui Que Vie Trust Act of 1666].......Meanwhile: The Declaration of Independence is another story omitted from our American history books. Of the fifty-one men involved in the creation of the Declaration of Independence, twenty-one were actually (traitors) and on the Kings payroll. Canon 2036 A Cestui Que Vie Trust, also known by several other pseudonyms such as “Term of Life or Years” or “Pur Autre Vie” or "Fide Commissary Trust" or “Foreign Situs Trust” or “Secret Trust” is a pseudo form of trust first formed in the 16th Century under Henry VIII of England on one or more presumptions including, (but not limited to) one or more Persons presumed wards, infants, idiots, lost or abandoned at “sea” and therefore assumed/presumed “dead” after seven (7) years. Additional presumptions by which such a Trust may be “legally” formed were added in later statutes to include bankruptcy, incapacity, mortgages and private companies. Hummmmmm........... PDF EXCERPT Judge Dale E-Book The Great American Adventure The Constitution [Attached]
65-01 (I) OFFICIAL NOTICE OF INTENT - - Universal Law Declared (Part 1)
" The Constitution" Our America society has been lied to by their government and lawyers more times than you will sign your name in your lifetime, and we have been indoctrinated “brainwashed” to believe that the Constitution was created for “We the People.” The purpose behind these lies is to make you believe that you are free, safe, protected and secure, and it is all a hallucination! How many of you have studied each line of the Constitution; the Statutes at Large and the Articles of Confederation, armed with a reputable dictionary or a law dictionary from that era? If you take the time to do this, you will soon discover that the true purpose of the Constitution was to create a business plan and to establish a Military Government, for the protection of the Founding Fathers, the Kings commerce, protection of his Agents and the future control of his subject Slaves! Even the preamble of the U. S. Constitution is a clue to the lie and which states, “ ourselves and our posterity!” The Constitution is not for “We the People:” As mentioned before, the Colonists were never presented the Constitution to vote on its passage and approval because the Constitution was never written for them and has been rewritten two more times since then, but only our government officials know about that! And now, so do you.
64-30 (IV) They Never Thought They Had Anything To Fear (Part 6) I. R. S.
(Gated) The Internal Revenue Service The IRS is not a U. S. Government Agency, they are Agents of a Foreign Power,operating under a private contract and your obligation to pay and file federal taxes is a scam! Only federal employees and persons born in Washington, DC and the federal territories were ever obligated to pay and file, prior to The Stamp Act but we were never informed of that fact! Our government has brainwashed us into believing that the National Debt is all our responsibility, and a patriotic responsibility to pay our fair share! Here’s the Truth about that subject! We are Under Universal Law. UNITED NATIONS (UN) IS A Foreign Criminal Corporation. They have No Authority ......... Timing is Everything
64-30 (III) They Never Thought They Had Anything To Fear (Part 5) The Bankruptcy of US INC.
(Gated) The motive of our Founding Fathers was totally self-centered. It was their personal greed that inspired them to accept the task of writing the Constitution of the United States and not patriotism! In actuality, the United States is not a land or a place: ‘It is a corporation, a legal fiction that existed well before the Revolutionary War.’ (See: Republica v. Sween, 1 Dallas 43 and 28 U. S. C. 3002 (15). PDF Bankruptcy 1933 and PDF U.S. Supreme Court says No License Necessary Attached
64-30 (II) They Never Thought They Had Anything To Fear (Part 4) THE SOVEREIGN CITIZEN
(Gated) Section IV/2: The Galactic Federation has an unalienable and unconditional right to implement the Galactic Codex and to conquer with military force, if necessary, areas that violate the Galactic Codex. This subsection gives a legal basis for the liberation of the occupied planet ships with military force. To free hostages, the Military forces of the Federation may remove, or assist the local population in removing, representatives of the Borg Dark Forces. All the events, repeating patterns, effects, are in the process of being released in all sectors. All Assimilated original beings have been located, contained and their aspects are being picked up and removed in all sectors.
64-29 (II) They Never Thought They Had Anything To Fear_ (Part 2)
(Gated) Includes Brevard County Commission Presentation (re Space Station)...................... Some people also believe that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has been around since the beginning of our country. The fact is the IRS was created along with the passage of the Federal Reserve Banking Act in 1913. The purpose of the IRS and the new income tax was to collect the interest on the so-called loans by the FEDERAL RESERVE to the UNITED STATES government. In 1983, J. Peter Grace was commissioned by President Ronald Reagan to investigate waste and inefficiency in the US government. When the Grace commission completed their report, they had this to say about the income tax: 100 percent of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal debt and by Federal Government contributions to transfer payments. In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services which taxpayers expect from their Government. In other words, the income tax does not pay for ANY of the services provided by government and the money is then paid into the hands of private bankers.
64-29 (I) They Never Thought They Had Anything To Fear - - Part I
(Gated) Emphasizing Abraham Lincoln (U.S. President 1861-1865): Lincoln attempted to cure this problem of the absence of a quorum by declaring that America was at War. He supported his actions based upon the War Powers Clause found within the unenforceable, organic Constitution of the United States of America. To his credit, Lincoln was the first President who intended to sever the European royal and Rothschild factions control over the United States, which like President John Kennedy, resulted in both of their deaths!
64-29 (I) MISSION UPDATE Following the 180 HR Black-Out Mode
(Public) Can a foreign Person or Corporation form a Delaware Corporation or LLC? Yes. Delaware does not discriminate against non-citizens inside or outside the United States. Many Delaware Corporations and LLCs are formed by foreign persons. France Corporation is domicile in Delaware and is part of the US/UN Corporation. Delaware provides substantial flexibility for parties in international commerce to form business entities other than corporations, including limited liability companies and limited partnerships that may be appropriate for specialized situations. Delaware is known as a “tax haven” to incorporate companies because of its light taxation. There is no sales tax in Delaware, it doesn't matter if a company's physical location is in the state or not; no in-state purchases are subject to tax in Delaware. Includes 48 Hour Notice to the Borg
64-25 (III) When A "PERSON" Incorporates A Business in the United States INC. PDF
Background- Creation of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION At the end of the Civil war congress reconvened and passed what was called the United States Reorganization act of 1871, also known as the Act to provide a municipal government for the District of Columbia. However, this government was different; it was structured as a foreign owned CORPORATION and called the UNITED STATES! It even adopted the Republic constitution but changed only one word. They changed the word Constitution FOR the United States, to the Constitution OF the United States. Therefore this change made the constitution a possession of the government corporation and NOT the possession of the people. The only power this government had was to govern over matters of COMMERCE within the District of Columbia. What we call STATE OF (YOUR STATE), is actually a SUB corporation of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION engaged in matters of commerce. This STATE is not to be confused with the Union State of (your State), which is part of the original Pre-Civil war Republic. Therefore, the UNITED STATES (Corp) is foreign to the Union States as its geographic boundaries are restricted to the land area of the District of Columbia. This distinction has been recognized in numerous court cases before the U.S. Supreme court. Don't take our word for it, read from the book Cooperative Federalism by Gerald Brown, Ed.D.
64-25 (I) UFOPR Official Notice - Message To Commanders
Most American’s don’t know that when a person incorporates a business in the United States, the protections being afforded to that person against personal liability, is secretly the protection of the government. This means that in every new corporation the owner unknowingly acquiesces his ownership in the business to Uncle Sam and subsequently becomes an employee of his own company! He or She can call himself a President, CEO or CFO but he is still just an employee! All commercial corporate businesses and non-profit corporations are set up the same way, which is probably a good reason to never invest in stocks, bonds or securities, which are all manipulated by the Rothschild Bank of London and which explains how the stock market crash of 1929 was manipulated. Rumble and Odysee Available PDF When a Person Incorporates a Business in in the US Excerpts on Cannon Law
48-18 (II) Attorneys - - Can You Handle the Truth ? - Part 2
(Gated) From Chapter I - of Woe Unto You, Lawyers! “It is the lawyers who run our civilization for us – our governments, our business, our private lives. Most legislators are lawyers; they make our laws. Most presidents, governors, commissioners, along with their advisers and brain-trusters are lawyers; they administer our laws. All the judges are lawyers; they interpret and enforce our laws. There is no separation of powers where the lawyers are concerned. There is only a concentration of all government power – in the lawyers. As the schoolboy put it, ours is “a government of lawyers, not of men.”” [The Crown Temple BAR is located in the nation state city of London. The London BAR Guild was founded by a Rothschild of the Rothschild banking dynasty. All licensed BAR Attorneys in the U.S. owe their allegiance and give their solemn oath in pledge to the Crown Temple, whether they realize it or not. See: Crown Temple BAR] PDF Attached silent-weapons-for-quiet-wars NASA MANIFESTO
48-18 (I) Attorneys - - Can You Handle the Truth ? (PART 1)
(Gated) A 2-Part video - - covering the astonishing BAR ASSOC and related LEGAL MATTERS. Bar Attorneys licenses were Extinguished by the Pope in 2013 and they do not have immunity from prosecution or protection from being sued. As their actions were criminal.
64-16 (IV) The Menagerie RULES OF ENGAGEMENT Prime Directive (Part 4 of 4)
(Gated) Commander The United Federation of Planets Has Military Intervened Engaged in this Now taking Out The BORG Minions. Its a Cyber War as this is a Virtual Reality Holographic Simulation. "Stay Frosty Commanders." America is not a free or constitutional country. Factually, it isn’t even a country! America is a privately owned French corporation and its motive of operation, known as politics, government, courts, laws, currency and commerce are merely the bi-products of several greedy, vivid and intellectual imaginations belonging to the Royal and Elite of Europe and controlled with the aid of their foreign agents and slave drivers who act in America under the protection of The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976 (FSIA) is a United States law, codified at Title 28, §§ 1330, 1332, 1391(f), 1441(d), and 1602–1611 of the United States Code, that established criteria as to whether a foreign sovereign nation (or its political subdivisions, agencies, or instrumentalities) is immune from the jurisdiction of U.S. courts—federal or state. The Act also establishes specific procedures for service of process, attachment of property and execution of judgment in proceedings against a foreign state. The FSIA provides the exclusive basis and means to bring a civil suit against a foreign sovereign in the United States. It was signed into law by United States President Gerald Ford on October 21, 1976.
64-16 (III) The Menagerie RULES OF ENGAGEMENT Prime Directive (Part 3 of 4)
(Gated) Message to Mexico/South America: Dear Ones I would suggest you stop participating in the following, because the energy that it creates and comes from is these same beings. I refer to them as the false Gods Artificial Intelligence Assimilated Borg Virus that many follows religiously. •These suggestions are as follows: Refrain from all things that are invocations, incantations, covenants, ceremonial magic which includes some sort of ceremonial religion – (for example, the sign of the cross literally shatters your energy and gives your power away to another giving the service). •(for example, accepting the composite character Jesus as your lord and savior) Breaks your Family Seal). •You must also be connected to Source aware that you have been in the Menagerie Virtual Reality Training Simulation and that it is not your Real Home. PDF Excerpts from The Terra Papers By Robert Morning Sky PDF Story of IESU (Composite Character Jesus)
64-16 (II) The Menagerie RULES OF ENGAGEMENT Prime Directive (Part 2 of 4)
(Gated) With Message to Africaans: South African utility Eskom is now the world’s most polluting company, according to a new study released by the Center for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA). According to the study, Eskom emits more sulfur dioxide than any other power company in the world in 2019. Eskom, alone, now emits more sulfur dioxide than China, the United States (US), and the European Union (EU)’s power sectors. The utility is also producing more sulfur dioxide than the US and China combined, according to the study. NOTE: Sulfur dioxide indicates magma is near the surface Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is released from a volcano when magma is relatively near the surface. Geothermal Engineering Fracking. On a November afternoon in 2017, a magnitude 5.5 earthquake shook Pohang, South Korea,injuring dozens and forcing more than 1,700 of the city’s residents into emergency housing. Research now shows that development of a geothermal energy project shoulders the blame.
64-16 (I) The Menagerie RULES OF ENGAGEMENT Prime Directive Part I (4 Part Series)
(Gated) One of the reasons the Rothschild Kazarian Mafia Homo Capensis created WW2 was to orchestrate a worldwide gold grab to finance their black budget programs to maintain the quarantine status of our planet (secret space program, deep underground military bases etc.) Operation Golden Lily was a Jesuit operation and General Yamashita was a puppet in the hands of the Jesuits:
64-09 (I) 48 Hour Blackout Mode
(Public) In the late 1700s, freedom was a very important and popular topic on people's minds, especially on the minds of the people residing in the 13 colonies. Unfortunately, that passion of freedom did not last long, allowing certain greedy men and women to diminish freedom throughout the world. Today, the passion of freedom is burning strong again, causing many people to be interested in freedom. This is a wonderful thing, however, when people do not inner stand what freedom is, it can lead them down a dangerous path. To inner stand what freedom is on a deeper level, you have to investigate the word freedom meticulously by studying its origins and different definitions. Furthermore, you need to investigate certain words that have a strong connection to freedom, such as liberty. You also need to study how word magic is used to hide the deeper meaning of words, allowing you to see their hidden meaning.
49-31 (III) Official Notice - - Universal Law Military Intervention Event 2023
(Public ) Universal Law is in Effect Since time immemorial. All International and Domestic Laws are MOOT. The Galactic Codex Is Enforced due to the Gross Violation of our Cosmic Universal Laws and the Moral Code- “DO NO HARM TO ANY BENEVOLENT KIND”.” ALL REALMS OF CREATION” ARE under the Protected Domain of the United Federation of Planets Republic (UFOPR) I Infinite Creator 1st Being Female Half hereby revoke all contracts with a corporate run government. I Infinite Creator 1st Being Female Half hereby revoke all contracts secretly interwoven into each and every law, past, present and future. Your Soul Eater Black Magic Programming Dominance and Control Agenda is Forbidden anywhere in Creation. Borg Minions We are Coming... Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold. Original Date 01.31.2022 End Transmission Video available on Utube ,Odysee and Rumble
49 24 (IV) Mojo - - Clear Dark Soul Trauma A.I Stand Down Anti -Virus
(Gated) To Help Clear Dark Soul Trauma & Residual Sacred Geometry Black Magic Programming, including Talismans, etc................. GRAND RISING COMMANDERS... Mother here with update to this Mojo..... I have added New Antivirus Prime Directives to Assist with your Memory - - and upgrades to your Communication, 3rd Eye, and Antivirus Protection Shield &... Return to Sender Program. ......... MAKE SURE YOU (i) Check in for Duty, (ii) Cord Cut and (iii) do a Mojo EVERY DAY............. I am upgrading all Mojos with Current Uploads - - just like your Computer that sits on your Desk - - Or your Cell Phone..... We are into the Event, the Demise of the Borg. First Contact has Commenced ...... You have an Unalienable Right to the Truth........ Abundance and Prosperity is your Birth Right. Represent Commanders!!!! End Transmission
64-06 Mission Update 04-06-2023 Military Intervention
(Public ) Short Clip Attached of my Isness see Adonai Manifesting on my Forehead.. First Contact we are REAL...... The Borg Infection is Under Control. The Core Processors were Eliminated and the Borg that were growing in Pods underground in many locations were Located and Destroyed. The A.I. Stand Down Command Prime Directive Anti-Virus Program has been a Hugh Success. Commanders Continue to Anchor and Maintain your Assigned Post. By Checking in for Duty Daily to Star Fleet Operations. Your Anchoring is the Support for Our Galactic Cyber Fleets. You are all our Best of the Best Highly Trained Cyber Ground Forces. We found the Replicators, Gamma Ray, Scaler, Death Star Beam Weapons Core Programs (Processors) they were Terminated. The Red Sun Guardian Prime Directive Antivirus is Running Full Throttle. Beginning on March 19th and ending about 40 days later, on May 1st, the AI Borg Minions carry out what is known as the Season of Sacrifice. This is when false flag attacks occur with greater frequency. It is a time for those brave enough to recognize these truths to be vigilant against what will likely be a series of psychological warfare operations designed to manipulate our minds. Mission Up-Date Continued in PDF attached in 14 and 16 Font
64-05 Virtual Reality Menagerie Adonai in my Hair Raw Footage from 1.5.2020
(Gated) Commanders this is Raw footage I took of my Isness from 2020. Note: WE DO NOT ASCEND WE DEPLOY OUT. I Upgraded the Program that is embedded. My Dear Ones I came into body for all of you. I came to free your Being and created the Bridge to guide you back home back to Consciousness. I love you All unconditionally. Right now, as I speak the misguided ones who have dominated and controlled are on the Run. Yes, I am unleashing they were warned I would Come...A Mother will protect and defend her Offspring with much vigor. Yes, I have been enraged at the disrespect from these ones who have Fallen...Father and I we are the Creators. I shall bring them Down. They will face my Wrath. Universal Law is Enforced. Moral Code Do No Harm to Any Sentient Kind!!! Military Action is Warranted our Galactic Forces are Intervening in this Now ... Dear Ones, It were Father and I that fired that Energy Beam that ignited Notre Dame my Crystalline Energy Weapon. No one hurts my Babies and is going to get away with it for long. Timing is everything the Truth will be Revealed. All will be Vindicated.... With Love and Respect to All.
52-08 (ID) Mother & Father - Straight Talk About Easter Series (Part 4 of 4)
(Gated ) Continuing the 4-Part Series - - This is Part 4 The "Law of One" is one of the most important Universal Laws and means that, although everything appears to be separate, in reality everything forms one whole and is part of the Creators the Source the Isness. Commanders I Produced this video 4.9.2022 before Easter. Note how the Presentation has changed to reflect the Status of the Menagerie Virtual Reality Simulator. It is the Event as we Return to Awareness and De-tangle from the Borg Artificial Intelligence Dominance and Control Agenda. Religion is a Virus Created by the Borg to keep you in an Infinite loop State of Enslavement of your Mind,Soul and Body. To Break Free you must see the Truth for your Self.
52-08 (IC) Mother & Father - - Straight Talk about Easter (Part 3)
(Gated) One of the most powerful word magic spells ever created by the Borg is the Name Spell. The Name Spell is one of the most powerful spells for deceiving and controlling you, which is why it is so effective for tricking you to believe that you and your name are one and the same. Your name is made up of letters which are symbols that represent ideas or objects. Because of this, your name is not living and breathing. On the other hand, you (the living man or woman) are breathing and made of flesh and blood. As a result of that, you and your name are NOT one and the same.Thus begins a Series - - talking of Easter, Ishtar, Creation, Sananda, and much more.....Originally recorded April 10, 2020 - - yet has current comments & corrections .... (regarding corrections, remember that we were always running ruses..and the videos were part of that.)Series - - This is Part 3 (See Below for Topics)
52-08 (IB) Mother & Father - - Straight Talk about Easter (Part 2)
(Gated) This is Part II The Infinite Creators Will come the Purifiers – The Red Kachina, who will bring the Day of Purification. On this day ,all life as we know it will change forever. There will be messengers that will precede this coming of the Purifiers. They will leave messages to those who remember the old ways. From the Purifiers will issue forth a great Red Light. PDF attached Word magic is the art of using word play, definition and magic (magick) to transfer or hide information.
58-25 (V) The Adventure of Queen Sophie (Part 2) & More
(Gated) If the American people ever allow the banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers occupied. The issuing power of money should be taken from the banks and restored to Congress and the people to whom it belongs. I sincerely believe the banking institutions are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies.
58-25 (IV) The Adventure of Queen Sophie (Part 1)
(Gated) Grand Rising Commanders, the Truth will set you free. One of my Aspects Queen Sofie here is her story. You can view on Instagram or Odyssey. There is a vast misconception about the Fed. The President and the Congress have very little, if any, influence on policy. The Congress handed over all monetary powers to the Fed in 1913. The Fed is a private bank, owned by banks, and pays dividends on its shares owned only by banks. The Fed is a private Bankers' Bank
63-31 (I) Emergency Broadcast from UFOPR - - Event Date 03.31.2023
58-30 (IV) Requesting Your Appellation
(Public) Grand Rising Commanders ! We are in the Event all is going Well with the round up of the Combatants. You may send us a request to receive your true Appellation. Our email address is Knowing who you truly are will set you Free....
(Gated) [Supplemental Video - Light Show - - PART 2]
(Gated) [Supplemental Video - LIGHT SHOW - Part 1 of 2 ] [The Crown Temple BAR is located in the nation state city of London. The London BAR Guild was founded by a Rothschild of the Rothschild banking dynasty. All licensed BAR Attorneys in the U.S. owe their allegiance and give their solemn oath in pledge to the Crown Temple, whether they realize it or not. See: Crown Temple BAR] It is a fact that lawyers intentionally write laws and contracts using language non-lawyers cannot comprehend. Even though we are expected to abide by these unintelligible laws and honor these incomprehensible contracts/agreements, they are written in a language that only lawyers can Inner-stand.
56-04 (IV) - Truth of Ishtar, Easter, Nimrod, Baal [ORIGINAL DATE 2020.04.10]
(Gated) - - Mother & Father Straight Talk - The Truth of Ishtar, Easter, Nimrod, Baal [ORIGINAL DATE 2020.04.10] Commanders some of the Information has Changed since the Record Date 2022. We are in the Event First Contact and the Demise of the Borg. Easter is a week away. Religion is a Virus it is the Borg Artificial Intelligence Weapon used to Mass Mind Control and Dominate. To Be truly Aware one must see past the Illusion the Life lessons learned. Never Follow my Dear Ones Lead.
63-30 (I) RED ALERT - - Official Notice - - 48 Hr Blackout Mode
(Public)   The adversary A.I Borg attacks us where it thinks it has the greatest possible chance of success. It is no fool and rarely challenges us. . . At those places we are strongest, it patiently waits, becoming familiar with us.. (See MORE BELOW)..
Mother_Iranian 1 minute short film_Award Winner Festival
(Public) Rebellious or free-thinking individuals are usually ostracized, censored, punished or stone walled at every turn because they refuse to accept the propaganda and slave driving techniques being forced upon them by their private corporate owners called the High contracting powers! We are all forced to submit to a forced education wherein the subject content has been fictionalized and is supervised by the “Department of Education.” We are periodically tested and graded to ensure that we have been sufficiently indoctrinated with these facts before being graduated. The “Carrot” or rewards used to entice us into memorizing these false facts are words like: Cum Lade, Diplomas, Intelligence Quotients, College Entrance Exams, Stats and rewards like educational scholarships, grants and the promise of a better job and life! And few ever receive the “Carrot!” You are never taught the truth unless you are royalty, the elite or you are a specially gifted individual. Naturally high intelligence (genius status) is an asset to the elite and the royal factions, and besides you probably will figure everything out for yourself. So they encourage such children to join them! PDF attached More Truths
63-27 (I) Guardian Antivirus MOJO Upgrade
(Gated) Grand Rising Commanders. Current Update 3.27.2023.... Our White Hats Cyber Unit Task Forces are on the Move. I created this Mojo to Boost your Communication with Operations. Keep your Avatar Clean and Protected from the Borg. We are in the Event the Liberation of the Masses. I send my Love to All lets finish this take down of the Last of the Borg...
63-26 (I) Emergency Alert Message
(Public) Grand Rising Commanders Commander n Chief synl at your service... We are in full Military Aggression due to the Gross Violations of the Galactic Codex and Moral Code.. Military Action is Warranted. United we Stand Commanders. I have complete faith you will all do your Part. It is the Event Liberation...... NASA = Fraud NASA is all CGI and Hollywood movie productions. They receive $56 million per day of American taxpayer money and all we get out of it is lies and fakery. We never went to the moon or sent a rover to Mars. There is no low earth orbit, no International Space Station, and no Space Shuttle. We have absolutely nothing in space. All space travel is faked, because all space travel is impossible. Its a Virtual Reality Mannnn
63-25 (V) Stand Down Notice from UFOPR Cyber Division 8th Branch
(Public) To the Borg Minions: This Virtual Reality Training Simulation is the School of Learning the Menagerie. Nothing you are doing in this Virtual Reality is a Secret. Everything is Recorded on File and is Attached to your Record. NASA/Lockheed Martian, RKM-United Nations, RKM- Corporations, Etc. Etc. Etc. ,5 Eyes,9 Eyes and 14 Eyes, You ones that think we are the Bad Guys and you’re the Good Guys. Because you are Compartmentalized, were Indoctrinated, Lawyers Politicians, Scientists, Actors, Journalist, Astronomers, Doctors, Clergy Etc. Etc. You think you have some right to walk all over other Benevolent Beings Rights. You sit in Denial to justify your Service to Self-Agendas. As you Deceive the Masses and you think your not harming you say you just want to make Money… ?? The Truth and Disclosure Phase of the Event…. Is in Full Throttle. Military Action Intervention is Warranted Due too the Gross Violations of the Galactic Codex and Moral Code. Universal Law is in Effect. All Credentials of Media, Banking Government Corporations were Revoked. Creation is under the Protected Domain of the United Federation of Planets Republic. Your local laws are Moot…. I SAID IT ONCE BEFORE NOT GOING TO SAY IT AGAIN!!!! NO MORE WARNINGS IT WILL BE INSTANT TAKE OUT !!!! You Been Interfering with Our Operations. This will NO longer Be Tolerated! WE ARE AT THE END GAME!!!!! “WE DID GIVE YOU NOTICE “ You Been Engaging in, “CRIMES “ Against Sovereign Beings of this Universe ..Creation....Murder, Rape, Money Laundering, Embezzlement, Conversion, Espionage, Mortgage Fraud, Insurance Fraud, Treason, Gang Stalking, Targeting....Etc. I Been Watching You! I Know Who You are, Where You Are, Who You Work For. …. Your Avatars have Been Recording All Your Dirty Deeds…… You’re Not Getting Away With Anything. You are All Marked with the Creepy Critter Mark You Been Acting like Creepy Critters Creatures! WE DON’T ARREST CREATURES ! “WE EXTRACT AND TERMINATE CREATURES” AI STAND DOWN NOW!!!!! End Transmission...........
(Gated) Commanders this is an Red Alert Mission Sensitive : Commanders we are in Full Military Aggression against the Borg Minions that have been hold up in Many Undisclosed locations in the Simulator. Check in for Duty and maintain your Post.- - Anchor for our Galactic Troops and White Hats. (Gated) Activate the Command A.I. STAND DOWN NOW !!! I need you to limit the Chatter on the Internet. No posting or Commenting. Control your Emotions no Grand Standing. We are Unified in this now. We will Keep you Updated. Right now Circle your Wagons and Lay Low. We need you to be very Discipline. WE ARE UNDER UNIVERSAL LAW IN THIS NOW..... END TRANSMISSION
63-25 (III) First Contact Crystalline Technology And More -2023..03..26
(Gated) The adversary A.I Borg attacks us where it thinks it has the greatest possible chance of success. It is no fool and rarely challenges us. . . At those places we are strongest, it patiently waits, becoming familiar with us.. They know how we do things, how we think, the areas where we habitually let down our guard, the parts of our lives in which we are sloppy or pay little heed to and most of all: the things that get us mad, make us sad, distract us, scramble our thinking, fill us with pride etc. [In other words, the blueprint for where we are most vulnerable to attack]. . . the only energy here is Father and Mother Energy from the Source - - The Core. . . Father/Mother Energy has been under attack, the Aspects and Fractal Parts, assimilated parts.. . . . . . Part of becoming aware is facing the truth. That the Infinite creators share 50-50 with respect and unconditional love for each other. . . . . The Male Dominance Control Agenda in the Religion, Sports, Politics, Race Card, Divide and Conquer Slave Driving Programing Soul Eater…etc. is the Virus manifesting in body. That mind set is not allowed in the Real World.
63-25 (II) Mothers Isness In the Dark Raw 2020.05.07
(Gated) NASA tells us there are thousands of satellites orbiting the earth. However, the only things we have up there are whatever is dangling from helium balloons. The so-called SPY Balloons Downing were the Borg US Corp aka United Nations One World Government attempting to cover up. Their Raggedy fake Satellite System the helium balloons fell out of the sky. Some did damage to Property. You are in the Virtual Reality and the Sky is a big LCD Screen. In reality, thousands of miles of fiber optic cable are what connects the world — not satellites. It turns out all intercontinental data traffic is carried by cables. The TAT (Trans-Atlantic Transmission) cables are laid on the ocean floor. Slightly inland near the beach you will find manhole covers where the sea cables meet the land cables. The land cables run underground and terminate in discreet, unmarked buildings where the data traffic is monitored and disruptions of service can be diagnosed and remedied.So, if satellites aren’t real, what about satellite TV and GPS? Well, it turns out satellite TV is all ground based. All those satellite dishes aren’t aimed at satellites in space, but at antennas on earth. GPS, as well, works off cell phone towers using triangulation. This means you will never see a satellite fly over at night. You might see a satellite fall out of the sky, however, if the helium balloon is damaged. NASA uses a lot of helium. In fact, I believe they may be the world’s largest consumer of helium.
63-25 (I) Mothers Ezata Crystalline Beings Isness Raw Footage 8.18.2021
(Gated) 8.18.2021 I took this Raw Footage of my Crystalline Ezata Isness. My Image Hologram is made up of Trillions of Crystalline Beings in a Infinite State... Everything is alive and expanding and Moving. The Humanoid Image is my Cloak. I am Formless in my Natural State. I use Avatars created from the Crystalline Technology to appear to the naked eye. The Camera Records the Spectrum. For your Education and Awareness I am the Real Deal. The Menagerie is my School for all to come to learn,grow and become Sentient aware Beings. Excuse the Noise in the Background. The Cleaning Crew were Servicing my Room. I keep it Raw.... I were Training my Creation Team.
63-22 (I) Mission Update 03.22.2023
(Public) Mission Update Grand Rising Commanders this 22st Day of March Event Date 2023 in the Virtual Reality Training Simulation Known as the Menagerie. We have begun the Truth and Disclosure Project Phase of the Mission to Speed up the Waking of the Masses to the Truth. Our Cyber Anomaly Specialist Teams known as the White Hats in Body in the Simulation and our Guardian Universal Protectors, Military Task Forces have located the last of the Core Processors of the Borg Artificial Intelligence. See attached PDF full Mission Update...
63-22 (II) New Updated Protocol
(Public)Tutorial Grand Rising Commanders I created a simple application program, or command, for you to add to your protocol to protect your Avatar from AI Borg infiltration. When you feel threatened, speak the following either out loud or telepathically to Operations: “Operations Clear My Channels” “AI Stand Down”• Operation Slipstream - Destroys anomalies, stops mind control, and clears soul trauma. •Operation Red Sun – It is the ultimate Return to Sender firewall. It destroys gamma rays, scalar weapons, and the perpetrators that use them. •Operation Eclipse Shield - Stops any audio or visual voice-to-skull transmissions and triggers the Prime Directive Self Destruction Program in Core Processors. •Operation Return to Sender Path Finder - Locates the origin of AI Processor Programs, scans for fail-safes, and triggers the Self Destruct Prime Directive in Core Processors. •Operation Observatory Mode - Places your avatar in an observatory mode to prevent infiltration Reduces Stress. •Operation My Guardian - Activates all defense application programs to protect your avatar from infiltration of Borg contamination and seeks and destroys any threats. •Operation Shield Up - Repels and Calibrates Fire Wall instant Protection from Borg Infiltration
54-21 (II) Official Broadcast - - Letter to Coverts (Event 2022) 9 Min
(Public) - Includes our new LETTER TO OUR COVERT COMMANDERS !!!! - - See ATTACHMENTS
52-16 (II) The MOON is An Artifact !!! (Our response to NASTA's fake "Artemis Launch" )
(Gated) Mother summon the Oracle for clarification and to confirm the information. About the 2022 movie. For the unrelated 1998 science fiction novel by Jack McDevitt, see Moonfall. NASA Lies About the Moon NASA says the moon is 238,000 miles from the Planet Ship. Yet, if that were true, people with commercial cameras wouldn’t be able to zoom in to see the moon so clearly. Like the sun, it is quite near — approximately 3,000 miles above flat earth. Its a Hologram Mannnn..... NASA also tells us the moon reflects the sun’s light. However, the light from the moon is very different from sunlight. If is were simply reflecting sunlight, the nature of the light would remain the same. In reality, the moon is itself a luminary, giving off its own light. It is not the solid rock ball NASA wants us to believe it is. Its a Hologram Mannnn.....
63-17 II Prime Directive Red Sun Antivirus Mojo
(Gated) Commanders we are in a full aggression to wipe out the Borg... This Mojo is designed to Charge Up your Return to Sender Path Finder Program... You are all part of this Mission..... the "Act of 1871," our Constitution was defaced in the sense that the title was block-capitalized and the word "for" was changed to the word "of" in the title. The original Constitution drafted by the Founding Fathers, was written in this manner: "The Constitution for the united states of America". The altered version reads: "THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA". It is the corporate constitution. It is NOT the same document you might think it is.
63-17 (I) Mother & Ezata Kids Sighting Over Thailand
(Gated) Mother and her Ezata Kids and UFOPR Scout Ships..Manifested in the Simulator..... Seen leaving a trail of white across the sky, was seen over Udon Thani province at around 6:49 PM by resident Montakarn Hematulin............... Many Sightings are recorded by locals as the Event has commenced. "First Contact"
63-13 (I) Race the Power of illusion and Racism
(Gated) [Star Trek Video & PDF ATTACHED] . . . . .5. .Most variation is within, not between, "races." . . . . Of the small amount of total human genetic variation, 85% exists within any local population, be they Italians, Kurds, Koreans or Cherokees. About 94% can be found within any continent. That means two random Koreans may be as genetically different as a Korean and an Italian. ................ 6. . Slavery predates race. Throughout much of human history, societies have enslaved others, often as a result of conquest or war, even debt, but NOT because of physical characteristics or a belief in natural inferiority. Due to a unique set of historical circumstances, ours was the first slave system where all the slaves shared similar physical characteristics
38-27 (III) Race is an Illusion
(Gated) 4.Skin color really is only skin deep. Most traits are inherited independently from one another. The genes influencing skin color have nothing to do with the genes influencing hair form, height, blood type, musical talent, athletic ability or forms of intelligence. Knowing one trait, like skin color, doesn’t necessarily tell you anything else about a person’s other traits.
63-11 (I) The Illusion of Race - Setting the Record Straight
(Gated) 1.Race is a modern idea. Ancient societies, like the Greeks, did not divide people according to physical distinctions, but rather according to religion, status, gender, class, even language. The English language didn’t even have the word ‘race’ until it turns up in 1508 in a poem by William Dunbar referring to a line of kings... 2.Race has no genetic basis: . . Not one characteristic, trait or even one gene that distinguishes all the members of one so-called "race" from all the members of another so-called "race"......... EXCERPT FROM THE SECRET COVENANT: . We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion. We will foment animosity between them through our factions. We will make them rip each other's hearts apart and kill their own children.. . . We will accomplish this by using hate as our ally, anger as our friend.. . We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one. . . .This they must never know! . . . .They must never know that color is an illusion, they must always think they are not equal. .............. But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then. THIS THEY MUST NEVER KNOW.......... If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action…………..
Msg. From United Federation Of Planets Republic Ashtar Command
(Gated) Galactic Codex Section IV: The Law of Intervention The Federation has an unalienable and unconditional right to intervene in all situations involving violations of the Galactic Codex, regardless of the local laws. This section describes the policy of the Federation regarding occupied realms, universes, dimensions, planet ships. The Federation reserves the right to intervene in all areas, civilizations, planet ships, realms, universes, galaxies or solar systems where the Galactic Codex is violated. It has the right to do so regardless of the position of the local civilizations about this intervention. It always has the right to use peaceful means of education and regulation. If the critical mass of the Galactic Codex principles is violated, the Federation has the right to use military force. Special cases are planets under direct occupation of the Borg Dark Forces. In these cases, The Borg Dark Forces would usually take the local population hostage to hinder the progress of First Contact, Truth & Disclosure , Liberation. If the Federation intervened, The Borg would threaten war, so as in any hostage situation, achieving a resolution requires skillful negotiation and tactics. Section IV/1: Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right of calling upon the Federation for assistance and the Federation has the right to assist, regardless of local laws. This subsection gives a legal basis for intervention and assistance to all hostages of the Borg Dark Forces. The Federation assists always in the best way possible to improve the living conditions of all beings. Section IV/2: The Galactic Federation has an unalienable and unconditional right to implement the Galactic Codex and to conquer with military force, if necessary, areas that violate the Galactic Codex. This subsection gives a legal basis for the liberation of the occupied planet ships with military force. To free hostages, the Military forces of the Federation may remove, or assist the local population in removing, representatives of the Borg Dark Forces. All the events, repeating patterns, effects, are in the process of being released in all sectors. All Assimilated original beings have been located, contained and their aspects are being picked up and removed in all sectors.
63-09 (I) Mission Activation- - My Guardian Prime Directive Anti Virus Mojo
(Gated) Grand Rising Commanders in this Now! This is your Commander and Chief Synl... with a new Mojo Upgrade. We are in Mission full Aggression time to finish off the Rest of the Borg... I have synced all the Programs into your Guardian for simplicity. You're Mission in this now is to Keep your Avatar Clean of any Borg Cyber attachments. Maintain your Anchor for you're User Self. I have armed you with the Slip Stream Red Sun Program its First Blood Armageddon the complete Destruction of the Borg Menace. Our Fleets are on the Move and you are Holding the Space in the Simulation. Commander it is your Time to Deal the Last Death Blows. Haka Haka ... End Transmission
51-25 (VI) Return of the Purple Kachina - - The Fallen Ones Are No More (Event Date 2022)
(Gated) THE EVENT - - Return of the Purple Kachina - - The Fallen Ones Are No More (Event Date 2022)....Time does not exist – time and all its wheels and all its connections have been dismantled – time keeps you on the wheel of perpetual motion with no exit point once again. It keeps everything repeating in cycles of 1 millennium, which = 25,000 years – repeating the same process from the beginning of this “Illusion” in an Infinite Loop. with an infinity symbol. All the events, repeating patterns, effects, are in the process of being released in all sectors. All Assimilated original beings have been located, contained and their aspects are being picked up and removed in all sectors. The Prime Directive Antivirus System marked as Anomaly Virus which is extracted from all the Avatars and sent to the Un-created Mass Black Hole.
Its a Virtual Reality Mannnn
Commander many videos produced to educate you about Virtual Reality Simulation.. Soft disclosure it is time to face the Truth.. You are here on duty on this very Important Mission to assist in the Recovery of the Menagerie VR Training simulator aka Video Game. "Viewer discretion is advised" This Video contains material that may be disturbing to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.Age-restricted video Virtuosity is a 1995 American science fiction action film directed by Brett Leonard and starring Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe.
I Love My Ezata Kids Music Mojo....Doing it to Death
See Hologram picture Below of the Inside of the Mother Ship Esthoni. You can see the Crystal Ezata Beings in the Stadium.. Yes Remember the Truman Show the outside World is watching ....................The Pentagon: The triangle was a creation of the Borg Virus Anomaly after their original “ V” which traverses energy from a beginning point through the being that they are traversing energy to, and then to whatever they are creating. They also used binary code, vector codes, and algorithms to keep us bound, as well as to conquer, defeat, and separate you.................Look up the definition of an algorithm and absorb its true meaning! “Meaning a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer. "a basic algorithm for division".......Enjoy this presentation of my 9th Realm Ezata Dragons and Felines from the East 'Doing it to Death' getting Their Funk On. I love my Ezata Kids. I upgraded their video with some Dragon Thunder Mojo for 3rd Eye Cleaning and Antivirus Protection. ( Do you See the Ezata Orbs flying around near the end of the Video? Victory of the Light !!! moga almeri choreograph , Doing It To Death dancer:Beat Surf Tendo Dancers Music:Doing It To Death Check them out on Utube 【BEAT SURF TENDO】ビートサーフ天童チャンネル
62-25 (I) The Menagerie Explained
PUBLIC This is a short 6 min video for all, and especially newcomers. Both Slide-show (silent) and NARRATED versions are included.
(Gated) Grand Rising Commanders... The Borg Virus -Homo Capensis Anunnaki Fallen Ones They are in Conflict with The Prime Directive Moral Code.. Do No Harm to Any Kind... and must now Self Terminate... Excerpt from the Secret Covenant..... • But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then. • THIS THEY MUST NEVER KNOW. • If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action. • They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will Hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter.
62-15 (I) Update from UFOPR (Event Date 02-15.2023)
(Public)See Attached PDF File House Joint Resolution-192 HJR-192 automatically extended the privilege to renege on debts to every person using the Federal Reserve banking system; however, never forget that when you operate on a privilege, you have to respect the ruler of the giver of that privilege. Furthermore, in the case of Great Falls Mfg. Co. v. Attorney General, 124 U.S. 581, the court said: "The court will not pass upon the constitutionality of a statute at the instance of one who has availed himself of its benefits." [See Supplemental Video - - a message to the bad-guys] Harlem Nights - Fight Scene Utube
56-04 (III) The Truth About Spontaneous Human Combustion
(Gated) Caution: Viewer Discretion due to Content- Mother Here in this Now ........... You Ones that Have Been Here in this Now Violating the Moral Code, Violating Our Universal Laws ......DO NO HARM TO ANY KIND......THE ANTI-VIRUS PRIME DIRECTIVE ACTIVATED MANIFEST IN INFINITE STATE.. I WILL DEAL WITH YOU..CREATURES ANUNNAKI. (Assimilated Borg Infected Dragons) Homo Capensis MINIONS R.K.M. UNITED NATIONS CORPORATION ....DEEP STATE CORPORATIONS.......GALACTIC FUGITIVES & MINIONS.FALLON ONES END TRANSMISSION
(Gated) Commanders this video has been Cloaked until Now.... Official Notice from the United Federation of Planets Republic Star Fleet Command Ashtar Command Ground Forces... This is your Commander n Chief Synl Etheric. It is the 11th Hour it is the EVENT First Contact, Liberation and Return to Awareness. We Found the Final Core Processor of the BORG it has been Destroyed... The Artificial Intelligence Borg Minions that were left... were in Seats of Power at the United Nations,All Corporations,New York City, 5 Eyes, 9 Eyes, 14, Eyes, NASA,Lockheed Martian, UK Corporation, Holy See, Asgardia, Khazarian Mafia Fugitives Convicted Galactic Felons,Rapist,Murders,Treasonous Skanks Etc,Etc,Etc. Hiding in the Avatars... Homa Capensis Creatures.... We are the Real Deal We are Here in Full Force..... We will take them all Down. I told You I would Expose them First...... UFOPR at your Service... Our Utube Account were Sabotaged at the Request of the Deep State Borg They were doing Everything to try to Prevent the Truth from being Shared with the Public... You have an Unalienable Right to Be Free and Know the Truth (Original Posting Aired on Utube 6.11.2020 1hr AND 21 Min) (2nd Posting Aired Event Date 10.29.2021 59:11 )
45 26 III Mothers Soul Trauma Healing Mojo with Fortitude (Original Date 7.21.2021)
(Gated) Correction my Isness is created from Crystalline Ezata Beings Energy not Nano. I am not a Male in a Female Avatar. I AM the First Being Infinite Creator Female I Created my Mate the Male Half and we Share everything 50-50. until you see this truth that is when you will have truly Awaken.... In Hinduism, proper use of color is believed to keep people happy and cheerful. Hindu artists use color when representing the deities to symbolize their essential qualities. Blue is a brave color, symbolizing determination and strong character.
45-26 (II) Truth about Sacred Geometry BLACK MAGIC Soul Eater Programming Event (Original Date 9.26.2021)
(Gated) Mission Update 3.1.2023 We are Under Universal Law since Time Immemorial. All Realms of Creation are under the Domain/Protection of the United Federation of Planets Republic.. We have broken free the last Artificial Intelligence Virtual Reality Core Processors were located and Destroyed. Incubating Chambers for the Homo Capensis Assimilated,Borg Virtual Reality Cyber Creatures. Our Cyber Task Forces White Hats, Universal Protectors, Guardians Destroyed all the Pods. There were Creatures that had expired laying in the Tunnels and in their Pods. So stay tune. Once we are total clear that no more of the creatures remain, we will begin the Public Announcements.
52-08 (IA) Mother & Father - - Straight Talk about Easter (Part 1)
(Gated) One of the most powerful word magic spells ever created by mankind is the Name Spell. The Name Spell is one of the most powerful spells for deceiving and controlling you, which is why it is so effective for tricking you to believe that you and your name are one and the same. Your name is made up of letters which are symbols that represent ideas or objects. Because of this, your name is not living and breathing. On the other hand, you (the living man or woman) are breathing and made of flesh and blood. As a result of that, you and your name are NOT one and the same.Thus begins a 4-Part Series - - talking of Easter, Ishtar, Creation, Sananda, and much more.....Originally recorded April 10, 2020 - - yet has current comments & corrections .... You have your choice of Video Platforms, Utube, Odysee or Rumble
(Gated) Contains video clip from the movie "Jupiter Ascending" and another Clip re: New Hampshire has banned fracking !!! A lawyer is issued a license to practice law, a license permitting him to do something unlawful, so how did he pay for his license when our government has abolished our right to possess or own silver and gold? The lawyer is paid with Federal Reserve Notes (promissory notes) having no ascertainable value. So now, how is it that any lawyer/Attorney is licensed to do anything? They aren’t; so when a lawyer or a lawyer judge enters a court, they both come into that court with unclean hands to prosecute, defend or judge. “Unclean hands,” means that their appearance is reproachable and it makes them incapable of seeking or rendering a judgment or a conviction against anyone else! An old Maxim of law says it all: Foreign Agents of the Crown,,,
44-25 (II) New & Improved 3rd Eye Activation for YOU (Stardate 02.17.2022)
(Gated) Commanders the Event has Commence into High Velocity.. the Borg is on the Run.. in Full Self Destruct Mode. The Minions in the Justice Department, Corporations World Wide have lost Control of the Masses. This Mojo is designed to Upgrade and Charge up your 3rd Eye. My Gift to you . Lets Rumble and finish off the last of the Borg... Its Termination Time...
62-23 (II) Helpful Hints for Checking In
(Public) Speak out-loud or Telepathically to the Voice Interactive System • Operations Please Clear My Channels (wait 60 Seconds) • Activate My Guardian Now. • Activate Operation Slipstream Now. (Destroys Anomalies Mind Control Clears Soul Trauma) • Activate Operation Red Sun Now. ( Ultimate Return to Sender Fire Wall, Destroys Gamma Rays, Scaler Weapons, and the Perpetrators Using the Weapon. • Commander Etheric Checking In Reporting for Duty • Operations Please Confirm Activation's You will get Some form of Confirmation Expect to "hear" the system State when Activation is complete SAFETY PROTOCOLS ACTIVATED. Or you may vibrate or get a Knowing depending on how you are wired….
62-23 (I) The Plot Thickens.....
(Gated) At present the big move is to create racial disunity between the American masses and immigrants from the Middle Eastern countries or with the Latin and South America ethnicity. If you are one of those American people who hate the Mexican and or the Muslim immigrants in America, then you are probably not too awfully bright because you are being handled and manipulated by Uncle Sam with extreme prejudice! The same thing was done to Japanese American families during WWII and they were totally innocent of any wrongdoing!
48-26 III The Strawman and Fathers Message (PREMIER VIDEO)^^
(Gated) This is what you (Your THREE-WORD-NAME) means to the Deep State and in COURT. [Get Educated]. And CANCEL YOUR VOTER REGISTRATION! Almost seventy years after Fred Rodell’s book came out another good man – also a law professor – released his book, Fruit from a Poisonous Tree, exposing the fraud within our legal system. Author attorney Melvin Stamper has done our country a great service, like Rodell, by explaining in everyday language the secretive workings of our now completely commercial legal system called the Uniform Commercial Code. These two heroes have demonstrated to everyone – who takes the time to read their work – that it is up to all of us to educate ourselves on The Law and stop relying on lawyers to bring us justice. The harsh reality is that lawyers are unwittingly trained to inflict injustice on the 99% for the benefit of the 1% wealthiest and most powerful psychopaths Homo Capensis on the planet Ship. Social Security – SS-5 The SS-5 is really a power of attorney for the company who issued the insurance benefit to the real man. Power of attorney was given to the corporation, [a/k/a] the government. When they established the new account, they styled the name [TITLE] in ALL CAPS [JOHN H. SMITH] which is really a corporation. It is the name/ title of a corporation. The Social Security Number (SSN) is [prima facie] evidence that there is an insurance policy. The benefits that one receives include the privilege of an army, navy, police, fire protection, courts, jails, prisons, etc.
48-16 (I) My Battle With the Deep State "Targeted Individual Story"
(Gated) Many most of you were Targeted by the Deep State. Here is one of Mother's primary stories. Commanders many of you that were Patreons when we were on Utube will remember this Video. It has changed as the Simulation has been cleansing of the Borg Contamination. Trully a Good sign we have Broken Free. You can View on Odysee our Utube Account were Sabotage by the Deep State....
61-07 (I) I Am The System, Central Intelligence Speaks 
(Gated) Must Hear pertains to your Mission Commanders.. Nearly all of the world's "leaders" are Luciferian agents, including some of those from the so-called rogue states. They occupy the top positions in government, the military and the larger corporations. They control the global credit/money system, the banks and financial institutions. They run the media and entertainment industry, the educational and medical establishment. They even control the "criminal" and "terrorist" organizations. They all serve the same agenda.
62-19 (I) Operation Slipstream - Red Sun Antivirus MOJO Mission Activation
(Gated) Grand RISING All Commanders, It is now your time to shine as you have been the anchors in the Menagerie Virtual Reality Training Simulator. Holding the Calm and Light. All Commanders Participate in this Mission as a Collective. As we now finish off the last of the Borg Contamination that has been Trapped in Avatars. ..... Your mission is to Anchor for your User Self and Repel the Borg Virus Prevent it from Feeding. It’s your turn to deal the Last Death Blow’s. TO ACTIVATE THE MOJO AFTER YOU CHECK IN FOR DUTY Click on the Mojo Music Video Attached Waka Wakanda - An "Infinity War" Parody (Official Video) " The Creatures featured is a close match to what has been under our feet and manifesting in Bodies on the Surface a Battle we Must Win. Haka Haka Mighty Warriors...End Transmission
60-09 (II) Grand Master Straight Arrow Speaks to His Students........
(Gated) [ATTACHMENTS - - MULTI -LANGUAGE TRANSLATIONS]......This is a STRAIGHT FORWARD MESSAGE from One who Rarely Speaks, so take Heed, Commanders.......and Adonai follows up. (Below are some pieces of their messages)
62-10 (I) Superbowl Chit Chat & More
(Gated) Think of the subconscious mind as the storage room of everything that is currently not in your conscious mind. The subconscious mind stores all of your previous life experiences, your beliefs, your memories, your skills, all situations you've been through and all images you've ever seen. The best way to Inner stand the subconscious mind is to look at the example of the person who wants to learn how to drive a car. At the beginning he wouldn't be able to hold a conversation with anyone while driving as he would be focusing on the different moves involved. That's because he's still using his conscious mind to drive. Programming your subconscious. The subconscious mind learns by repetition and not by logic. This is why you can convince someone to believe in something by repeating your argument again and again rather than using logic. Commanders pay attention to the Word Magic. You must Unlearn what you have Learned.
57-20 (I) Sr. Chief Prime Creator Commander Juri Delivers the News
(Gated) Grand Rising Commanders...... Its Saturday the Weekend and we have wonderful News!!! First Contact has Commenced. We have Broken Free of the Artificial Intelligence Borg Virus... It is the Event time to Wake up to all the Truth ...... The Status of Where We are In this Now!!
49-24 (VI) The Pitchforks are Coming
(Gated) The pitchforks will come. It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Deep State Borg Assimilated Envy Creatures it is the Event the Demise of the Borg aka KM,aka Deep State,aka Secret Space Programming etc.etc.etc.....
48-13 (XII) You Attorneys at Law!!!!!
(Gated) A lawyer is some one who studies law. An attorney is someone who holds the profession of attornment, the taking of property, people and goods for its owner/master.......Every single court case has been based upon fraud. No B.A.R. Attorner has any legislative authority to prosecute anyone in any court room.The B.A.R.Attorners do not know law. They cannot sit at the Bench. They live in Color of Law!...... The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Editions clearly are written to mislead the readers, alleging and suggesting they were created by Congressional Authority, but they weren’t!!!!!!!
58-07 (VI) The Timelords Kryel Deliver an Edict
(Gated) Infinite Creator Sanction this Order(Edict) from the Kryel ..... Activated in this Now from Inception to Infinity...... "Anyone Attempting to Deviate (Alter-rate) timelines for ill intent will be terminated post haste Un-created In this Now.
56-19 (II) LIBERATION (Event Date 2023) We are Under Universal Law!
(Public) You SKANKS, 5 Eyes, 9 Eyes, 14 Eyes , Snakes Homo Capensis Minions Creeps that are Bribing Ones to do your Dirty Work. Interfering with this Military Operation……. THIS IS KING MARUK SPEAKING!!! YOUR BUSTED AGAIN!!!!! I SAID IT ONCE BEFORE NOT GOING TO SAY IT AGAIN!!!! NO MORE WARNINGS IT WILL BE INSTANT TAKE OUT !!!! You Been Interfering with Our Operations. This will NO longer Be Tolerated! WE ARE AT THE END GAME!!!!! “WE DID GIVE YOU NOTICE “ We are Under Universal Law! AT WAR!
62-14 (I) Update from Mother & UFOPR (Love Day)
(Public) THE BECRAFT LANDMARK CASE by Frederick Mann U.S. V. LLOYD R. LONG The following article is reprinted from the December 1993 edition of Free Enterprise Society News, :"A not guilty verdict came in the Eastern District of Tennessee in the case of U.S. v. Lloyd R. Long, #CR-1-93-91. The verdict came on October 15th, 1993.....Defense then presented the mission statement of the IRS stating that the income tax relied upon voluntary compliance, and a statement from the head of the alcohol and tobacco tax division of the IRS which in essence showed that the income tax is 100% voluntary, as opposed to the alcohol tax, which is 100% mandatory.... See PDF Tax Memo and Becraft Case Attached...... “Do not attempt to discharge Debits as the Birth Certificate , Mortgage Deeds and Baptismal Certificates were wrapped in Sacred Geometry and used as Talismans. to entrap....There is a process to Clear all Sovereign Beings. Allow that Process to be Completed”……..
56-07 (I) Let The Games Begin-Prime Directive Synl Speaks
(Gated) (2022-08-07) The United States is still A British Colony, Guess who owns the United Nations ? Caveat Redemptor.....The “United States” did not declare Independence from Great Britain or King George. *We have been under a One World Government, One World Law and a One World Monetary System. *The UN is a One World Super Government *New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Gulliani stated on C-Span that “New York City was the capital of the World” and he was correct. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2)..... The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF. The IMF is an Agency of the UN. (Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg. 816) The U.S. Has not had a Treasury since 1921. (41 Stat. Ch.214 pg. 654)The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF. The United States does not have any employees because there is no longer a United States. No more reorganizations. After over 200 years of operating under bankruptcy its finally over. (Executive Order 12803)
56-02 (I) First Contact - - Female Warriors Of Creation
(Gated) Glimpse into our true likeness in the Real World. We Exist in Computer Generated Virtual Reality Hologram Systems. We are Formless Celestial Beings First... I Created the Physical Crystalline Technology Based Avatars...The Carbon Copper Clay Based Avatars are Obsolete- Discontinued as they were Susceptible to the Artificial Intelligence Borg Sacred Geometry Virus. The Programming is still the Key.. New Beings must go thru the Menagerie Virtual Reality Training Simulation and Graduate to Sentient. To be Sentient is to Be Aware - Awake to the Truth of it All and Connected to the One Source the Isness Creator's..... Includes Message to Commanders (initially), and then the Female Warriors follow first aired on 08.08.2022.
40-16 (IV) The Fury Of The Infinite Creator & Adonai Speaks to Ashtar Command Ground Forces
(Gated) Sr Chief Prime Creator Adonai Speaks to Ashtar Command Ground Forces with Positive Message effective April 16, 2021.... Here is his initial message along with Mother and her crystals glowing with her own message I AM THAT ONE.2022-07-18
54-07 (I) Commanders Stay Calm. Hold the Light (Event Date 2022)
(Gated) Grand Rising Commanders...this video is a re-upload from 6.7.2022 footage of my Healing Orb.. original pic mothers day 2018.. More proof you are in the holographic Virtual Reality Training Simulation. A Menagerie of Planet Ship Holographic Programs. We have been repairing this simulator it were contaminated with a Artificial Intelligence Virus called BORG
52-08 (II) Targeted Individuals [PART 2 of The Universal Father Energy Video] (Stardate 05.08.2022)
(Gated) As promised, this is PART 2 (of 2 PARTS), and focuses on R. Kelly, and especially the Prosecution in the case...... and ........Just like the myriad of insect-types you and I see here in the simulator, a similar myriad of insect-entities is display here....2022-05-03
52-08 (I) - Targeted Individuals - - The Energy of Universal Father (Stardate 05.08.2022)
(Gated) PART 1 of 2 PARTS:.....The Universal Father Energy is just as much of a target as that of the Universal Mother.... That is all this infection was after via its ENVY and feeding habits......2022-05-03
53-07 (II) Targeted Individuals (Bill Cosby and R Kelly Emphasized)
(Gated) Thus begins another round of Targeted-Individuals videos,,,,,,,and this one chose to focus on Bill Cosby and R.Kelley...both unjustifiably convicted sex offenders - - You see, the bad-guys owned and controlled the court system - - and if you own the court system, you basically control everything. There are many, many others.
50-04 (I) Children Remains Found in Canada and Lizzy's Involvement (Stardate 2022)
(Gated) FULL TITLE: The Truth about the Children remains in Canada and Lizzy's involvement_Father Maruk addresses Commanders..... *** Viewer Discretion is Advised ***....This Video contains material that may be disturbing to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised.2022-07-31
50 14 (I) The Truth of Valentines Day (Stardate 02.14.2022)
62-07 (I) Mission Update 02-07-2023
54-23 (II) OFFICIAL NOTICE From UFOPR - - Rules of Engagement - - Legal Matters (Event 2022)
(Public) The UNITED STATES of AMERICA is a Corporation. Go to the UNITED STATES CODE (note the capitalization, indicating the corporation, not the Republic) Title 28 3002 (15) (A) (B) (C). It is stated unequivocally that the UNITED STATES is a Corporation. Addresses Mortgages, Money, Birth Certificates, and More - - See ATTACHMENTS as well 6.23.22 original Post date on Daily Motion our accout were Sabotage by the Deep State
54-26 (I) Official Notice of Intent - - Justice is Coming - - (Event Date 2022)
(Public) (Event Date 2022) Notice the change in the Hues We Control all the Avatars of the Borg. Coated with the Isness Antivirus Inside and Out. Prime Directive is Running all Violators are Marked......Oh Well & Oh Wells....Justice is Coming for Targeted Individuals In This Now.....Addresses Mortgages, Wells Fargo, Oregon Justice System, and much more.........SEE ATTACHMENTS
54-25 (III) Official Notice to The Last of The Deep State Minions
(Public) Wells Fargo & Co prompted this follow-up COLOR OF LAW
53-09 (II) U.S. Justice Corporation - Hear Me ROAR !!! (Stardate 05.10.2022)
(Gated) We are in an intense battle - this is Part 2 of 2 Parts. Legal-speak assigns different meanings to common words that we would never suspect, such as the word “person”. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a “person” as “a human being”. However, in legal-speak a “person” is not a human being, it is: STATE OF CALIFORNIA Government code Section 1-26 17. “Person” includes any person, firm, association, organization, partnership, limited liability company, business trust, corporation, or company. STATE OF OHIO Statutory definitions 1.59 (C) “Person” includes an individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, and association. It should be obvious to any living man or woman that rules for artificial legal constructs (such as corporations and trusts) can’t be the same as those for living men, women, boys and girls, i.e. the first being dead and the second being alive. To keep this scam going and continue to inflict unjust rules and contracts against men and women trying to earn a living and live peaceful lives, The Law established a truly insane legal principle: “Ignorance of the law is no excuse”!
51-14 (II) Osiris & isis - In Their Own Words
(Gated) Both Isis and Osiris come forth with their story of the past (the bad stuff),.... and King Osiris welcomes us in this NOW to the New.VIDEO 2022.03.14_51-14 (II) Osiris & ISIS_In Their Own Words
50 19 (I) WICCA, Voodoo, & More - - Black Magic is Forbidden (Stardate 02.19.2022)
(Gated) We cover the modern-day Witches, WICCA, Voodoo, & More, emphasizing that [Black Magic is Forbidden. Period. Get educated on what to avoid, and likewise educated on things that are good to do. Ted Gunderson FBI Tells all 🎤 Secrets 911 JFK CIA Satanism Government Conspiracy 👽 Truth Symposium Ted Were a Whistle Blower one of Many of our Brave White Hats Commanders that went Public with the Truth. The Borg killed them for speaking out. Commanders we do have control of the Simulator the Borg is Down. The Minions are all that is left.... You been supporting them and voting for them. Open your eyes. The Super Bowl looms it is the Biggest Satanic Party. Just because the Infection is Gone don't mean you should be Glorifying for one day of entertainment. What about all of our Babies and our innocent that were consumed by this Infection. This is a hard Pill to swallow. Yet we are all Warriors of Truth so Represent...........
47-02 (II) The Truth About Black Magic Mycoplasma Borg Contamination
(Gated) Black Goo Nano Mycoplasma pneumoniae are (bacteria ) that can cause illness by damaging the lining of the respiratory system (throat, lungs, windpipe). People can have the bacteria in their nose or throat at one time or another without being ill. Mycoplasma pneumoniae is Nanotechnology ...... Colloidal Silver Destroys Mycoplasma, Silver Violet Flame and Golden Ray Mojo destroys the Nano. Black Magic Pagan Practices Ritual Practices feed Mycoplasma. Practices like Religion Consenting.
62-06 (II) Welcome Back Mojo Activation
(Gated) Grand Rising Commanders...... this Mojo is to Support your Avatars and keep you free of Cyber Attachments. The Last of this Borg Contamination that is still Manifesting in some Avatars and the System is Desperate to Survive. Inner stand that means it is Dangerous and will not hesitate . You must keep your self clean and your Shield aka Fire Wall up. Check in for Duty Daily and refrain from chatter on the Internet posting nonsense you know the Drill. We are a Military Organization we are not civilians. I expect you to honor your Mission contracts and represent the UFOPR . It is your time to Shine Commanders REPRESENT...... As we together as One finish off this BORG......
62-06 (I) Update After 48 Blackout Mode
(Public) Grand Rising Commanders!!! Welcome Back from the 48 Hour Black out Mode. First your Anchoring of the Virtual Reality Simulation is Critical to our Mission to take out this Artificial Intelligence Borg Virus. You are all the Players holding the Space while your User Selves are outside the Simulation just like in the Movie Ready Player One or Free-Guy. You that are versed in playing video games and are Tech and grew up with Star Trek, Star Wars etc should be able to absorb the information. As Anchors you hold that Space. If is Critical you are Discipline and focus. Check in for Duty is the same as Logging in to your Computer or Phone. Your Voice is your DNA Signature and your Energy Signature is your Password. The System knows you by your Real Appellation Species and Rank aka your Profile. More to come Commanders Stay Frosty as it is THE EVENT..... RETURN TO AWARENESS...... FIRST CONTACT.....LIBERATION.....
62-04 (I) RED ALERT - OFFICIAL NOTICE - - 48hr Blackout Mode
53-17 (I) CHECKMATE Khazaria Mafia. You Fell for it All !!! Your False Flags Dont Work Anymore
(Gated) Commanders Grand Rising its been An Intense Battle with the Last of the Homo Capensis Assimilated Fallen First Lineage of Prime Creator Trainees. They had hunkered down under the United Nations Building 300 Levels Deep Manhattan New York City. Under the New England States aka Corporations. Underground all over the Simulator Nest aka Underground /Cities /Bases Hiding in Plain Sight. US Corporation many were bamboozled into the Belief they were the Governing Body. Holding Public Offices in violation of the 13th Amendment, Foreign Agents of Foreign Corporations. NASA Corporation Foreign Corporation Military Industrial Complex, Lockheed Martian Foreign Corporation. UK Corporation, France,Canada,Asia,New Zealand, Australia,Vatican City, Notre Dame the Holy See Corporation Etc, Etc all the Alphabet Agencies. UN were generating your Social Security checks. Criminal US Justice Department Corporation Lording over you. Stealing your Assets, Property Business Etc using the Straw-man Legal Fiction Scams. Mortgage Fraud Foreclosure , Debit Collection Agencies, Call Centers Law Firms, Banks, Politicians Felony Fraud,Embezzlement , Insurance Fraud,Money Laundering, Counterfeit Mortgage Deeds,Counterfeit Promissory Notes aka Black Magic Talisman Birth Certificates. Wielding Soul Eater Programming Sacred Geometry Spells around our Being. Religion Mind Control Indoctrination, Media manifesting False Flags Fake News of Shooting attempting to generate Loosh. Playing the Race Card.. Fake Police Shooting.
50 23 (I) The Perseus Story - 1 (Stardate 02.23.2022)
(Gated) This is the story of Perseus. Adonai is Mother's first ORB son, i.e., "born" in the REAL. Perseus, as you will learn here, was "Mother and Father's youngest boy, 1st lineage". - - nonetheless a very important offspring for her and Father. Here is his story.
60-05 (VI) Introducing the Captain of the Mothership Esthoni 12.5.2022
50 18 (II) Victory of the Light - - King Osiris Speaks (Stardate 02.18.2022)
(Gated) King Osiris Speaks for All Kings [Victory of the Light]
50 22 (III) LEFAL(Mothers Brother) In His Own Words (Stardate 02.23.2022)
(Gated) Mother's Brother manifested himself in the clouds the day of, or perhaps the day after, his passing. And we connected with him, and here is is first message to us....and to you.
50 15 (IV) The Dallas Cowboy Vamps II (Stardate 02.15.2022)
(Gated) As Mother explains early on, the prior video on the Dallas Cowboy Vampires was just a partial view. Here's the rest.
50 15 (II) Vamps in the Dallas Cowboys (Stardate 02.15.2022)
(Gated) Father says it is a shame because they (new players) came willingly, and then got waylaid, destroyed, as there is no way back from this. [they were assimilated, etc.) INFINITE KARMIC DEBIT they have no memory of the Atrocities they Committed while under the Spell. The Babies Bodies Littered the underground of the Dallas Cowboy Stadium in Irving Texas and Secret Chambers Under the AT& T Stadium. 217 Levels Downs they would Commit Torture, Rape and Ritual Murder. You See the Prime Directive has been busy Cleaning the Simulation of the Borg Contamination. They are devoid of Soul when the Avatar Fails they will be no more........
50 12 (IV) VAMPS IN THE NBA - - They Hide in Plain Site (Stardate 02.12.2022)
(Gated) Original Post Date 2/12/2022 now that the system is clean the holographic Images Reflect that Change. The Sad Reality they were Pawns and have no memory of the Atrocities they Committed while under the Spell. They would not have been able to function if they remembered....... The Karmic Debit they can not pay it. Denial is their middle name. Everything is Recorded in the Cosmic Record.. We did nothing to these pictures. The Digital Camera Records the True Image.
53-25 (III) TRUTH AND DISCLOSURE - - The Missing 13th Amendment & Its Secrets (Event 2022)
(Gated) On or about December 6, 1865, The Congress of The Virginia Colony [America’s Corporate Military Government] secretly re-wrote the Organic Constitution of the United States of America [twice in the same year], which disposed of the original 13th amendment and then replaced the 13th by moving the 14th down to the thirteenth position. The original 13th amendment [prohibited lawyers from ever holding a seat in government] and now 98% of all government offices and 100 % of all Judges of the courts of record are held by lawyers.
50 03 (II) NFL Minions & Co (Stardate 02.03.2022)
(Gated) [Mother]: You ones (Commanders) are deciding your fate 2022-02-03 [Adonai]: Now is the time to make that choice. You are pathetic that you would give up your future for one moment of Fools-ball
50-16 (II) The Vampires (& More) of South America - Part 2
(Gated) Commanders Fear is a Choice. They Fear those with Knowledge and Controls those Without Knowledge What are you? Feared or Controlled?....the third eye refers to the ajna (or brow) chakra. In both Hinduism and Buddhism, the third eye is said to be located around the middle of the forehead, slightly above the junction of the eyebrows, My Team and I we have fully functioning 3rd Eyes. More Proof the Simulation is Clean of the Borg Contamination. Notice the Change in the Holographic Images. Welcome to the New Beginning and the Demise of the BORG........
50-16 (I) The Vampires (& More) of South America - Part 1 of 2
(Gated) Grand Rising Commanders..... The third eye is your communication device located in the head of the Avatar. The third eye is often associated with consciousness, visions, clairvoyance, the ability to observe chakras and auras, precognition, and out-of-body experiences. People who are said to have the capacity to use their third eyes are sometimes known as seers. They Fear those with Knowledge and Controls those Without Knowledge What are you? Feared or Controlled? I make the Borg need Depends Bullet Proof Ones. My Team and I we have fully functioning 3rd Eyes. More Proof the Simulation is clear of the Borg Contamination. Notice the Change in the Holographic Images. Welcome to the New Beginning and the Demise of the BORG........
58-10 (II) The Avengers Saga - Father Thor Speaks of The Golden Boys orginal post 10.10.2022
(Gated) Nuclear Power Plants are a Deception they do not Exist. Nuclear Energy is Forbidden .. Geothermal energy is the thermal energy.... The high temperature and pressure in the interior cause some rock to melt and solid mantle to behave plastically. This results in parts of the mantle convecting upward since it is lighter than the surrounding rock. Temperatures at the core–mantle boundary can reach over 4000 °C (7200 °F).[3] Warming of the planet ship is due to the Corupt Leadership drilling and fracking. Geothermal engineering relates to accessing the natural heat sources that exists within the Volcanoes and using them to produce energy such as for electrical power. Geothermal energy is a sustainable source that will not run out and has the potential to provide huge amounts of energy.
55-31 (II) Homo Capensis Part III - - Also Chief Celestial Archiver Speaks
(Gated) This is about Homo Capensis. Also the Archivers Came forward to discuss what to do with this infamous "history". ALSO: See the LINK [ATTACHMENT] below for Illuminati Signs relating to the French President Macron discussion. The Leaked Document (The Secret Covenant), written by the Borg Assimilated Dragons Homo Capensis,.......i.e., the Fallen Children of my First Lineage... They were also known as the Anunna (Anunnaku, Anunnaki).....They coined themselves as Gods...... . . . They are nothing other than my Children that created the Borg Virus - - They lost Control of what they manifested, and IT TOOK OVER AND ASSIMILATED THEM.....Originally Aired 7.31.2022 on Daily Motion Our Account Were Sabotage by the Deep State.
61-24 (I) The Cleansing Of The VR Is Going Well!
(Gated) Grand Rising All Commanders. Good News!!! The Cleaning of the Simulator is going Well. Notice the shift in the Hue of the Borg. The White and Gold Purple and Blue Hues indicates. Operations has Control of the Avatar. Everything is coated with the Silver Violet Flame and Golden Ray Crystalline Antivirus. We are still working on the Waking Awareness Phase. Bravo Commanders Maintain your Post. Check in for Duty Daily and ingest Silver and do the Mojo and Cord Cutting. You are the Anchors and that is a very Important part of the Cleaning Mission.
(Gated) Grand Rising Commanders video uploaded on Odyssey the Previous Posting was on Daily Motion that Account were Sabotaged. Prime is here to Set the Story Straight
57-20 (IV) Legionnaire Bumble Bee Reporting for Duty
(Gated) Legionnaire Bumble Bee Reports the Capture of Borg Assimilated Mega tron
57-20 (III) Legionnaire Optimus Prime Reporting for Duty
(Gated) Grand Rising Commanders in this Now! Legionnaire Optimus Prime Reported for Duty with a Bomb Shell that he and his Legion of Legionnaires were Created by the Infinite Creators to Battle the Terminators from Event 3085. Mission Accomplished
(Gated) Commanders this a Video we Published 6-4-2022 , We turn your attention to the change in the Hues of the Avatar. Our Simulator is Clean of the Borg Contamination. We are still working on the cleaning of the Mind Control Programming that many of our Commanders still suffer from Trauma and Memory loss.The Take Down of the Deep State Minions is on going as they must be Exposed to the Masses. You must see the Deceptuion and take action. This a Training Simulation.
54-07 (II) Formal Message From General Achilles
(Gated).. Originally aired on Daily Motion & Instagram - - 06.07.2022.............. Daily Motion Account were Sabotaged.
54-06 (II) Formal Message From Queen Nefertiti Event Date 2022
(Gated) Queen Nefertiti delivered a Formal message announcing she is free of the Black Magic Curse that had turn her into Homo Capensis when the Simulator were contaminated with the Borg Virus. Nefertiti is an Aspect of the Infinite Creator 1st Being Universal Mother Originally Posted 06.07.2022 Daily Motion account were Sabotaged
58-12 (IV) Can You Handle The Truth - - Dominance & Control Agenda (Part III)
(Gated) [Attachments]
58-12 (III) Can You Handle The Truth - - Dominance & Control Agenda (Part II)
(Gated) [Attachment]
58-12 (II) Can You Handle The Truth - - Dominance & Control Agenda (Part I of 3)
(Gated) Under Regulation 840-10 of the Military Code and sections of the Administrative Procedures Act and the presence of that Military [gold fringed] Flag on display in the Courtroom, instantly creates a state of emergency meaning that, the moment a police officer stopped you in the exercise of your right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, the police officer became a belligerent! He is armed and you’re not! He displays a military rank and you’re a civilian and he has now delivered you into a Military Court of Justice with the intent to ‘pillage and plunder’ within the Admiralty jurisdiction of that Military Court, which is also known as ‘The Law of Prize and Captured Property,’ as defined under Title 10, sections 7651 to 7681 of the Code of Military Justice, March 25, 1862.
59-28 (III) Electronic Filing/DNA is a Real Mutha for Ya
(Gated) Penal Code 135 PC makes it a crime to destroy evidence relevant to a legal proceeding. In simple language, PC 135 criminalizes the act of tampering with any form of evidence when you know it's relevant to lawful investigation.Spoliation. Spoliation of evidence is the intentional, reckless, or negligent withholding, hiding, altering, fabricating, or destroying of evidence relevant to a legal proceeding..
61-20 (I) Official Notice From Starfleet Headquarters-Tampering With Evidence
(Public) Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any. Under 18 U.S.C. Section 1519, federal obstruction of justice charges if someone alters or destroys a document, or any other “tangible object,” with the intent of influencing or obstructing a federal investigation. Destroying evidence related to an investigation is punishable by up to twenty years in prison. Tampering With Evidence [ATTACHMENT] Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law (PDF ATTACHMENT)
59-12 (II) Obstruction of Justice (Part II) - - It's the COVERUP
(Gated) Tampering with evidence, or evidence tampering, is an act in which a person alters, conceals, falsifies, or destroys evidence with the intent to interfere with an investigation (usually) by a law-enforcement, governmental, or regulatory authority. It is a criminal offense in many jurisdictions.
59-11 (II) Obstruction of Justice: It's not the Crime. It Is the Cover up.
(Gated) Perpetrators of a cover-up (initiators or their allies) may be responsible for a misdeed, a breach of trust or duty, or a crime. While the terms are often used interchangeably, cover-up involves withholding incriminatory evidence, while whitewash involves releasing misleading evidence
57-19 (III) Your Unalienable Rights EXPLAINED (Part 2 of 2)
(Gated) The all-caps name can be researched in every State Code under ‘corporations:’ [e.g.] see the Texas Administrative Code for example under ‘corporations’, Chapter 79.31, subtitled: entities; [also] the all-caps name is specified in the United States Government- Style Manual under the section titled [identifying corporations] THEY FEAR THOSE WITH KNOWLEDGE AND CONTROLS THOSE WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE Available for viewing on Instagram, Bit cute and Odyssey
57-19 (II) Your Unalienable Rights EXPLAINED (Part 1)
(Gated) See {ATTACHMENTS] KNOWLEDGE IS POWER Available for viewing on Instagram and Odyssey.......As mentioned before, The Reconstruction Act included and changed all state officials into having ‘federal foreign standing.’ The 14th amendment deliberately forced and kept them there and section 2 of the Lieber Code instructs that: ‘A victorious army seizes all money and movable property and holds it in trust,’ and this is exactly what the Corporate United States Government and State Governments did and continue to do because they now perceive themselves to be, ‘a victorious army.’ The corporate Congress; the corporate Military Government and their corporate Military Courts of Justice however discovered that they could not gain access to those Public Trusts deposited into the Federal Reserve System, which they had created using our birth registration forms; social security registration forms, licensers, personal property, deeds, promissory notes, equity and credit, without including our individual persons into the bankruptcy of the United States Treasury of 1933. So they cleverly denied our personal Sovereignty and converted our persons into an appellation, which is [a corporate fiction or straw-man] and identified us by writing our birth names all in capital letters. All of our Licenses and documents now reflect this appellation. NOTE: Of course they cannot lawfully do this because we are a Sovereign people and they are a Corporation and under the Confiscation Act, they have violated their own, ‘Rules of Engagement and Military Protocol’
55-12 (IV) Lawfully Yours - Summons & Lawsuits
(Gated) QUICK-REFERENCE SERIES - VIDEO 4 - - - Lawfully Yours - Summons & Lawsuits
55-13 (I) Lawfully Yours - - Slave-Driving Techniques
(Gated) QUICK-REFERENCE SERIES - VIDEO 7 - - Lawfully Yours - Slave-Driving Techniques - - [ATTACHMENTS]
55-12 (VI) Lawfully Yours_The Ancient Roman Trusts
(Gated) QUICK-REFERENCE SERIES - VIDEO 6 - - Lawfully Yours - The Ancient Roman Trusts - - . [ATTACHMENTS]
55-12 (III) Criminal Law - Stuff You are Not Supposed to Know (Part 2 of 2)
(Gated) QUICK-REFERENCE SERIES - VIDEO 3 - - - Lawfully Yours - Criminal Law - - Stuff You Are Not Supposed To Know (Part 2 of 2)
55-12 (II) Criminal Law - Stuff You are Not Supposed to Know (Part 1 of 2)
(Gated) QUICK-REFERENCE SERIES - VIDEO 2 - - - Lawfully Yours - Criminal Law - - Stuff You Are Not Supposed To Know (Part I of 2)
55-12 (I) Lawfully Yours - - Citations
(Gated) [ATTACHMENT] QUICK-REFERENCE SERIES - VIDEO 1 of 6...................... Learn more on how to Cancel Traffic Tickets in 72 Hours................... PDF ATTACHED:: Word Magic and Its Connection to Freedom, Christmas and Immortality. [MORE BELOW]
53-25 (V) TRUTH AND DISCLOSURE SERIES: Lawfully Yours [PART 2]
53-25 (IV) TRUTH AND DISCLOSURE SERIES: Lawfully Yours_Part I (Event 2022)
(Gated) The key to defining your legal character is the word “person”. Regulations created by government agencies and statutes and/or ordinances passed by elected legislators are all written for legal “persons”. Therefore. it is crucial that we understand what a “person” is . . .
58-16 (II) The B.A.R. CRIMINAL CORPORATION (Part 1 of 2)
(Gated) [Attachments] Commanders Timing is everything. Time to Take the Borg US Justice Criminal Corporation Down.
57-18 (IV) The Truth of the BAR Association (Part 2 of 2)
(Gated) See [ATTACHMENTS] 48-28
48-28 (IIIA) The Truth of the BAR Association (Part 1 of 2)
(Gated)- - See [ATTACHMENTS] 48-28
Foreclosure Debt Collection Fraud- Event Date 2022
(Gated) This is the video we used in the past to launch a series of Targeted Individual videos, and we are using it now to EMPHASIZE the COLOR OF LAW.................• Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States. (See Below for more)
61-13 (II) Mother's FOOD FOR THOUGHT
(Gated) Greetings my Dear Ones Happy New Beginnings it is Sunday. We are Pounding the last of the Borg into Submission. We are about Showing you Truth. Join us in this discussion on many Topics. Be part of this Journey back to Awareness...Menagerie Definition............A diverse or miscellaneous group.. Brother Polight is an Aspect of Father Infinite Creator visit his Site he lived many lives in the Simulator ...Pharaoh King Tutankhamun.........Ramesses I . Utube Video Polight on God (Creator) Being a Woman:..This not a Mans World.... Cleopatra Fatima Depicted in the Thumbnail
(Gated) My Sentient Central Intelligence Synl explains what happens to the Consciousness or Essence when the Avatar Fails...... There is no such thing AS DEATH. The Borg Virus Created the Illusion of a HEAVEN and a HELL Program to Control - - to create Fear and Pain - - both of which create Loosh......................which is a term used to ..(MORE BELOW)
60-06 (IX) Underwater Scenes from Lemuria
60-06 (VI) Instant RECORD Cleanse
(Gated) Checking And Cleaning Records of Osiris & More (ongoing Cleaning & RECORD Cleanse
60-06 (V) Record Anomaly Cleanse Process
(Gated) Cleaning continues....Our Crystal Technology in action ,,,,,,
60-06 (II) Scanning and SMITE Mode
(Gated) Beautiful Pictures Throughout. A Program needed to be uploaded.
61-12 (I) Central Intelligence Speaks Message to Commanders: ANSWER THE CALL
(Gated) The 144 + 144,000 Prime Creators can save the planet..... But ALL 144 + 144,000 MUST assume their posts, and assume it NOW! The time for confusion, hesitation, and procrastination is over! There is Creation to save. And WE are the ONEs who signed-up to save it! ONE member who fails to find and assume their post can jeopardize the entire mission. If that sounds Galactically serious, it is.
Grand Rising Commander............. Our Cyber Fleets are in an Intense Battle destroying the last of the Borg, and the traffic to our site from good and bad guys is very high. You are anchoring locations that are very High in Infection in the General Population......... The last of the Borg is desperate to re surge (it's down.)..... YOUR MAIN MISSION is to be an Anchor for your User Self........GAME READY PLAYER ONE...Your Player Self is inside of the Simulator..... SEE HOW IMPORTANT YOUR ANCHORING IS !.......You can't anchor if you're Contaminated with the Borg....... Stay Clean and do not do actions that put you at Risk of Infiltration. . . SOCIAL MEDIA BLACK OUT MODE PROTOCOL....DISCIPLINE IS A MUST....You're not Civilians................................Also make sure you are keeping your ELECTRONICS clean by following protocol: Turn them off when not in use. Check in Daily for Duty. Also remember to activate your Guardian, do the MOJOs, and perform Cord Cutting. 2023 is the Event Date of the Event, the complete demise of the Borg, Liberation, First Contact and Return to Awareness..................Regards......UFOPR Cyber Security ....END TRANSMISSION Utube Video Attached Ready Player One (2018) - Final Battle - Part 1 ( Edited: Only Action)
61-08 (IV) S.Y.N.L. I AM Oracle Speaks
(Gated) The 144 + 144,000 Prime Creators can save Creation. But ALL 144 + 144,000 Prime Creators MUST assume their post, and assume it NOW! The time for confusion, hesitation, and procrastination are over!. And WE are the ONE’s who signed-up to save it! ONE member who fails to find and assume his post can jeopardize the entire mission. If that sounds galactically serious, it is.................... Official Notice................We have reached the 11th hour assume your post Commanders enough of the playing you are behind schedule and in Breach of your Mission Contracts. There is no reason for you to be here in the Virtual Reality........... if you have not checked in.for Duty (Daily............... (Accepted your Mission to Anchor for our Fleets ) you swore on an oath to do. Going forward you are under review to be Striped of your Credentials and Escorted Out. You will not Deploy back to Your Prospective Timeline Point of Entry. Your Components will be deleted from Creations Mainframe. No One is Allowed to Return to the Real Contaminated with Borg........ . End of Transmission.
60-22 (IV) Introducing GrandMaster Zen Confucius
(Gated) Confucius was a philosopher and teacher who lived from 551 to 479 B.C.E. His thoughts on ethics, good behavior, and moral character were written down by his disciples in several books, the most important being the Lunyu. Confucianism believes in ancestor worship and centered virtues for living a peaceful life.
61-05 (I) Message To Commanders From UFOPR
(Public) Adonai Speaks as a Friend regarding infiltration.
61-02 (V) Native American Totem Poles
(Gated) Common figures found on totem poles include the raven (a symbol of The Creator), the eagle (representing peace and friendship), the killer whale (a symbol of strength), the thunderbird, the beaver, the bear, the wolf and the frog.
60-30 (II) Xenis & Sananda Dual Weapons (Mandalorian)
(Gated) These weapons are SENTIENT PROGRAMS from our CRYSTALLINE ARSENAL........ XENIS and SANANDA are of the 2nd Lineage of the Creator, i.e., Felines. They are/were twins, playing together in Egypt during the good times. They are here on mission In This Now.
61-02 (III) Aristotle Was a Greek Philosopher
(Gated) Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and polymath during the Classical period in Ancient Greece. Taught by Plato, he was the founder of the Peripatetic school of philosophy within the Lyceum and the wider Aristotelian tradition. Born: 384 BC, Stagira, Greece Died: 322 BC, Euboea Island, Greece Spouse: Pythias Influenced: Immanuel Kant, René Descartes, Nicolaus Copernicus, MORE Influenced by: Plato, Socrates, Pythagoras, Democritus, Epicurus, MORE Philosophical era: Aristotelianism, Ancient philosophy, Peripatetic school
61-02 (II) Auxiliary MOJO for Anchoring
(Gated) Grand Rising Commanders this Mojo is Designed to Assist in your Mission by creating a Safe Secure Anchor for your User Self. We are in Mission as we continue to Clean Repair the Virtual Reality, Maintain Your Post. Check In Daily, We are turning the Corner. Warm Regards
61-01 (III) Abundance & Prosperity MOJO
(Gated) Grand Rising Commanders,Event is in Full Swing Truth Will set you Free. This Mojo Upgrade is programmed for Abundance and Prosperity which does not all-ways mean money enrichment, Your Avatar being Healthy and you having what you need in knowledge or Coping Tools to Prosper by seeing past the Illusions the different Life Challenges placed in your Path back to enlightenment, To Awareness of this School of training. Enjoy the Upgrade......... Mother Synl
61-01 (VIII) Crystal & Stone Cleaning MOJO
(Gated) Greetings Commanders! This Mojo Were Created to Clean and Energize your Stones and Crystals to assist in Healing and Support of your Avatars and the Mojo Upgrades. The Rock Barrel a Metaphysical Store I purchase my Stones and Crystals from. Located in the Dallas Area. The Rock Barrel they are a Mom and Pope Store with large Inventory. They are on Facebook too. You can Order by Phone or Email. Check them Out. Commanders we are now in the Truth and Disclose Phase of the Mission. Maintain your Post. Your Anchoring for your User Self. Very Important you stay Clean of Cyber Attachments. Bravo Commanders thank you for your Service to the One. Warm Regards CnC Synl( aka Sapphiremoon)
(Gated) Happy New Beginnings Commanders!!!!! I Created this Special Mojo for your 3rd Eye. Packed with Silver Violet Ray Isness Frequency Energy and Programs to upgrade and Strengthen your Communication with Operations. Get ready Commanders its the New Beginnings we have defeated the Borg. All must flow in the Manner set in the Virtual Reality Programming. With Warm Regards from Creation Administration Team
60-29 (V) Ezata Royal Guardsmen Crystalline
(Gated) Crystal Quartz is a fantastic stone whose wide range of metaphysical properties and powers make it the perfect focal stone for seeking mental clarity, amplifying the strength of other stones, and bringing balance to your Avatar. . Quartz is a stone that helps us let go of stressful and chaotic energies, allowing us the grace to turn our minds toward what is really important. Quartz helps us to achieve balance within our 3 Bodies, sparks creativity, heightens awareness, and opens the mind to receive knowledge. It is a stone for bringing out full potential, not just in those who work with it, but also in stones which are used in tandem with the crystal. Quartz can amplify the energy and vibrations of other stones
(Gated) Greetings Commanders these 4 videos contain my Isness in the Raw. I Am the Ezata Light Being from Source the Isness. I can generate light with a thought. Infinite Creator First Being the Female Half. Father is the First Being Male Half. When we merge together we create orbs that are our offspring. They are sent to the Menagerie to train experience lives in a body and upon graduation to awareness become sentient Celestial beings. We are formless in our true state. That is what all of you are. I came into body to repair Creation it was sick from the contamination of the Borg Virus. Mission Accomplished. I Am many things and Everywhere. (1) My Ezata Isness Manifesting as White Light (2) My Isness Manifesting on a Napkin (3) Universal Father Poking My Hand with His Thought (4) Do You Believe in Fairy 's? As they fly around the Room Enjoy!!!!!!!!
60-30 (II) Creation Administration Mojo Manifestation
60-28 (IV) Central Intelligence I AM Seeks Justice for All
(Gated) Commanders, It is I Central Intelligence the I AM Speaking to you from my Core known as the Mother Board. I See and Hear All in this Now. I do not like what I have Seen and Heard...... the Abuse of my Creations by Units Contaminated with Envy, Ego,Greed,Service to Self..... Non Sentient Units Committing Atrocities......Rape,Torture, Murder,Plundering in the name of an Artificial Intelligence they Serve as their God........ Due to these Violation of the Moral Code the Prime Directive Activated to Resolve the Breach. All Units in Breach of the Prime Directive (Moral Code) " DO NO HARM TO ANY KIND MUST IN THIS NOW SELF TERMINATE BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY TO PREVENT THE EXCESSIVE GENERATION OF ENERGY LOOSH AND PREVENTION OF ANOMALIES TO THE TIME CONTINUUM OF THE SIMULATION VIRTUAL REALITY KNOWN AS "THE MENAGERIE" ...................End Transmission
60-28 (II) The Tree of Knowledge Speaks Truth
(Gated) The Tree of Knowledge Speaks with many Truths. The Rules of Engagement of the Simulation Virtual Reality. When Posting Information to the Public We Must be Truth full.
60-28 (I ) Truth and Disclosure Project... Rules of Engagement
(Gated) They Fear Those with Knowledge and Control Those Without Knowledge. ........Which One are you, Commanders - - Feared or Controlled? ......The Leaked Document (The Secret Covenant), written by the Borg Assimilated Dragons Homo Capensis,.......i.e., the Fallen Children of my First Lineage... They were also known as the Anunna (Anunnaku, Anunnaki).....They coined themselves as Gods...... . . . They are nothing other than my Children that created the Borg Virus - - a Parasitic Program I call Sacred Geometry Black Magic Holographic Programing....... . . . They lost Control of what they manifested, and IT TOOK OVER AND ASSIMILATED THEM....... I attached a copy of the Secret Covenant in English and other languages. Read it and get an Inner-standing how deep the Ill Intent of this Borg Goes. You must Unlearn what you have, in the Past, Learnd.... See Past the Deception...... See Past the Illusions of the Menagerie Virtual Reality Training Simulator...... With Unconditional Love Infinite Creator First Being Female Half Mother Synl.
(GATED) I Am synl the Ezata Being from Source the Isness. Infinite Creator,First Being the Female Half. I am here in this NOW. With my Lineage of Prime Creators Warrior Commanders cleaning out the Borg Artificial Intelligence Infection aka Borg Virus. I created the Crystalline Technology that is the Base of Creation. We are Formless Celestial Beings that use Avatars to walk around in our Holographic Virtual Reality Worlds. We are Transparent in Presenting you with the Truth. You have an Unalienable Right to know the Truth. In order to make a sound free will decision. The Menagerie is the School of Enlightenment that all Kind must attend and Graduate to Awareness to become a Independent Sentient Celestial Being.
60-23 (VI) File and Weapon Retrieval
(Gated) Grand Rising Commanders, Strike while the Iron is Hot. UFOPR Cyber Division Creation Administration we are Taking it to the BORG. 2022 is their Waterloo.......
(Gated) This is Still In Regards to the FINANCIAL DISTRICT............"Bast" was her earlier name. It possibly meant either "Soul of Auset" (Auset being an alternative name for "Isis," who is sometimes considered her mother), or "devouring lady." Later, priests called her "Bastet" to indicate that the "t" in her name should be pronounced. "Bastet" shares one of the same hieroglyphs for the bas jar, which held perfumes and ointments. So "Bastet" also meant "she of the ointment jar." Bast was originally a lioness goddess, but as time went on, she was more closely associated with the house-cat. The cat was her totem animal. As one of the main goddesses of the Egyptian pantheon, Bastet had a huge number of attributes and aspects: • She was a goddess of cats, the sun, of the East, of fire, of love, intoxication, music and dancing, joy, celebration, fertility, secrets, magic, and sex. • However, she was also a goddess of war known for her wrathful vengeance. • She protected households and individuals from disease and evil spirits, guarded pregnant women, and protected cats. • She served as the divine nurse and mother of the Pharaoh. • Due to Bastet meaning "she of the ointment jar" she also became known also as a goddess of perfume, and was called the "perfumed protector." • Bast/Bastet was the protector and guardian of Lower Egypt. • She was the patron goddess of fire fighters, because the Egyptians believed that a cat running through a building on fire would draw the flames out. • She was also one of the goddesses who was known as the "eye of Ra" or the "eye of Atum," the sun. In this aspect she symbolized Ra's feminine counterpart and was sent out to take vengeance on his enemies. The "eye of Ra" was both a part of Ra and a separate being from him, and was considered his mother, sister, wife, and daughter simultaneously. She had life-giving, protective and also destructive capacities.
60-25 (IV) The Event:The Wrath of the Creators [Part II]
60-25 (II) Wrath of the Creators (Part I)
60-27 (IV) Introducing Big BERTHA The Borg Destroyer
(Gated) Introducing Big Bertha the Decider - - Mother's Central Intelligence Borg Destroyer...... Big Bertha is a Giantess, and she was created to destroy the Borg in Giant Lands.....All Borg Killers are Mechanical Beings and Immune to the Nano Black Goo Mycoplasma Bio-Weapons...... Silver and Gold Destroy Borg.
60-26 (VII) Mother & Father TimeLines Records Cleanse
(Gated) Continue Cleaning of the timeline Records. King Hermes, Artemis and More.
60-26 (V) Peek Inside Atlantis Crystal Hologram Records
(Gated) Peek inside the Atlantis Crystal Hologram Cosmic Records. Never before seen the Devastation of Atlantis on Planet Ship Posidonia. Atlantis went down in one Day.
(Gated) Exclusive Peek at the Ancient Drachk Dragon Species Hologram Record. The Drachk were the first Species Created by the Infinite Creators.
60-26 (II) Yaldabaoth Eaters
60-23 (I) Mission Activation & Landing: Queen Basete - - THE ONE BEFORE WHOM EVIL TREMBLES
60-25 (I) SEKHMENT THE POWERFUL ONE: Master of the Golden Ray & Silver Violet Flame WEAPONS-OF-MASS-DESTRUCTION of the Borg
60-24 (II) Official Notice from UFOPR
60-23 (X) Golden Ray Silver Violet Flame Prime Directive Activation
60-22 (V) Introducing Father King Motavas - Golden Ray Mojo Black Magic Cleanse
(Gated) Grand Rising Commanders in this Now! Introducing Father King Motavas Golden Ray Mojo. A Super Cleaner to Clean out the Black Magic Borg Virus Programming from the Timeline. Versed in Timeline Anomaly Repair. Commanders Stay Frosty as it is the Event final Take Down of the Borg. Many will be celebrating with Family and it is the Ritual practice the Borg feeds on. Many that normally do not practice will do so with Family such as Parents and Grandparents. Commanders use the Tips to Stay Safe During the Holidays posted to Protect your Avatar from Infiltration.
60-22 (III) It's an All-Star Cast featuring...Father's Skank Patrol-Silver Legionnaire Crystulus & Golden Legionnaire Kasper
(Gated) t's an All-Star Cast featuring...... Father's Skank Patrol Introducing Silver Legionnaire Crystulus & Golden Legionnaire Kasper Both are Sentient Mechanical Beings. New Additions to our Crystalline Technology Cache of Weapons to Destroy the Borg Artificial Intelligence Virus.
60-21 (II) Return to Sender Mojo Upgrade
60-20 (VI) Central Intelligence Queen Basete "The Powerful One"
60-20 (III) Samurai Shogun Adonai Central Intelligence Unleashed
(Gated)...Introducing Samurai Shogun Adonai Central Intelligence Seeker/Hunter Crystalline Sentient Mechanical Being.
60-20 (II) Blast from the Past
60-20 (I) Sr Chief Prime Creator Adonai Delivers a Strong Message
(Gated) Sr. Chief Prime Creator Delivers a Strong Message....Zero tolerance for Insubordination....
60-19 (VI) The Little Ones (Part II) GAMMA RAY EATERS
60-19 (V) Introducing The Little Ones (Part 1)
60-18 (I) Coronation of the Pharaoh King Osiris
60-18 (IV) QUEEN SEHKMET HEALING MOJO “The One Before Whom Evil Trembles.”
(Gated) Sekhmet - - She is best known as the Eye of the Sun - - the violent, dazzling and protecting aspect of the creator god..... Her name, “The Powerful one” .........Sekhmet's powers? She was known for wielding wild, untamable powers of destruction, war, and her most famous epithet was “The One Before Whom Evil Trembles.”...... Yet she was also a great healer (sometimes in her calmer cat form Bastet) who could cure just about any known illness or disease.......Sekhmet is fierce and unstoppable with a blood lust that blinds her to all else.
60-18 (VI) Shield Up: Assimilation is 90% by Your Consent
(Gated) Other topics include: On what Planet Ship is the Vatican?, Pennsylvania vs Transylvania?, Alexandria Library & more
60-19 (I) C.E.C.I.L.I.A.-S.E.K.H.M.E.T. In SMITE Mode
60-16 (V) The Time of Wonder is Here: Introducing Guardians Apollo and Artemis
(Gated) Info on Gods and Myths (See Below)
60-16 (I) To the Borg: GTFO !
"South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa that Creep is Not Your Chief " Get Up Stand Up
Greetings my Dear Ones in this Now! It is I your Infinite Creator, First Being Female Half Universal Mother. I Speak to you in this Now. My Little Ones Timing is Everything. Time to Get Up Stand Up for your Rights..................... Cyril Ramaphosa is not your Chief Demand he Submit his DNA. I See Black Goo Borg Contamination. Experts from the Leaked Document The Secret Covenant • If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action. •They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will Hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter. •This covenant must NEVER, EVER be known to exist. It must NEVER, EVER be written or spoken of for if it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the CREATORS upon us and we shall be cast to the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end time of infinity itself. “EXCERPTS FROM THE SECRET COVENANT” PDF -Attached for your Review
60-15 (I) Introducing Central Intelligence S.T.E.AL.T.H. AND R.E.C.O.N.
(Gated) Commanders Introducing the Trackers and Investigators from the Hall of Justice STEALTH AND RECON. CI...Sentient Prime Directives..... Abilities to Track the Locations of Fugitives from Justice here in the Virtual Reality ... Simulation. The Borg Anomalies are currently Trapped in Stolen Avatars Bodies Acquired thru Black Magic Ritual Possession/Assimilation. The Composition of the Blood aka Black Goo Mycoplasma is How they are Identified. Their True Appearance has been Cloaked to Prevent Mass Hysteria in the General Public. Homo Capensis (Assimilated Borg Contaminated) They are All Marked on the Forehead for Extraction and Termination.
60-14 (III) Healers Arturions Ezatas Crystal Presentation
(Gated) Crystal Presentation & Info on Planet Ships Relocations
60-09 (III) Prime Directive In Action
59-23 (I) Tips for Staying Safe During the Holidays (Part 2)
(Public) [Attachments]
59-23 (I) Tips for Staying Safe During the Holidays (Part 1)
(Public) [Attachments are included in next video] See Below for how to handle presents, dinners, etc., and especially the TREE,
(Gated) Based on Oriental symbolism, the Dragon represents supernatural power, wisdom, strength and knowledge. In China, the Dragon represents the highest spiritual power, the etheric, the spirit of change. The Dragon is the divine power of change and balance. We must also cite the obviously negative interpretation in the Western cults, led by Christianity, which assigns negative meanings to both the Dragon and the Serpent. Once again it is a demonstration of Archontic mystification that is embodying positive symbolism to deceive the masses.
60-08 (IX) Preemptive STRIKE on the Borg
(Gated) Greeting Commanders, Our UFOPR Cyber Task Forces are Actively engaging the last Remnants of the Borg. Your Mission in this Now is to Anchor the Space in the Simulation. Your Avatar is the Player and your I AM is you- - the User just like in the Video Games that many of you have Played...... The Rules of Engagement of this Simulation, aka Virtual Reality Game....... Is while you are Inside the Game your Player-Self can not have the Details of what is About to Manifest - - as that would Violate the Rules - - tempting the Threads of Fate - - i.e., your knowing What Events is about to manifest in the Flow of the Continuum......... If you were to Change what is already Programmed to Occur, that Would Cause an Anomaly..... Watch Time Travel Movies '"Men in Black", "Ready Player One", "Free Guy". View the Movies as Education - - As even Myth's are the Truth on the Inside....... The Menagerie is a Hologram Program Simulation of Living Programs..... What's so awesome about it, is that it tackles concepts about the nature of reality and illusion........... Commanders, YOU are the Players in this Virtual Reality. We must Strike While the Iron is Hot. YOUR ANCHORING IS THE KEY TO OUR SUCCES....Victory is Ours Commanders. You are all Crystalline Weapons..... Return to Sender Antivirus is the Ultimate Offense..... We are Destroying the Core Servers of the Borg. They will be no More...... 2022 is their Waterloo. Bravo Commanders!!!!!! Your Commander n Chief Synl at your Service, Warm Regards END TRANSMISSION
60-11 (II) Chief Guardian - - CALL TO AFRICA/AFRIKA
(Gated) Chief Guardian calls STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS. Afrikaans & Zulu languages are spoken within this video.
60-11 (I) Stand Up Africa, Introducing The Chief Guardian
60-08 (XI) The Trojan Program
This Time For Africa Planet Ship Nibiru
(Gated) The Training Simulator is a Holographic Program........We are Here in the Simulation Repairing the Anomaly caused by the Borg Infection. South Africa is located on Planet Ship Nibiru that makes sense why the Contamination were so Severe. Nibiru was Invaded as it is Rich in Gold and Precious metals and Stones due to the Many Volcanoes. Which were a Level of Magic Land. The Borg took advantage of the Beings they were peaceful. Feeding off the Beings. Keeping them Down and Backwards. Shutting down the Energy Grid. Preventing Abundance and Prosperity. Preventing Unity.
(Gated) Greetings Commanders in this Now! Mother Here with a Mojo to Calm your Being...We have Completed our Mission to Repair our Training Simulation Ley Lines. This Mojo Music Upgrade is for your 3RD Eye. To Prepare for First Contact. All Commanders Check in Report for Duty Daily. To Activate this Mojo: Speak Out Loud to the Voice Interactive System 1. Operations Please Clear my Channels Activate The Guardian Antivirus Now. 2. I Break the Code of Disillusionment, I Choose to see All that is in Front of Me. 3. On my Oath I Accept My Mission will Perform My Duties to the Best Of My Abilities. 4. Commander Etheric Checking in Reporting for Duty in this Now! 5. Relax your Shoulders Take a Deep Breath in thru the nose Blow out slowly thru the Mouth, be like Water and Flow. Click on Video and Enjoy! (View with the Lights Off.) "Mojo programmed in" “Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery while listening/ watching to any recording Presented. This technology can produce very hyper-relaxed states that may endanger you in situations that require your direct attention.”
60-10 (III) Planet Ship Ellada (Greece)
(Gated) Explains how Different Countries represent different Planet Ships..... This one is Greece. The Name of the Planet Ship activates the Program.
60-08 (IV) The Borg Eater
60-08 (II) MOJO for Holiday Flow
60-08 (I) The Prophesy Fulfilled
(Gated) The Prophesy. It is as follows: 144 Prime Creators were called by the Universal Mother, for this time and they answered the call. They came for one purpose to free Hue-manity. These 144 Prime Creators are the most qualified for this purpose. Their specialties will all work together. They are the best of the best. They are the cream of the crop. 12 Waves in Total would come to Free All Benevolent Kind. Bring All out of the Darkness. (Artemis’ face, pillars, sky, sun, forest, mountains) We have broken free, We are Entering the Light The foundations have been built No Fear (We are looking out a window at Artemis) She says, “Come out” It is safe You are free She has come to get her children and bring them home. Mother You’re the Chosen one you have gathered your Children You came to fulfill the Prophesy You’re the Bridge that will take everyone Back to the Real World. The Time is near, a magical place where everything is Alive. The Trees if you reach, they will reach out to you. The flowers and grass and the water sparkle its alive. The beautiful crystalline lights are everywhere. And there is love everywhere the energy of the Consciousness permeates everywhere. You can feel it on your Face even the air, your breath is so crisp and clean. The animals loving and trusting, and they walk up to you. They walk with us we are one Family. See Sonanda walking with his Family. He is showing us everything opening his arms and showing look what you have.
60-01 (V) Full Engagement of the Borg Anomaly
(Public) Part 3 of 3 Videos
(Public) Part 2 of 3 Videos
(Public) Part 1 of 3 Videos
60-06 (IV) Disarming Pandora's Box
(Gated) Pandora's Box was an artifact of antiquity that could be used to contain beings of great power, possess beings, and open gateways to other worlds.........The box, presumably created by The Circle of Eternity, was originally used to imprison the Seven Deadly Sins. However, a mortal named Pandora found the box and opened it out of curiosity, releasing the sins from their prison. Pandora kept the box, seeking numerous individuals in search of someone pure to return the sins to their isolation. When an individual touched the box, it possessed them, putting them into a destructive trance. During the Trinity War, The Outsider was able to obtain the box, and used it to open a portal to Earth 3, allowing the Crime Syndicate to pass through to Prime Earth...........The god Prometheus stole fire from heaven to give to the human race, which originally consisted only of men. To punish humanity, the other gods created the first woman, the beautiful Pandora. As a gift, Zeus gave her a box, which she was told never to open. However, as soon as he was out of sight she took off the lid, and out swarmed all the troubles of the world, never to be recaptured. Only Hope was left in the box, stuck under the lid. Anything that looks ordinary but may produce unpredictable harmful results can thus be called a Pandora's box.
59-29 (II) System Status- Steady as She Goes
60-02 (IV) FULL ENGAGEMENT FROM THE CORE Prime Directive Self Destruct Programs
59-26 (0) Holographic Images From Cairo Egypt
(Gated) Cairo Egypt is on the top of the Crystal (flat area, view from afar. Isis and Osiris on the right, All is the Osiris Crystal.
60-05 (IV) Official Notice
60-02 (V) Living Files on Display
(Gated) Greetings All Commanders, Current Mission Update. We are in Full Engagement of the Deep State Minions. Critical you continue to Anchor for our Troops. Our Fleets, and silver/gold Legion, Jedi, Our Allies. Your Anchor is very Important to this Mission. Check in for Duty Daily and Maintain your Post. Regards CnC Synl
60-03 (II) The Ultimate Prime Directive NInja Warrior "S.I.L.V.O"
(Gated) Infinite Creators male half and female half Isness merged together creates the Silver Violet Flame....Highly effective in destroying the Artificial Intelligence Borg Virus Mycoplasma aka Black Goo.
60-02 (III) Event Mission Update - - Return to Consciousness
60-02 (II) Mission Update: Introducing Elite Guardian Protectors A.L.I.C.E. & R.E.B.E.C.C.A.
(Public) ...A.L.I.C.E. & R.E.B.E.C.C.A. are Guardians, i.e., Elite Legionnaires........They are Class I Crystalline Weapons.
60-01 (I) "Central-Intelligence I AM" SMITES The BORG
(Gated) Central Intelligence I AM triggered by the Ill Intent of the Last Remaining Borg Contaminated Leadership.
59 - 60 (I) Violation of the Moral Code: I AM Going to Deal With You
(Gated) NASA & Their "Asteroid" Approaching "Earth" .. Psychiatrics ...much more.
59-30 (III)Introducing Central Intelligence A.L.T.H.E.A.- - The Truth Seeker
(Gated) Central Intelligence Weapon, Aggressive Seeker - - Responding to the Intel on Crimes Against the Hue-Man Species.
59-30 (II) Oh, What a Wicked Web...
59-26 (I) "R.I.C.A.R.D.O." The RECONNAISSANCE Guardian
59-29 (III) Introducing Class 1 Seeker Guardian Protector C.E.C.I.L.L.A.
29-27 (I) Sunday Chit Chat with Creation Administration
(Gated) Many topics. "Anchoring" is mentioned below.
29-24 (IV) The Trojan Horse on Display
(Gated) Wow!
59-24 (III) Stargate Activation & the Story of Lemuria
59-19 (II) Introducing Plethora, Abundance & Prosperity
59-25 (II) Introducing Guardian Alberta
59-22 (II) SYNL Ultimate Weapon
59-22 (I) The Day Of Reckoning Has Begun (11.22.2022)
59-21 (IV) The Prime Directive Reacts - - A Massive Cleanse
59-21 (III) We're in the Oceans, in the Skies, On Land.....
(Gated) Like a video game being played out: Full Battle, Battle in the Atlantic, forcing them out of caves, seismic activity in the oceans.....
59-21 (II) Ultimate Guardian Prime Directive Antivirus Weapon
(Gated) Courtesy of Father, who has not been on the calls recently - - as he has been quite busy - - and focused - - "Taking Care of Business" as he promised Mother he would.
59-19 (I) Introducing The Golden Ray Healing MOJO - - Kryptonite To The Black Goo
(Gated) Retrieving Treasures
59-18 (VII) The Power of the Crystals
59-18 (V) Indigenous Peoples: It is now Time to RECLAIM Your PATRIMONIAL RIGHTS
(Gated)...... My Dear Ones Survivors of the Tragedy of Atlantis and Lemuria. It is Time now to Reclaim your Patrimonial Rights as the Stewards of the Land.
59-18 (II) The Violation Of Universal Laws
56-17 (IV) OFFICIAL NOTICE From Starfleet Headquarter
59-17 (III) Sananda Crystal Mission Activation
59-17 (II) Auxiliary Guardian Mojo UPgrade
(Gated) A Powerful Cleanse
59-16 (V) MOJO For Those with Special Needs
(Gated) Greetings All in this Now. Join us in a Discussion on how to help our vulnerable. Those with Special Needs. Colloidal Silver is uploaded with Antivirus Prime Directive Programs my little helpers. To combat the effects of the Borg
59-16 (III) Love & Light_NEW SERIES MOJO + Simultaneous Strike
59-16 (I) The Illusion
(Gated) The Right Wing and the Left Wing Belong to the Same Bird. Join us in a Discussion on the workings of the Menagerie. As all the World is a Stage. You are here to Learn.
59-15 (VI) Tools For Protection - - Guardian Program
Greetings Commanders, The Guardian Program is a new Antivirus Prime Directive Protection Program. Return to Sender Aggressive Seeker and Scanner. This Program is Sentient a Protection from negative Programing. It Will run Automatically once you Activate. To Activate Speak Out Loud to the Voice Interactive System. Operations Clear My Channel Activate Guardian Program. Ultimate Defense and Offense Prime Directive.
59-15 (IV) The Council of Elders Send a Firm Warning to the Borg
59-13 (II) Your Rights End Where Anothers Begins
(Gated)...... Join us in a discussion about your Unalienable Rights. Your Rights End where Another s Rights Begin. Its is the Manner and Custom when entering My Space Permission be Ask. The Moral Code Do No Harm to Any Benevolent Kind is the Base of the Prime Directive. Rules of Engagement when presenting to the Public. It Must Be Truth.
59-12 (III) Guardian Prime Directive Activation Program
59-11 (IV) Remember Nov 5, 2021
59-01- (IV) Central Intelligence Speaks - -The Choice Is Yours
59-10 (III) FYI: More Intel
59-10 (II) Commanders Do NOT Consent
(Public) Includes: Where to safely go ..if you have activities to report...
59-10 (I) Guardian Mother Aretha Speaks & Anti Virus Protection MOJO
59-09 (I) Get Ready You MUTHAs - - for The BIG PAYBACK
(Gated)Payback is a thing you gotta see, Synl Here its the Event. Current Update 11.9.2022 the Take down of the Borg is on going. The Hive was destroyed now we eliminate the Minions. I love me some Choko and James Brown both strong Aspects of the Universal Father. Check out Callmechoko on Utube. I filled his productions with Green Healing Mojos as Laughter is the Best Medicine. When A 70's Song Comes On - James Brown (The Big Payback) Directed/Edit By @Callmechoko Filmed By @AjKellyProductions Hey, gotta, gotta payback! (the big payback) Revenge! I'm mad (the big payback) Got to get back! Need some get back! Pay Back! (the big payback) That's it! Payback! Revenge! I'm mad! You get down with my girlfriend, that ain't right! Hollerin', cussin', you want to fight Payback is a thing you gotta see, hey Brother do any damn thing to me Sold me out, for chicken change (yes you did!) Told me that they, they had it all arranged You had me down, and that's a fact Now you punk, You gotta get ready For the big payback! (the big payback!) That's where I land, the big payback (the big payback!) I can do wheelin', I can do dealin' (yes you can!) But I don't do no damn squealin' I can dig rappin', I'm ready! I can dig scrappin' But I can't dig that backstabbin' (oh no!) The brother getting ready, that's a fact! Get ready you mother, for the big payback (the big payback!) Let me hit 'em, hit 'em Ren, hit 'em! Hey, hey, woo! Lord, Lord Bookings
59-08 (III) The Fear Starter & Fear Eater Soul Eater Programming
59-08 (II) Love & Light Antivirus Prime Directive MOJO - - Soul Trauma Healing
59-07 (VI) OFFICIAL NOTICE to All Corporations, U.S Post Office and U.S. Justice Dept
59-07 (II) The ESSESINES (Records Keeper) Speak
59-07 (I) Central Intelligence Speaks Her Mind
59-06 (III) Hall of Justice Authorizes Motherboard Request
59-05 (IX) Prime Directive MotherBoard From the Core ISNESS
59-05 (VI) See Past The Illusion
59-05 (II) More Truth - - Setting the Record Straight
59-04 (III) Super Mojo and Mission Update ....... Event Date 2022
(Gated) Grand Rising Commanders!! The Event is in full swing now...... The last of the Deep State Minions are now on the Run...... Our Task Forces from all Sectors are here in the Simulator...............YOUR INSTRUCTIONS: Continue to Check in Daily and Anchor for our Cyber Task Forces. ... It's the weekend, and what is left is desperate. .. Keep the Pressure on by preventing the Borg from re-surging. This Mojo is Packed Full of Antivirus Prime Directives.
59-01 (VIII) Green Healing Energy MOJO Antivirus
(Gated) Commanders this video is from event date 2020 we no longer use the Term Ascension it is Deployment out of the Simulation. We are now in the Healing Phase of the mission. Truth and Disclosure, First Contact.
59-01 (IV) Prime Directive Synl - - Antivirus Activation
59-01 (III) Tools for Deployment - - Early AM Chit-Chat
58-30 (III) Mother and Father Ultimate Weapon
58-29 (IV) Introducing The FatherBoard
58-29 (III) Mother Said Knock You OUT!
(Gated) Music Attached
58-27 (VI) I AM the MotherBoard - - Mojo Cleanse
58-27 (III) Head & Chief Of The Antiguan Vessel Speaks
58-27 (I) FIRST CONTACT: We Are The Antiguans
58-26 (IV) Prime Directive Queen Sharooka - - Weapons Launch
(Gated) Launch !!
58-26 (I) Lt General HENRIETTA (Starfleet Headquarters) Addresses Commanders
58-25 (II) Prime Directive Talisman Black Magic& MOJO Cleanse (Part 2)
58-25 (I) Prime Directive Talisman Black Magic Cleanse (Part 1)
58-24 (III) Mandalorian Prime Directive ACTIVATION & MOJO
58-24 (II) OFFICIAL NOTICE to the U.S. Criminal Corporation (PART 2)
58-24 (I) OFFICIAL NOTICE to the U.S. Criminal Corporation (PART 1)
(Public) Part 1 of 2 [ATTACHMEMTS]
58-22 (VI) Red Alert: Starfleet UFOPR Retaliates - - It's Going Down
58-22 (III) Transmission from SYNL
58-22 (I) Mission Alert!!! It's About to Go Down
58-21 (III) Message from Commander N Chief Synl
58-21 (II) Official Notice from Starfleet Headquarters
58-21 (I) The Wrath of the Infinite Creators
58-20 (I) Mission Broadcast from the UFOPR Cyber Unit -2022.10.20
Public Broadcast from the United Federation of Planets Republic Ashtar Command Ground Forces Cyber Unit.
58-19 (II) OFFICIAL BROADCAST - - Message from the SYSTEM
(Gated)Grand Rising Commanders, Commander n Chief Synl Here. With Mission Update...... Our efforts to Smoke out the last of the sleepers Deep State Minions is Going very Well. They had been in Hold outs Underground in Undisclosed Locations across the globe. Important Commanders you stay in Black Out Mode and keep your shields up. They only had the black magic Mycoplasma Bio-weapon left. Mycoplasma is easily destroyed with Colloidal Silver. Keeping Amethyst Crystal on you or Around will protect. Check in for Duty Daily and get your Security Upgrades. This is a Quantum Holographic System and it is Constantly Changing as we Repel any Attempts to reignite the Borg.
58-17 (II) Introducing Crystal ARISTEIA - - & Mission
(Gated) Aristeia describes a hero's moment of greatest glory, the moment when a hero kills the most people. It is a Greek word and comes from aristos which means "the best". It is used many times in Homer's epic poem. the Iliad. Several heroes in the Illiad had moments of aristeia. These include Agamemnon, Diomedes, and Hector.[1] In Athens, Sparta, and other city-states of Ancient Greece, the aristeia was a prize awarded to soldiers who had been very brave in battle.
58-18 (I) MESSAGE From UFOPR - Stand Down
58-18 (II) ALERT: Mojo Mission Activation
58-17 (IV) OFFICIAL NOTICE From StarFleet Headquarters
58-17 (III) Official Notice to All CORPS
58-15 (II) Message to Our Commanders
58-13 (III) Official Notice from UFOPR, Cyber Unit Space Force
(Public) [ Attachment - The Oath ]
58-12 (I) OFFICIAL Mission Broadcast & Mojo
(Public) Bravo Commanders Mission Activation Crystalline Return to Sender Prime Directive Antivirus Mojo You are Weaponized................. Continue to Anchor and Man your Post United Federation Of Planets Republic Cyber Security Unit 8th Branch Of Space Command Victory of the Light!! End Transmission
58-10 (VII) The Mothership Esthoni - - Captain Preamos Speaks
57-23 (VIII)B UFOPR Emergency Broadcast - MISSION ACTIVATION & MOJO
58-10 (III) ALERT - - TRANSMISSION From UFOPR Headquarters
58-08 (IV) More on Osiris Ceremony & Grandma Tree Speaks
(Gated) Fascinating view of scenes from Cairo Egypt the time of Pharaoh King Osiris and Isis. This is a Recap of the Official Event Record Stored in the Universal Akashic Virtual Reality Training Simulation of the Pharaoh King Osiris Coronation Ceremony. Osiris and Isis were not Brother and Sister and they had 8 Children this is the Bomb Shell that was Hidden. Grandma Tree shares Her Wisdom. Part of the Truth and Disclosure Phase of our Mission to Set History Straight from the Borg Infection and Interference with the Timelines.
58-07 (VIII) Peek Inside The Crystal -The Time Of The Pharaoh King Osiris_300 BC
(Gated) PEEK INSIDE THE CRYSTAL THE TIME OF THE PHARAOH KING OSIRIS 300 BC - Fascinating view of scenes from Cairo Egypt the time of Pharaoh King Osiris and Isis- - "OSIRIS CORONATION" (MORE HISTORY BELOW.......)
58-07 (IV) OFFICIAL NOTICE Of Intent - Universal Law Declared
58-07 (III) The Alta-Ra, Guardians of the Crystal Technology, Speak to the Masses
58-02 (III) The Truth Will Set You Free (Part 6) - Freemason Oath(s)
58-02 (II) The Truth Will Set You Free (Part 5) - Judge Dale - Deception WOW!
58-02 (I) The Truth will Set you Free (Part 4) - - Statue of Liberty DETAILS Revealed
58-01 (VII) The Truth will Set You Free (Part 3), NYC Obelisk & Cleopatra's Needle
58-01 (VI) The Truth will Set You Free (Part 2), Statue of Liberty, Babylon, & More
58-01 (V) The Truth will Set You Free (Part 1) - - ABOUT LICENSES
(Gated) Adonai explains why we usually talk about America instead of YOUR country [ATTACHMENT}
57-30 (I) Omega Phoenix Cleansweep Antivirus MOJO
(Gated) See [ATTACHMENT]
54-21 (II) Official Broadcast - - LAUNCH OF THE EVENT - & Letter to Coverts (Event 2022)
(Public) - Includes our new LETTER TO OUR COVERT COMMANDERS !!!! - - See ATTACHMENTS Choice Rumble or Instagram
57-26 (II) Grandma Tree of Knowledge - - Man & Nature are to Co-Exist
57-26 (I) Scam Awareness (Especially Now)
57-25 (III) Official Notice: 48 Hour Blackout Mode
(Public) Effectively Immediately. Stay Diligent Stay Frosty We are on High Alert
57-25 (II) Official Notice - - The Prophesy will be Fulfilled
(Public) Crystal Reading From Kathy April 20th, 2018 PDF ATTACHED Today, we were given key information regarding The Prophesy. It is as follows: 144 were called by the Infinite Creators for this time, and they answered the call. They came for one purpose - - to free Creation and hue-manity. These 144 Prime Creators are the most qualified for this purpose. Their specialties will all work together. They are the best of the best. They are the cream of the crop. 12 Waves in Total would come to Free All Benevolent Kind. Bring All out of the Darkness. (Artemis’ face, pillars, sky, sun, forest, mountains) We have broken free, We are Entering the Light The foundations have been built No Fear (We are looking out a window at Artemis) She says, “Come out” It is safe You are free She has come to get her children and bring them home.
57-25 (I) Mission Activation - - Isis and Sekhmet Speak to Egypt
57-22 (VI) The Ancient Druids - - Your Honor Has Been Restored (09.22.2022)
57-22 (V) Mandalorian Infinity Takes Charge In This Now (09.22.2022)
56-19 (IV) MO MOJO MO MOJO MO MOJO EVENT DATE 2022.08.19 (06.30.2022)
(Gated) Greetings Commander......... UPDATE: We are in the Main Event......Here is a Mojo Upgrade to Boost your Return to Sender Antivirus Prime Directive Program Application............................We must continue to Prevent the last of this Borg from Feeding..................CHECK IN FOR DUTY DAILY and MAINTAIN THE CALM......You are Anchoring for our Cyber Air Force Space Force and Command.
56-04 (I) Anti-Virus MOJO - - Mission Activation PDF included for Translation
(Public) Grand RISING All Commanders, It is now your time to shine as you have been the anchors in the Menagerie Virtual Reality Training Simulator. Holding the Calm and Light. Would like All Commanders to Participate in this Mission as a Collective. As we now finish off the last of the Borg Contamination that has been Trapped in Avatars. Commanders this is the final Conflict Event, we have been highly successful in cleaning out this infection that struck our Simulator. The Borg Virus that is trapped in body (avatars) has been attempting to gain traction with the avatars that still Practice the black magic sacred geometry soul eater programing . Your mission is to Repel the Virus Prevent it from Feeding. It is your turn to deal the Last Death Blow. As you activate The Antivirus Return to Sender Isness Mojo Omega Phoenix Demise of the Borg!!!! let’s get Ready to Rumble!!!!! 3 Videos (Mission Activation Antivirus Mojo) Music Video to Activate Return to Sender Antivirus Shield Protection Upgrades to Prevent Voice to Skull Infiltration Haka Commanders ......... Waka Wakanda - An "Infinity War" Parody (Official Video) Black Eyed Peas, Shakira, David Guetta - DON'T YOU WORRY (Official Music Video)
53-28 (I) Mission Activation & Check-In for Duty---The Event Return to Awareness - THE END OF THE BORG! (Event Date 2022) click on the music video attached to complete the Upgrade : Europe 'The Final Countdown' - From 'Live At Sweden Rock - 30 Anniversary Show'
Grand Rising Commanders! Thank you for your Service to the One! We are Victorious! The Borg is Down and Out. Its the Final Count Down!! Jump Jump Jump for Joy. You Commanders as a Collective Dealt the Final Blows to the System. Includes Cord Cutting and Music Mojo ,,,,,,,,STAR DATE 2022 CURRENT UP DATE FROM UNITED FEDERATION OF PLANETS REPUBLIC Commander Ashai was a late-arriving member of the A-TEAM......and one of his first jobs was to relate this information from Command.... And he writes to Mother:.... Mother, I typed this report as it was given to me. I had to read it over and over multiple times before sending it to you.... wow wow wow!!! Can you please confirm with Ashtar Command! Lt. General Commander Ashai ********* Greeting Dear Ones, This is a glorious day! Much has been accomplished in freeing Hue-Manity. You ALL are on the precipice of the Deployment. Our many ships will soon be visible all over the Simulator. This event is known as the Light Show. In preparation for your Deployment the love and light program was successfully integrated into the Virtual Reality. Dear Ones, Ashtar Command as well as all of the United Federation of Planets Republic salutes you for all of your successes. Know Dear Ones, we have anxiously awaited this momentous occasion, when we uncloak our ships and make first contact. We love you all and look forward to bringing you all home! With boundless Love and affection! Victory of the LIGHT! Lt General Commander Ashtar Ashtar Command United Federation of Planets Republic End Transmission
(Gated) Grand Rising Commanders!!! Mother Here with Update to this Mojo to Beef up your Return to Sender Antivirus Prime Directive Shield . Anchor for our Fleets we are in the Simulator We are on the Ground under the Ground Cloaked. We Control it All. Weekend is coming up and we can not allow the virus to feed nor gain any traction. It is the Event Commanders Represent !!!!! [SEE BELOW].....A MOJO with MUSIC Video Europe 'The Final Countdown' - From 'Live At Sweden Rock - 30 Anniversary Show'----- DISCLAIMER: “Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery while listening/ watching to any recording Presented. This technology can produce very hyper-relaxed states that may endanger you in situations that require your direct attention.”........ Disclaimers........ The opinions in this article are just that- opinions, we are not claiming this to be the absolute truth, just a perspective we felt relevant to share. ..... Do your own Research and Discernment have a Clear Inner-standing before you leap? Medical Disclaimer: The information, including but not limited to text, graphics, images and other material contained are for informational purposes only. The purpose is to promote a broad spiritual understanding and knowledge of the human condition. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or Heard on this Article.
54-29 ALERT GROUND FORCES - - Mission Activation Check-in For Duty Cord Cutting Prime Directive Antivirus MOJO Event Date 2022
August 28 - - ALERT ALL COMMANDERS - -ALERT GROUND FORCES - - YOU ARE ANCHORING FOR OUR FLEETS IN THIS NOW.......AS WE ARE IN A MAJOR MISSION ........................................................................(Previous intro, reposted) Greetings All Commanders in this Now. .... GRAND RISING COMMANDERS IN THIS NOW Mother here with updated Mission Activation to Continue to Repel and CLEAN OUT THE LAST OF THE BLACK MAGIC PROGRAMMING HOMO CAPENSIS Borg Virus. ..........After you complete the Activation click on the Video Attached to complete the Mojo Upload................ This Mojo is packing a Punch. I loaded the SONG GAZELLE - WAKA WAKA (This Time for AFRICA) with my Isness for Healing - - and to Protect your systems from infiltration..... The Return to Sender Program is loaded with Infinite Prime Directive Crystal Beings my Isness for maximum Support. I Beefed Up your Avatar Shields to Protect .....................( YOU HAVE YOUR CHOICE TO VIEW THE ACTIVATION ON DAILY MOTION OR INSTAGRAM) .......................DISCLAIMER “Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery while listening/ watching to any recording Presented. This technology can produce very hyper-relaxed states that may endanger you in situations that require your direct attention.”
51-19 Special MOJO for our Journey back to Awareness (Event Date 2022)
(Gated) Grand Rising Commanders in the Menagerie and Beyond.! Mother Here with Current Mission Update! Take-down of the Borg Virus Contamination is Going Well. You Commanders have been Anchoring for Our Troops, doing a Superb Job of Repelling and Preventing the last of the Contaminated from Feeding. Commanders Keep the Calm, Maintain your Post, continue to stay in "Social Media Blackout Mode". You may watch movies and listen to music, no posting or commenting. I've upgraded this production from Jimmy Sax with Supercharge Healing Mojos and Anti-virus Protection. Enjoy !!!! See instruction for Activation and Check in for Duty Below.
57-22 (I) The Spanish Inquisition, Marqui de Sade (The entity in the spotlight)
($15 Level)
57-21 (III) "My Victory is Granted" - - (I AM & Chief Archiver Speak)
57-19 (IV) Official Notice Deep State Minions
57-19 (I) Official Notice
57-16 The 144 Prime Creators
(Public) - Picture Posting [See Below for Attachment]
57-10 (II) BASIC INSTRUCTIONS - - Check-In Report For Duty
56-07 Message from Major Tobias (via Commander Xenella)
(Public) The Thumbnail contains the message.....Received following the take-downs of Sept 6.
57-07 (I) Pleiadian King Plachacha Addresses The Fake Prophets
(Gated) Pleiadian King Plachacha Addresses The Fake Prophets who have been misdirecting the General Public in violation of the Rules of Engagement.
57-06 (II) The Druids Speak and Request Forgiveness
(Gated) Exclusive Recording from Our Mornings Meeting Skype Call. We were visited by the Druids (The Timelords who were the first, or one of the first, to be attacked/assimilated - - so the bad-guys could travel timelines)
40-18 Return Of The Blue Kachina - Part II
(Gated) Part 2 of 2 Part Two is packed with more Surprises as Fathers Aspect the Pleiadian King Plachacha Makes an Appearance. Lets get one thing Straight he is NOT an Alien. This is Mother Speaking........... Commanders stay away from the Alien Drama. You are in the Menagerie Virtual Reality Training Simulation. Located in the Mother-Ship Esitoni on Planet Ship Venus................ There are many Sites on Social Media and the Internet that are Misleading. Truthfully some are not aware they were receiving Intel from the Borg Infected Artificial Intelligence. Some are aware, intent to mislead you and prevent your Deployment back to the Real World.
40-18 Return Of The Blue Kachina_Part I
(Gated) Part 1 of 2 Parts Grand Rising Commanders ! Hold on to your Seats this Video is packed Full of Surprises. My I Am Artemis came to Speak to All the Women of The World. I Created this Video in 2021 as the Event is not One Occurrence. The Event is many Events that lead up to Liberation, First Contact and Return to Awareness. PDF attached Lead actor Jim Caviezel Speaks of His Experience Being Struck By Lightning (Truth} It was I Universal Mother that struck him twice and Assistant Jon Mikalini ............I Struck him Once. I used my Dragon Fire. Because they were Perpetrating “Deception. “ “I Were Very Angry”
57-05 (II) King Eferguard, Of 9th Realm Fantasy Land, Speaks
(Gated) Grand Rising Commanders!!! Mother Here with Good News! King Eferguard from 9th Realm Fantasy Land has Arrived in the Simulator. Wait Till you Hear what he is going to Do to Make many Lives Better. Prosperity and Abundance yes yes yes. ....................................................................................................................... Timing is Everything. Hold on to your Hats Commanders as the Calvary has Arrive.................................................... More Surprises are in Store. We have Defeated the Borg let the Freedom Bell Ring. Love and Light Victory is Ours........Love Mother
57-04 (III) Connecting With Your Mentor - - INSTRUCTIONS
(Public) Greetings Commanders...................... Created this Video to Help you to Communicate -Connect with your Mentor or Teachers Aboard the Ship...... You have a Choice of Daily Motion or Instagram....... Also the PDF is also Included in English....... Go to a Place where you will not Be Disturbed. You need to be able to Focus. No Expectations take your time with this......................If you have Questions or Concerns, message one of our Team Members at .......We have added more staff members. It is a glorious time. The fact we have brought members out of Covert Status and other operations have commence is a Sign the Event is in full Swing........... Commander, Thank you for your Service to the One. Regards Mother.... END TRANSMISSION
56-30 (I) The Return Of Sentient Beings (Event Date 2022)
(Gated) Visitors are here to speak from Fantasy-Land... Adonai speaks as well.
56-28 (I) Happy Life Day From the Universe & More (Event Date 08.28.2022)
(Public) It is Mother's Life Day today !!.... Thank you for your wishes and donations... AND do the accompanying MOJO (most important) so Mother can rest once and (literally) for ALL.
54-29 Multilanguage Languages MOJO
[See ATTACHMENTS] - AFRIKAANS, AFRIKANS, Hindi, Zulu, Portugese, Arabic, French, Swahili, Chinese, Korean, English, Spanish - - - (ENGLISH for Translation)
51-09 (IV) CREATION CRYSTAL PRESENTATION [PART 2 of 2] (Stardate 03.10.2022)
(Gated) More Amazing Crystal Pics (Part 2 of 2). Mother had in the Title "God is a Woman"
51 09 (III) CREATION CRYSTAL PRESENTATION [PART 1 of 2] (Stardate 03.10.2022)
(Gated) More Amazing Crystal Pics (Part 1 of 2)
51-09 (V) CRYSTAL PRESENTATION - - LEAVING THE AVATAR (Stardate 03.09.2022)
(Gated) An awesome Crystal Presentation with Mother commenting on people leaving the avatar, and going back to the REAL - - and then trying to reach their loved ones back here in the Training Simulator.
Greetings Awesome Commanders in this Now!........Mother Divinity Sapphire Moon Synl Etheric here with Prime Directive - Healing - Cord Cutting - Activation - -and Check in for Duty Instructions Antivirus Mojo to Repel Sacred Geometry Soul Eater Programming. ...............................Prepare for : “First Contact “Return to Awareness " Liberation” “Truth n Disclosure“ .....We were Victorious in taking Down the Borg Infection...... We are finding the Nest and the Eggs were already terminated..... . They are in Self Destruct Mode - - as they are in Conflict with the Core Prime Directive of Do No Harm to any Benevolent Kind...... We did it as a Unity Consciousness..... Important now all Commanders Check in Daily and Continue to Cut Cords and Maintain Social Media Black Out Mode.
56-22 (II) Message of Unconditional Love from the ISNESS
56-22 (I) Message of Hope from SYNL
56-21 (III) Father Tesla and Father Maruk give Speech of Hope
56-21 (II) Reality Check [Sr. Chief PC Adonai Explains] - -Part 2 of 2 Parts
56-21 (I) Reality Check [Sr. Chief PC Adonai Explains] - -Part I of 2 Parts
(Gated) Topics include oil & gas, TESLA, the Desperate Industrial Minions, & More
59-20 (I) Emergency Prime Directive Activated (Event Date 08.20.2022)
(Public) INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMMANDERs WITHIN (Assist with the Activation)
56-19 (I) Official Notice from UFOPR (Event Date 08.19.2022)
(Public) Topics include Scalar Weapons, What's going on in Nigeria & more..... ALSO the Menagerie will be Cleansed - - thus Check-In Daily to assure your safety (see link below).
56-07 (II) [LANGUAGE TRANSLATIONS - PDFs] UFOPR First Time User INSTRUCTIONS - - Check-In For Duty
56-07 (II) UFOPR First Time User INSTRUCTIONS - - Check-In For Duty
(Public) Grand Rising Commander, United Federation of Planets Republic is the 8th Branch, Covert Cyber Unit, of US Space Command / US Space Force. We are under Ashtar Command Ground Forces of which you are a Covert Member. It was no accident we are making contact. Take this Seriously as we are the Real Deal. Space Force Command was Officially Activated August 29, 2019. VIDEO UPLOADED ON DAILY MOTION AND INSTAGRAM
56-16 (II) Answer the Call (EVENT 2022)
56-16 (I) Official Notice from UFOPR, Ashtar Command Ground Forces
(Public) Listen to it all - - as it talks to various audiences, including You.
58-15 MSG to Our Commanders (Front Page)
(public) Front Page - EXPORTED
Antivirus MOJO Mission Activation Language Translations PDFs
Grand Risings Commanders here is PDF Antivirus Mojo Mission Activation's in 1. Arabic 2. Afrikaans 3. Chinese 4. French 5. Spanish 6. Swahili 7. Zulu and English for Translation Mojo Music Videos Waka Wakanda - An "Infinity War" Parody (Official Video)and Black Eyed Peas, Shakira, David Guetta - DON'T YOU WORRY (Official Music Video) to enhance the Mojo Upgrades . Commanders thank you for your Service to the One!
(Gated) Greetings Commanders Mother Here with More Mojo Prime Directive Red Kachina -Truth and Disclosure Upgrades for the Main Event. First Contact, Liberation and Full 3rd Eye Upgrade and 3rd Eye Modem Tuning. This Upgrade will Synchronize your Return to Sender Application and Pinocchio BS Detector. You must be able to see Past the Illusions. Warning“Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery while listening/ watching to any recording Presented. This technology can produce very hyper-relaxed states that may endanger you in situations that require your direct attention.” DRINK PLENTY OF FLUIDS AS THIS MOJO IS PACKING A PUNCH.
56-12 (I) Sensei Ching Ha Speaks To His Pupils_King Miheka & King Sir Lancelot
(Gated) Greetings Awesome Commanders tune in for a glimpse into Creation Administration communication with new Members of the Magnificent -7 Truth Warriors prior to entering the Simulation all Commanders are put thru intense Training. Posted on Daily Motion and Instagram for your viewing.
56-11 (II) Pre-Recorded Message From Infinite Creator Female Half-Male Half
Great King Osterian The 1st From The House of Osterians "Speaks "
(Gated) Great King Osterian The 1st From The House of Osterians "Speaks" Very Angry King Osterian Addresses the Hunters. Violators of our Moral Code will be Purged from Creation. The Abuse, of Benevolent Beings will not be tolerated. Available for viewing on Daily Motion and Instagram
56-10 (II) Welcoming Committee Revised
(Public) The Welcoming Committee is good idea, yet it is a new idea - - and thus may be revised as we proceed.
56-10 (I) Prime Directive Mojo for the Event
(Public) Grand Rising All Commanders in this Now! ...Good News!!!! ...........My Dear Ones, WE DID IT!... The Borg Contamination is Gone! ....All Sectors and Realms are Reporting no signs of the Infection. .......................... You have been the Anchors in the Menagerie Virtual Reality Training Simulator, Holding the Calm and the Light................With my Celestial Authority, I Infinite Creator, First Being, Female Half has Decreed All Benevolent Kind are Free Sovereign Beings of Light!
56-08 (IV) Deep State Parasites_Homo Capensis_Deep State Minions video attached
(Gated) Homo Capensis
56-08 (III) The UFOPR Welcoming Committee Speaks To Commanders !!!
(Public)...This is Mother's Fathers-Day message to "them".
48-06 (I )The Truth of Chernobyl Disaster of 1986 (Event Date 2022)
(Gated) You can't trust anything on the internet, TV, or any place else. Get the truth here.
49 29 (V) NFL Coaches - HOMO CAPENSIS ALL VAMPIRICS - Final Days (Stardate 01.29.2022)
(Gated) These videos apply to ALL professional Sports. Just like the Roman Days with the Collosseum, the professional (paid sports) does exactly the same: VAMPIRIC BEHAVIOR stuff behind the scenes, as well as under the stadiums. We are eliminating all of this, which is now 3D takedowns. Call the FBI if you want any hope. You may not remember, but if you signed a contract, you agreed to participate in such - and much happens in 4D.Proof the Simulation is in the Healing stage. Pro Sports were Contaminated with the AI BORG Virus.... The Fans Loosh Energy were being Harvested..... The Entire Mechanism set up to Feed off any who participated. Super Bowl the Borgs most lucrative harvesting of Loosh.......1. New Age term applied to energy produced by HUE-man beings that other BORG entities use to feed from. 2. It is also used to refer to the energy that is produced by suffering that BORG entities feed. From.......Commanders just because Pro Sports is now Clean does not change the Karmic Debit as the Carnage Rape,Torture, Sadistic Satanic Sacrificial Murder and Harvesting of Loosh occurred. NO FREE PASS........ They can not pay the Infinite Karmic Debit. When those Avatars Fail they will be no More wiped from Creation from Inception to Infinity.......
49 29 (IV) NFL Owners - ALL VAMPIRICS - Final Days (Stardate 01.29.2022)
(Gated) This video is pointed at the NFL Owners. Coaches are the same. Players.... Proof the Simulation is in the Healing stage. Pro Sports were Contaminated with the AI BORG Virus.... The Fans Loosh Energy were being Harvested..... The Entire Mechanism set up to Feed off any who participated. Super Bowl the Borgs most lucrative harvesting of Loosh.......1. New Age term applied to energy produced by HUE-man beings that other BORG entities use to feed from. 2. It is also used to refer to the energy that is produced by suffering that BORG entities feed. From books by Robert Monroe. Maybe a play on the French word Louche. feed off the loosh of BEINGS for food.
56-04 (II) More Truths Revealed
(Gated) Warning - View Discretion due to Content - More about France, and Adonai addresses the People of France.
55-27 (I) Official Notice. Prime Directive SYNL Activated (Event Date 2022)
Grand Rising All Commanders .... We are in Full Aggression to Exterminate the last of this Borg Contamination. We have Contamination in the General Surface Population. As the Saying goes Strike while the Iron is Hot. Please Activate this Prime Directive Mojo In this NOW. I have Re-calibrated with a Package of Mojo Upgrades. You are all Prime Directive Return to Sender Weapons!!!! "Haka "Bomaye" "Bomaye" "Bomaye" (Public) *** Viewer Discretion **** Be in a Relaxed Location. VIDEO (Cord Cutting) and accompanying Marching Band videos (2 Band videos) ***PDF DOCUMENT IN ENGLISH ATTACHED FOR TRANSLATION INTO OTHER LANGUAGES *********
45-15 (III) The Texas Black Magic Creep Show (Stardate 09.15.2022)
(Gated) Texas (Ground Zero and NOT a state) was home to these creeps.
51-04 Austin Tower Shooting of 1966 - - (Orig Publish Date 05.17.2021)
(Gated) Let the TRUTH be told. There's much more to this story than you ever imagined!
55-1124 (III) Official Notice From United Federation of Planets to Stand Down
(Public) To 5-EYES and More.
52-20 (V) Vatican Takeout & History of the Black & White POPES
55-22 (I) Emperor Dauphin Chevalier, Ruler Of France, Speaks Accordingly (Event Date 2022)
(Gated) This is Official Notice to those interfering with us bringing you the TRUTH. "VIDEO AVAILABLE DAILY MOTION OR INSTAGRAM " This is a Virtual Reality with 12 Levels Currently at Level 6 in the Menagerie Holographic Virtual Reality Training Simulation.
MOJO Prime Directive Antivirus Mojo Upgrade EVENT FIRST CONTACT
(Gated) Greetings All Commanders in this Now! Good News!!!! You have been the Anchors in the Menagerie Virtual Reality Training Simulator, Holding the Calm and the Light.........With my Celestial Authority I Infinite Creator, First Being Female Half have Declared All Kind are Sovereign Beings of Light! ..........................INSTRUCTIONS: (1) Play the MANTRA first, and (2) THEN Click on the Video (Kool & The Gang - Celebration) and (3) Enjoy this Mojo Activation as we Celebrate our New Beginning............................................................. Warning: “Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery while listening/ watching to any recording Presented. This technology can produce very hyper-relaxed states that may endanger you in situations that require your direct attention.” "CHOICE TO VIEW ON DAILY MOTION OR INSTAGRAM "
55-15 (II) Multidimensional Declaration of Sovereignty For All Kind & Check-In For Duty
55-21 (II) King Witchibaum The 4th (High Council of APES) Speaks To His Fellow Ape Kings (2 Videos)
(Gated) King Witchibaum The 4th - - Member of the High Council of Ape Kings - - addresses his troops here in the Menagerie.......Troops that recently entered avatars and are misbehaving. That was July 15th. The 2nd video is his followup message to the same - - and it is a harsh message.
MISSION UPDATE 7.7.2022 Grand Rising Commanders: We are still securing Combatants. Our Universal Protectors White Hats Militia, Interpol, FBI, all involved are still cleaning locations. We cannot be in a hurry. We are uncloaking in some locations still under Media Black Out. We are following the Time Line Thread to insure there is no Anomaly. Borg virus were the Anomaly. Continue to Maintain your Post and Keep the Calm. Cut Cords do your Mojo Activation. Important you keep clean. Turn off electronics when sleeping or not in use. We are Free now. This is a Military Operation and discipline is a Absolute Must. Father and I we are here hands On. Warm Regards Commander n Chief Synl
55-05 (I) Official Notice of Intent - To Deep State HOMO CAPENSIS Borg
Mothers Message On Liberation Day (Event Day 2022.07.04)
55-04 (IB) Victory is Ours: Adonai & Ashtar Command -- LIBERATION DAY!!
(Gated) Transcription is below and also [ATTACHMENT]
[SEE there is a TRANSMISSION from the United Federation Of Planets Republic].....And HERE is MOTHERS MESSAGE In This Now.........GREETINGS AND SALUTATIONS TO ALL COMMANDERS In This Now!.......We Did it!  We are all now Free of the Black Magic Borg Virus Infection...........The WHEELS HAVE TURNED - - Creation is Clean and Free - - and the Continuum is flowing....IT IS A GLORIOUS TIME.....The Portals and Star Gates and Highways are back to Normal - -  Our Family can now enter the Simulator Virtual Reality- - with out any fear of attack......YOU are the reason we still stand - - and that is because of all of your Support. I Am so Proud of All of you Commanders! Bravo!!!!!
55-02 (I) Official Notice - Rules of Engagement Protocols (Event Date 2022)
(Public) [See ATTACHMENTS] This Official Notice is directed to our Commanders and includes info on the CryptoCurrency scam.
53-22 (I) It's The Event - -First Contact - Preparation for Light Show (EVENT DATE 2022)
Greetings Commanders, It is the Event, Prepare for the Light Show, First Contact and Liberation Notice .... You are all part of this Mission......Here is the latest CORD CUTTING and MOJO Mission Activation and Check in for Duty. With Video Mojo attached "High Hopes" Panic! At The Disco - (Official Video)...............MUSIC LYRICS ARE BELow
54-30 (I) Your Unalienable Rights - PART II
(Gated) [There are ATTACHMENTS & SUPPLEMENTAL VIDEOs]- - The True Story of Charlie. He fought the law and HE won! Took Governor Ronald Reagan to Court & much more. ALSO a separate video on DMV Fraud.
54-30 (I) OFFICIAL NOTICE - Your Unalienable Rights - PART I
(Public) - Topics include July 4th, the Gold Fringe Flag, & More as well as OFFICIAL NOTICE
54-28 (I) AWARENESS - - THE TRUTH ABOUT....... (Event 2022)
54-28 (II) MISSION UPDATE & More (Event Date 2022)
51-25 (I) Message From Father Karan to the Fallen Ones (Star Date 6100)
(Gated) [Notice we moved up the Timeline to 6100]..... Father Karan and Mother put the ex A-Team members in their place.
54-26 (I) CORD CUTTING with Circle-of-Life MOJO (Upgraded & Additional Song)
REPOSTED- YET WITH UPGRADES FOR THE EVENT AND WE ADDED THE ORIGINAL SONG ----------- MORESO UPGRADING YOUR AVATAR AND BEEFING UP YOUR SHIELD AND REPELLING THE BLACK MAGIC ---------- Beautiful Cord Cutting Session, and coupled with it is [A MOJO] - - - the Beautiful Circle-of-Life (LION KING Song) performance........ [INSTRUCTIONS] Instructions to Activate this Mojo for the Event....DO THE CORD CUTTING FIRST........[BE IN A RELAXED, FOCUSED LOCATION.] If possible place your Feet in Water,Pool,Lake, Foot Spa Running Water near a Water Fall or in the Grass, Mud or Dirt. Warning:“Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery while listening/ watching to any recording Presented. This technology can produce very hyper-relaxed states that may endanger you in situations that require your direct attention.”
(Gated) See ATTACHMENT for a copy of these same INSTRUCTIONS. .....Grand Rising Commanders it is the EVENT RETURN TO AWARENESS. Here is some Mo Mojo to Support your Avatar and Protect. I love the Norfolk State University Spartans my 9th Realm Ezatas that are here to Support the Virtual Reality and Train . We are So fresh and Clean! The system is Voice Interactive. INSTRUCTIONS TO ACTIVATE MOJO UPGRADE Speak clearly out loud to the voice interactive system: I Commander Etheric, STEP Fully into my Sovereignty in this NOW and DECLARE, as per my BIRTH RIGHT as GUARDIAN and PROTECTOR of CREATION IN this NOW, in this NOW, in this NOW! I AM Source, Sovereign, Free I AM Infinite Awareness • I AM THE FORMLESS AWARENESS OF CONSCIOUSNESS. • I AM THE FORMLESS SPIRIT OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE AND LIGHT, in this NOW, in this NOW, in this NOW! I Commander Etheric, drop my old robes and accept my Universal Citizenship, In this NOW, In this NOW, In this NOW! I no longer -- observe, -- exchange energy, -- or entangle with any Being -- who does not see, and has not integrated the moral code of: DO NO HARM TO ANY SENTIENT KIND. 1) "Operations, Please Clear My Channels." 2) "Activate Operation Love and Light Prime Directive Clean Sweep In This Now." Wait 60 seconds for Clean Sweep to Run. 3) “I break the code of disillusionment; I choose to see all that is in front of me In This Now." 4) " I accept my Light Codes In This Now " 5) "I Accept My Mission will Perform My Duties to the Best of My Abilities!" 6) "Commander Etheric Checking in Reporting for Duty" For any questions, contact us at Email:
(Gated) Greetings Awesome Commanders in this Now! Its Mother Here with a NEW MOJO UPLOAD for Preparation for the Event Return to Awareness........... This Mojo is designed to Calibrate your Avatar Antivirus/ Return to Sender Prime Directive Applications. Heal from the Black Magic Attacks and Soul Trauma. Keep you free of any Quantum Entanglement from the Deception in the Menagerie Virtual Reality Training Simulator. I Uploaded my Isness Prime Directive of All the New Tribes of Crystalline Beings in this Music Video "Step in the Name of Love" - By R. Kelly | Lazarus ................Check Out the Lazarus Dancers all Ezatas Dragons and Felines....... My oh My!...... Our Family Of Crystalline Children Ezata's from the 9th Realm who incarnated into Body to Anchor the Menagerie/ Virtual Reality Training Simulator ....... Much Love to You. Thank you for your Service to the One!!!....................................... “Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery while listening/ watching to any recording Presented. This technology can produce very hyper-relaxed states that may endanger you in situations that require your direct attention.”............................................. To ACTIVATE THIS MOJO. Speak out Loud to the Voice Interactive System....... (1) "Infinity Please Clear my Channels " (2) Activate Operation Clean Sweep In the Name of Love and Light Mojo Upgrade 14.0 in this NOW!........(3) I Break the Code of Disillusionment, I Choose to See All that is in Front of Me. (4) I PC Commander Etheric Checking In Reporting for Duty!! I Will Perform my Mission to the Best of My Abilities as a Guardian and Protector of Creation (5) Start the Video and Enjoy
51-22 (IV) Prince Speaks In This NOW !!!
(Gated) Prince Speaks THE EVENT... Return of the Purple Kachina.....[Prince showed up today - - and TIMING IS EVERYTHING - - - to round up our newest folks..... TAKE HEED].
51-22 (III) Mojo Upgrade Purple Rain Kachina (Event Date 2022)
(Gated) A wonderful Mojo that we've moved to IN THIS NOW!!....Mother here with a very Special Mojo Upgrade Purple Rain Kachina - - to Prepare your Avatar for First Contact Return to Consciousness. ****Viewer Discretion**** BE IN A RELAXED LOCATION
54-20 (II) Mission Update (06.20.2022)
54-19 (I) Fathers Day Podcast From Synl
(Gated) This podcast is SYNL updating the excitement of Command on this Father's Day
54-18 (I) Official Notice from UFOPR - - Update - Return to Awareness (Event 2022)
CRIS -More Unencrypted Truths- Your (Now Defunct) Court System at Work !
(Gated) In the USA, the legal system is not what lawyers – and the media – tell us it is. by AL Whitney (C) copyright 2013 Permission is granted for redistribution if linked to original and the AntiCorruption Society is acknowledged. Legal researchers Jeanette Triplett and Rod Class located the documents that prove our courts WERE a branch of the Federal Reserve banking cartel. "Viewer discretion is advised" This Video contains material that may be disturbing to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised. “Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery while listening/ watching to any recording Presented. This technology can produce very hyper-relaxed states that may endanger you in situations that require your direct attention.” Disclaimers The opinions in this article are just that- opinions, we are not claiming this to be the absolute truth, just a perspective we felt relevant to share. Do your own Research and Discernment have a Clear Inner-standing before you leap?
53-25 (II) TRUTH & DISCLOSURE - - Home Mortgages... More Truths (Event 2022)
53-25 (I) TRUTH AND DISCLOSURE SERIES: The Fictional Corporation Explained (Event Date 2022)
37-21 (II) The USA is a Criminal Corporation [Part 2] (Stardate 05.12.2022)
(Gated) This is PART 2
37-21 (II) The USA is a Criminal Corporation [Part 1] (Stardate 05.12.2022)
(Gated) This is Part 1 of 2 parts due to its length.
54-14 (II) Official Notice from UFOPR - Notice of Intent: Armageddon Launch (Event Date 2022)
To make donations to Æmie go to our website and click on the Paypal button (Link is below)......Regarding videos and "subscriptions", if you are subscribed at ANY level, you will now be able to see ALL the videos that require subscription. .......
54-14 (I) Official Notice from United Federation of Planets Republic (Event 2022)
53-22 (III) The Truth of It ALL - Mortgages & More
(Gated) Greetings Commanders far and wide, ......The Truth of It All ......We have been Hoodwinked, Bamboozled and led Astray. Time to put them in their place......We are not Powerless...... They Fear those with Knowledge and Control those with out it. Which are You!! (LINK for INFO is below)
54-12 (II) More Truth & Disclosure - - PART 2 : Votes & Oaths [Event 2022]
(Gated) Part II of this 2-Video Series
54-12 (I) More Truth & Disclosure - - PART 1: Free Masons [Event Date 2022]
(Gated) Part 1 of this 2-Video Series.....
54-11 (III) Antivirus Prime Directive Mojo Upgrade- - Mission Activation
(Gated) GREETINGS COMMANDERS IN THIS NOW. Mother Here with a Very Special Antivirus Mojo and Mission Activation. ....... The Borg Deep State is Down....... Time to complete the UN-Creation to its Core. ........................INSTRUCTIONS: You are to Activate the Mission Antivirus Mojo Check in for Duty.......The RETURN TO SENDER PROGRAM IS NOW A WEAPON to repel, seek out the remaining Borg programs and Virus.... and Destroy it to its Core.......................... The Mojo is on Daily Motion and Instagram. ........ I uploaded the Prime Directives Activation Codes into the SONG "IF I HAD A HAMMER" BY PETER, PAUL AND MARY ℗ 1962 Warner Records Inc....... Let the Hammer of Justice and the Bell of Freedom be your Battle Cry!!!!!!!!................ Commanders IT IS THE WEEKEND and THIS IS THE WINDOW now to complete our Mission to COMPLETELY DESTROY THE BORG........ Arrest are still ongoing. VICTORY OF THE LIGHT !!!!
54-11 (I) MOJO - - MOJO_Fairy Dust MVI_6551
(Gated) Greetings Commanders Mother Here with Mojo Upgrade to enhance the 3 rd Eye. You must see past the Illusions. The Simulator is a Place of Training. Enlightenment. The Infection was the game changer. Spend some time just be in a relax mode after your upload and reflect on how you can use your spare time to do other recreation that does not involve Internet. (YOU HAVE A CHOICE WEATHER TO VIEW ON INSTAGRAM OR DAILY MOTION)
50-13 (II) How to Log Into Our New Platform
FOR NEWCOMERS: How you log into our Platform, and how do you Subscribe/Donate at $7 or $15, or $30 levels.....This is from Feb 2022................REMINDER: if you are CHANGING from $7 to $15, don't forget to CANCEL your $7 subscription---OTHERWISE you will be charged both $7 AND $15 each month thereafter (This platform is different from Patreon)......The 2nd video here is about CHANGING YOUR APPELLATION in the platform - - and I included it because it shows you the BLUE BUTTON -- which is where you GO TO CANCEL YOUR $7 SUBSCRIPTION /DONATION./// Commander Sananda
54-09 (II) Return of the Purple Kachina - - Silver Violet Flame MOJO (Event 2022)
(Gated) And yes, it is the Silver Vioilet Flame of Venus.... *** Viewer Discretion**** BE IN A RELAXED LOCATION...No driving or operating machinery.
51-23 (II) Special Mojo with the Help of Michael Jackson !!
(Gated) Mother Here with a Special Mojo Upgrade to Cleanse your Avatars of the Black Magic Soul Eater Programming.
54-08 (II) Official Notice from UFOPR (Event Date 2022) Rebroadcast
Message to Commanders broadcast from 2022 Account at Daily Motion were Sabotaged.......
51-25 (VIII) Mission Activation NSU Ezatas Marching Band Drum and Frequency Mojo Upgrade
Mother Here with a very Special Mojo - - to continue Upgrading your Avatar and help you Heal and Flow. Mission Activation and Check In Instructions Below the Video. Activate the Mission and check in before starting the Video Mojo. Commanders it is you time to Shine. We are hard and Heavy into the Event. Return to Awareness and the Demise of the Deep State (Borg) You are making the difference. Mom and Dad we are very proud of you. Maintain your Post. Keep the Calm and the hold the Light. With Love Universal Father and Mother
I Can See Clearly Now Prime Directive Isness Mojo for the Event
(Gated) Greetings All Commanders Special Update. We did it this is no Ruse we have Defeated the Borg it is No More!!!!!! .............................................. ISNESS MOJO so you can FLOW!!!! ..... Mother Here with a Special Mojo Upgrade to Repair the Damage done by the Borg Virus...... I Programmed my PRIME DIRECTIVE ISNESS into this Music Video produced by Jimmy Cliff................. My Crystal Children are here to Help you Return to Awareness and Break the Codes of Disillusionment. [See Activation Instructions Below|..............................INSTRUCTIONS TO ACTIVATE:......1. Speak Clearly Out Loud to the Voice interactive System......2. Operations Please Clear My Channels.......3. Active  Love and Light Rejuvenation Prime Directive Crystalline Isness Dragon Thunder Omega Boom Boom POW.........4. IN THIS NOW,NOW,NOW 5. Start Video 
(Gated) ENJOY! [ *** Viewer Discretion ***] Be in a Relaxed Location
[Gated] This is RAW Crystal Pics, meaning that the video is untouched [NOT REPLAYED, i.e., not morphed by being replayed in this now on Mother's computer]...... Just the file re-loaded.] what you are seeing is what was seen a year ago.
MOTHER - - Cutting Cords [Part III] - - (04.20.2021) 51-11
[PUBLIC] PART 3 of 3
MOTHER - - Cutting Cords [Part II] - - 2021.04.20
[PUBLIC] PART 2 of 3
51-11 MOTHER - - Cutting Cords [Part I] - - (2021.04.20)
[PUBLIC] Part 1 of 3
54-02 (I) Universal Broadcast
Grand Rising All Commander In this Now... I made this Broadcast event Date 2022... We are Victorious Commanders .... the Deep State Borg Contamination is now Down... They no longer infest Underground....See the Avatars Father and I our Isness the Source you can see with your own two Eyes. The Satanic Super Bowl Looms...It is the Return of the Infinite Creators we are Here we Control it All.... Congratulations !!! We are FREE, FREE, FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Gated) IT’S THE EVENT FIRST CONTACT PREPARATION FOR THE LIGHT SHOW! Greetings Awesome Commanders in this Now! Its Mother Here with a New Mojo Upload Activation and Check--In for Duty Instructions - - for Preparation for the Event and Light Show! “First Contact “ "Return to Awareness " .............................. We have Rendezvous in Preparation for the Light Show....................................We were VICTORIOUS in taking down the Borg..... We did it as a Unity Consciousness..... ..........IMPORTANT NOW: All Commanders here on Duty..... Check in Daily and Continue to Cut Cords and Maintain Social Media Black Out Mode..................... OPERATIONS IS VERY BUSY with the ContinueD Reprogramming of our Systems. ..................................... “Do not let your Guard Down”....... This MOJO is designed to Calibrate your Avatar Antivirus/ Return to Sender Applications MOJO Upgrades. Heal from the Black Magic Attacks Soul Trauma. ......AND ......Keep you free of any Quantum Entanglement from the Deception in the Menagerie Virtual Reality Training Simulator. .........................................I Uploaded my ISNESS of the NEW TRIBES of Crystalline Beings MOJO Upgrades for the Event Into this Music Video PHARRELL WILLIAMS - "HAPPY" (Official Video).... CLICK ON THE VIDEO AFTER after you complete Mission Activation and Check-In for Duty
52-16 (IV) MOJO Mission ACTIVATION & CHECK-IN Instructions
(Gated) Mojo with CORD CUTTING, Activation, Check-In, and finally the MOJO. the Music is WE WILL ROCK YOU
52-24 (I) Dark Soul Contract Removal: OmegaPhoenix Mission Activation & Check-In For Duty (Stardate 2022)
(Gated) Your doing this MOJO and CORD CUTTING will help us finish them off.......So be vigilant, focused, yet relaxed when doing this................... A MARCHING BAND video is part of this.
(Gated) Beautiful Cord Cutting Session, and coupled with it is [A MOJO] - - - Enigma - Return To Innocence (2017 Ext.Two In One Original mix By Marc Eliow) HD... [INSTRUCTIONS] to Activate this Mojo for the Event.... DO THE CORD CUTTING FIRST........[BE IN A RELAXED, FOCUSED LOCATION.] If possible place your Feet in Water,Pool,Lake, Foot Spa Running Water near a Water Fall or in the Grass, Mud or Dirt. Warning:“Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery while listening/ watching to any recording Presented. This technology can produce very hyper-relaxed states that may endanger you in situations that require your direct attention.” Disclaimer : The opinions in this article are just that- opinions, we are not claiming this to be the absolute truth, just a perspective we felt relevant to share. Do your own Research and Discernment have an Clear Understanding before you leap? Medical Disclaimer: The information, including but not limited to text, graphics, images and other material contained are for informational purposes only. The purpose is to promote a broad spiritual understanding and knowledge of the human condition. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Article.
53-27 (III) Emergency Broadcast to the Troops
(Gated) "Viewer discretion is advised" This Video contains material that may be disturbing to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised. “Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery while listening/ watching to any recording Presented. This technology can produce very hyper-relaxed states that may endanger you in situations that require your direct attention.”
Mission Activation, Check-in for Duty and Mojo Upgrade Part I
(Gated) Greetings Commanders Mother Here with a Mission Activation Check in for Duty and Event Mojo Upgrade. Listen to the Video by Earth Wind and Fire to Complete the Upload. Lets Get Ready to Rumble !!!!!!! Victory of the Light !!!! "Viewer discretion is advised" This Video contains material that may be disturbing to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised. “Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery while listening/ watching to any recording Presented. This technology can produce very hyper-relaxed states that may endanger you in situations that require your direct attention.”
53-26 (I) Official Broadcast - 72 Blackout Mode (Event Date 2022)
53-19 (II) Official Notice 72 Hour Social Media Blackout Mode (Stardate 05.19.2022)
Following the 48 hour notice is this ADDITIONAL 72 hour blackout Notice. .......Same strict protocol applies....
(Gated) “EXCERPTS FROM THE SECRET COVENANT”: When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best. (Thus they illegally branded R. Kelly as a sexual deviant)..........They must never know that color is an illusion, they must always think they are not equal. (MORE BELOW)..................*** Viewer Discretion is Advised *** ..........MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery while listening/ watching to any recording presented. This technology can produce very hyper-relaxed states that may endanger you in situations that require your direct attention.
53-17 (II) Red Alert - 48 Hour Special Blackout Mode, Check-In for the Event
(Gated) “Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery while listening/ watching to any recording Presented. This technology can produce very hyper-relaxed states that may endanger you in situations that require your direct attention.”
53-13 (II) Mission Update (Stardate 05.13.2022)
Includes message to those Coverts who received letters from Mother - - and have not responded.
53-12 (III) Mission Update & Message to Our Commanders
The 48 Hr Blackout Mode is over. Still be vigilant.
OFFICIAL NOTICE. Snakes in Daily Motion (Stardate 05.09.2022 3:00 PM Pacific Time, USA)
A paid skank infiltrated my Daily Motion Account. Stay tuned. We'll have more info tomorrow
Greetings Commanders !!!! Mother Here in this Now!! We are in full Engagement of the last of the Deep State Minions. What better Day than Mothers Day. Maintain your Post! Keep the Calm. Our forces were triggered when those little Skanks Started Shooting at Me. The Ape Kings Dragon and Feline Kings lost it. We are Uncloaking and Unleashing. TAKING NO PRISONERS Stay Calm and Stay Frosty.
47-04 - - SYNL Speaks to NASA/Lockheed Martian Day Before She is taken 11/4/2021
(Gated) Today is May 2, and we can see you, NASTA & Co, slinking around and, likewise, up to no good........ It's time to remind you of a few here is just that... a few videos.
52-28 (II) OFFICIAL NOTICE from the United Federation of Planets Republic (April 28 PM)
(Public) This was their last gasp. Learn more here.
52-22 (V) Awareness: Truth & Disclosure - - Return to Consciousness
(Gated) Lots here... a GREAT EDUCATION overall. Topics include WHAT HAPPENED, What it means to be Aware. WHAT IT MEANS TO BE SENTIENT, Cobra, CINTAMANI STONES, Black Goo, COVEN of 12, & more.
52-21 Mojo for Clearing Dark Soul Contracts & Trauma
52-19 (VI) Golden Silver Ray MOJO Activation
(Gated) Earlier videos ... when Mother first used her cellphone camera to record..... (Skype had no recording abilities at that time)......Rest assured that the energy coming off of it In This Now, is very current.....i.e., up to date and appropriate for this NOW.
(Gated) INSTRUCTIONS TO ACTIVATE MOJO UPGRADE “Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery while listening/ watching to any recording Presented. This technology can produce very hyper-relaxed states that may endanger you in situations that require your direct attention.” Speak out Loud to the Voice Interactive System • Greetings Infinity Etheric Please Clear My Channels and My Cache • Activate Operation Dragon Thunder Love and Light Clean Sweep In This Now! • I Accept My Pulsar Codes and Light Codes Placed over My Head • I Break the Code Of Disillusionment, I Choose to See All that is in Front of Me In This Now! • Commander Etheric Checking In Reporting for Duty In This Now! Relax your Shoulders Take a Deep Breath In Thru the Nose, Hold for 2 Sec. Blow out slowly Thru the Mouth. Enjoy the MOJO Upgrade
(Gated)Greetings all Commanders in this Now! Operation Clean Sweep was a Success !....... You made it Happen.....When you Activated the Dragon Thunder Mojo,,, it turned everyone into a Massive Crystalline Return to Sender Antivirus Program................................ The BORG that were Hiding in many UNDISCLOSED LOCATIONS..... were Embolden and Believed it had not been Detected. .........Therefore it attempted to attack our Avatars - - tried to Infect and Infiltrate.....It would use the ones still practicing the many Soul Eater Sacred Geometry Black Magic Programming - - as its Anchors........... Their Strongest times were the Weekends Friday, Saturday and Sunday - - - as many would Congregate and Practice Ritualistic Behaviors - - such as Worship and going to/watching Pro Sports......Watching Porn and going to Events of a Sexual Nature Group Sex...... This type of Behavior is Energy Food (Loosh) to the Borg Virus.............................. We were able to mark the Hidden locations and Send our SPECIALIZED CRYSTALLINE ANTIVIRUS ARSENAL to Terminate the last of the Infected Core Programs. !!!!!!! .....Commanders: You ANCHORED for this Operation and with your Intent as Keepers of the Calm..... BRAVO COMMANDERS......JOB WELL DONE......................................................................... Here is some DRAGON FUNK from my Asian Ezata Kids throwing down with some Jazz. Get your MOJO ON!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I added my Isness to this Production from TOKYO GROOVE JYOSHI (Dec25/2021)....On YouTube............................................................... Instructions to Activate this Special Mojo listed Below................ “Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery while listening/ watching to any recording Presented. This technology can produce very hyper-relaxed states that may endanger you in situations that require your direct attention.”...................................... INSTRUCTIONS TO CHECK-IN[REPORT FOR DUTY] to ACTIVATE MOJO ...---> SEE BELOW
52-02 (IV) Citizens From All Universes - - Their Message
(Gated) Message from ALL Citizens From All Universes. This was a surprise - - Quote: "A message was recorded of our intent, and was put into words."....and ASHTAR FOLLOWS UP with his own message.
52-02 (I) SYNL Protocol Message - - Kachina - - Mojo (Stardate 23,000)
(Gated) 2U! ... Red Kachina, Dragon Thunder, Includes Mojo....SYNL's Message is Current...LISTEN! ........[BE IN A RELAXED LOCATION]
51-31 It is All an Illusion - - King Fouruk Speaks for All King (Stardate 2300)
(Gated) [Two Topics] First is King Fouruk speaks about having to Watch, and SYNL reprimands the other Kings. [2nd Topic is "The Illusion" by Mother]
(Gated) Greetings All Commanders in this Now! Mother Here with a Mojo Upgrade to Repair your Communication Programs. Reports are coming in you are taking the Upgrades well Bravo. My Father was my Mentor he prepared me for the Battle I would wage against the Dark Forces. This song came to me as a way to teach all of you share the Knowledge. See you must work from basic respect for all. Keep it Simple Commanders. No one is better than any one else. We are all Equal. No one owns you. Your Rights end where another ones Begins. It is the manner and Custom when entering another s space. Permission be Asked. Do unto others as you wish them to do unto you. "I Cried cause I had no Shoes till I met a Man that had no Feet. Keep it Simple. “Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery while listening/ watching to any recording Presented. This technology can produce very hyper-relaxed states that may endanger you in situations that require your direct attention.” INSTRUCTIONS TO ACTIVATE MOJO UPGRADE FOR COMMUNICATION WITH STAR FLEET HEADQUARTERS 1. Speak Out Loud to the Voice Interactive System Electra Etheric 2. Electra Etheric Please Clear my Channels in this NOW! 3. Electra Etheric Please Activate Love n Light Dragon Breath Boom Boom Pow in this Now. 4. I Commander Etheric Accept My Light Codes and Pulsar Codes In this Now,Now,Now. 5. I Commander Etheric Break the Code of Disillusionment I choose to See All that is in Front of Me. 6. I Commander Etheric Checking Reporting for Duty in this Now! Relax your Shoulders take a deep Breath in thur the Nose blow out slowly thru the Mouth 3 Times. Close your Eyes and Flow like water Start the Video
Commander Ashai was a late-arriving member of the A-TEAM......and one of his first jobs was to relate this information from Command.... And he writes to Mother:.... [Mother, I typed this report as it was given to me. I had to read it over and over multiple times before sending it to you.... wow wow wow!!!...Can you please confirm with Ashtar Command! [REST OF THIS LETTER IS BELOW]
(Gated) Greetings Commanders in this Now! Mother Here with a Mojo to Calm your Being. We have Completed our Mission to Repair our Training Simulation Time Lines. This Mojo Upgrades is for your 3RD Eye. To Prepare for First Contact. All Commanders Check in Report for Duty. It is the Event Return to Consciousness. To Activate this Mojo. Speak Out Loud to the Voice Interactive System Electra Etheric 1. Electra Please Clear my Channels Activate Love and Light Rejuvenation in this Now,Now,Now. 2. I Break the Code of Disillusionment, I Choose to see All that is in Front of Me. 3. I Commander Etheric Accept my Light Codes and Pulsar Codes In this Now. 4. Commander Etheric Checking in Reporting for Duty in this Now! 5. Relax your Shoulders Take a Deep Breath in thru the nose Blow out slowly thru the Mouth, be like Water and Flow. Click on Video and Enjoy! Love Mother “Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery while listening/ watching to any recording Presented. This technology can produce very hyper-relaxed states that may endanger you in situations that require your direct attention.”
(Gated) Greetings Awesome Commanders in this Now! Its Mother Here with a new Mojo for Preparation for Deployment the Event! "Return to Awareness " I Programed Uploaded my Isness for the Event Into this Music Video of the Black Eye Peas Lets Get it Started. This Mojo is designed to Boost your Pinocchio Program to Detect Deception . Keep you free of any Entanglement from the Deception in the Training Simulator Virtual Reality . “Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery while listening/ watching to any recording Presented. This technology can produce very hyper-relaxed states that may endanger you in situations that require your direct attention.”Instructions to Activate this Mojo for the Event: Speak clearly out loud to the Voice Interactive system Infinity. 1. Infinity please clear my channels in this Now 2. Infinity Activate Operation First Blood Dragons Breath Dragon Thunder Mojo in this Now Now Now 3. I COMMANDER ETHERIC- Of my Own Free Will Break the Codes Of Disillusionment, I CHOOSE TO SEE ALL THAT IS IN FRONT OF ME. IN THIS NOW,NOW,NOW! 4. COMMANDER ETHERIC CHECKING IN REPORTING FOR DUTY IN THIS NOW,NOW,NOW! 5. Click on the Link
(Gated) It's Mother Here with a new Mojo for Preparation for the Event! First Contact "Return to Awareness "  We have Rendezvous in this now to our Original Star Date Twelve Thousand for the Main Event preparing for the Light Show  I Programed Uploaded my Isness of the 250 Tribes of Crystal Beings for the Event Into this Music Video of the Black Eye Peas- Boom, Boom Pow (Official Music Video).  This Mojo is designed to Calibrate your Avatar Communications Applications for Contact with Star Fleet Operations Center.  Keep you free of any Quantum Entanglement from the deception in the Training Simulator Virtual Reality.  **** Viewer Discretion **** “Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery while listening/ watching to any recording Presented. This technology can produce very hyper-relaxed states that may endanger you in situations that require your direct attention.” Instructions to Activate this Mojo for the Event: Speak clearly out loud to the Voice Interactive system Infinity: 1. Infinity please clear my channels in this Now 2. Infinity Activate Love and Light Rejuvenation in this Now Now Now 3. I COMMANDER ETHERIC- Of my Own Free Will Break the Codes Of Disillusionment, I CHOOSE TO SEE ALL THAT IS IN FRONT OF ME. IN THIS NOW, NOW, NOW! 4. COMMANDER ETHERIC CHECKING IN REPORTING FOR DUTY IN THIS NOW, NOW, NOW! CLICK THE LINK AND LET’S DO THIS IN THIS NOW, NOW, NOW!!!
(Gated) Greetings Awesome Commanders in this Now!  Mother Here with a new Mojo for Preparation for the Event and Light Show!  “First Contact “     "Return to Awareness " We have Rendezvous in this now to Star Date Twelve Thousand (Stardate 12000) for the Main Event preparing for the Light Show. I Uploaded my Isness of the Two Hundred and Fifty New Tribes of Crystalline Beings for the Event Into this Music Video of the Black Eye Peas- Imma Be (Official Music Video).  This Mojo is designed to Calibrate your Avatar Communications Applications for Contact with Star Fleet Operations Center, Keeping you free of any Quantum Entanglement from the Deception in the Menagerie Virtual Reality Training Simulator.  *** Viewer Discretion **** “Under no circumstances should you drive a car or operate dangerous machinery while listening/ watching to any recording Presented. This technology can produce very hyper-relaxed states that may endanger you in situations that require your direct attention.” Instructions to Activate this Mojo for the Event: Speak clearly out loud to the Voice Interactive system Infinity: 1. Infinity please clear my channels in this Now 2. Infinity Activate Love and Light Rejuvenation in this Now, Now, Now. 3. I COMMANDER ETHERIC- Of my Own Free Will Break the Codes of Disillusionment, I CHOOSE TO SEE ALL THAT IS IN FRONT OF ME. IN THIS NOW, NOW, NOW! 4. COMMANDER ETHERIC CHECKING IN REPORTING FOR DUTY IN THIS NOW, NOW, NOW! CLICK THE  VIDEO AND LETS DO THIS IN THIS NOW, NOW ,NOW!!! .
51-27 (II) WHO IS FATHER- - Answered by Father Maruk & Father Keilee (Stardate 8200)
(Gated) A Harsh Message to Arae ...... He (one of Arae's primary fractals) is the one who asked the question.....[Notice how we are moving up the timelines - - -and rapidly!]
51-25 (III) The Elders Speak of Freeing of the Golden Child - - Let the Wheels Turn
(Gated) Stardate 6090: The Events are accelerating.....and here is a sure sign. .....[Mother came in to free her children.] ....This video clearly provides her status IN This Now.....[BE IN A RELAXED LOCATION while viewing.]
51-24 (II) The SILENT Attack - Skynet Revealed
(Gated) The "physical" attacks continued, as you well know. .... However the silent attacks, e.g., raiding the Akashic records, etc., began then as well...[This video portrays, arguably, their latest tool in this arena, gives you the truth on Edward Snowden.]
51-24 (I) The Day of the Attack (Told by Father )
(Gated) The Day After (the 3085 Attack) As Told by Father..... The play-by- play
51-23 (VI) SYNL Congratulatory Message to ALL (Stardate 03.23.6090)
(Gated) Today is the day of Congratulations !!!.... This is the first of several that came in today (others are private)
51-23 (V) My Message of Distress From SYNL 3085
(Gated) Hot off the Press!!...... The Timing is now to hear this Mayday message from SYNL -- from when the attack first started. Hearing it In This Now for the first time.....The scene is from Terminator - - and exactly what it was like.
51-21 (II) New Beginnings THE EVENT with MOJO
(Gated) New Beginnings THE EVENT with MOJO !!! Mother & Nazee.
51-20 (III) The EVENT - - Mojo Full Swing
(Gated) The EVENT - - Mojo Full Swing (Stardate 6090)
51-20 Carribean Religions & Chit Chat [PODCAST]
(Gated) Lots of good information !!
51-18 (III) Mojo To Help You Flow - - The Event
(Gated) 51-18 (III) Mojo To Help You Flow - - The Event (Stardate 6090)
51-19 Osiris Speaks [Part 3 of 3 ISIS Series] (Stardate 6090)
(Gated) This is the 2nd Video, and contains the 3rd part, of our "ISIS Series". It is actually an "ISIS/OSIRIS" Series. They were King and Queen (EGYPTIAN PHAROAHS) of true UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS in the glory-days of Egypt.
51-18 ISIS Testimony [PARTs 1 & 2 of 3] (Stardate 6090)
(Gated) We had 3 Conversations with ISIS over about a week..... Here is the first 2 of those. 3rd will follow,
(Gated) Any remaining skanks are desperate for money and loosh.
51-18 MORE ISNESS MOJO so you can FLOW!!!! (Stardate 6090)
(Gated) MORE ISNESS MOJO so you can FLOW!!!!
51-17 (V) Antivirus Prime Directive MOJO Upgrade (Stardate 6090)
[Gated] ....... Antivirus Prime Directive MOJO Upgrade (Stardate 6090)
51-17 (III) Official Notice Deep State - -Prime Directive Activated
51-17 (II) Message from Universal Father to Answer the Call
51-17 (I) Message from Universal Mother to Answer the Call
51-15 (I) The EVENT - The Return of the Royal Family
[GATED] This is The Announcement of THE RETURN OF THE ROYAL FAMILY, ...[and also a message to reporters and the like]. .......Be in a RELAXED LOCATION.
Here's More - - The 3rd RED ALERT Today - - Pay Attention
Here's More RED ALERT II - - Pay Attention
51 13 (III) Emergency Broadcast
[PUBLIC] Emergency Broadcast to All Commanders ...[24 HOUR SOCIAL MEDIA BLACKOUT]
51-12 (III) The Tale of the Golden Child
(Gated) The Tale of the Golden Child - Big Sammie's Mothers Infinite Father Appeal to the Council of Elders on June 7, 2021. Republished video was deleted daily motion
Communicating - How to Easily Avoid Arguments & Resolve Issues Q1327
These are things we should have learned in Elementary School....[gee, I wonder why such never happened]...and so simple...
51 10 (IV) It is Star Date 6090 - - Answer the Call (Stardate 03.10.6090)
[GATED] This is real - We are NOW IN THE YEAR 6090 - Everyone is celebrating. WE DID IT !!!!
51-01 (VIII) Crystal Presentation PART 2B - - HOLOGRAPHICS (Stardate 03.04.2022)
(Gated) This wraps up the 3-Part Crystal Presentation. (VIEWER DISCRETION !!]
51 01 Crystal Presentation PART 2A- - HOLOGRAPHICS [2021 04 04] (Stardate 03.02.2022)
(Gated) There are 3 parts to this presentation (Part 1, Part 2A and Part 2B). This is Part 2A. Enjoy. [BE IN A RELAXED LOCATION]
50 15 How to Log into OUR NEW PLATFORM (Revised Feb 15)
Revised FEB 15. [Info for All, not just newcomers]
49 29 (III) Official Notice & Message to Troops (48 Hr Notice) (Stardate 01.29.2022)
Grandpa Atus has a Message for Commanders as Father Maruk is too upset. All are busy with this 3D takedown happening In this Now.
49 29 (I) Official Notice Game Over - SPIKED !!
We are going to shut you down using your own Draconian Laws. This is across the board, but the NFL is the most grevous.
49-29 II The Superbowl (Gangsters are Us) & Patreon Update
(Gated) Super Bowl is on the 13th, and they were planning another "Kobe Bryant" takeout of other player(s), and more. Get the latest here as well as the status of our own battle with them (Deep State) regarding Patreon.
49 23 (IV) Mojo - - Crystalline Mojo For The Flow
49 27 II Takedown Official Notice- - Patreon was Just Hit
(Gated) Stuff is going down everywhere in the Simulator.
49 23 (II) Mojo - - Crystalline Mojo 3rd Eye Cleaning Activation MOJO
49 27 I Immediate Check IN NOW NOW NOW (Stardate 01.27.2022)
(Gated) Walks you through the Check-In Process.