April 08, 2023

49-31 (III) Official Notice - - Universal Law Military Intervention Event 2023

(Public ) Universal Law is in Effect Since time immemorial. All International and Domestic Laws are MOOT. The Galactic Codex Is Enforced due to the Gross Violation of our Cosmic Universal Laws and the Moral Code- “DO NO HARM TO ANY BENEVOLENT KIND”.” ALL REALMS OF CREATION” ARE under the Protected Domain of the United Federation of Planets Republic (UFOPR) I Infinite Creator 1st Being Female Half hereby revoke all contracts with a corporate run government. I Infinite Creator 1st Being Female Half hereby revoke all contracts secretly interwoven into each and every law, past, present and future. Your Soul Eater Black Magic Programming Dominance and Control Agenda is Forbidden anywhere in Creation. Borg Minions We are Coming... Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold. Original Date 01.31.2022 End Transmission Video available on Utube ,Odysee and Rumble


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Disclaimer: The opinions in this article are just that - opinions, we are not claiming this to be the absolute truth, just a perspective we felt relevant to share.  Do your own Research and Discernment  have an Clear Understanding before you leap?

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