July 20, 2023

67-20 (I) Father Keilee - - Message For the Troops

(Public) Mission Update.... Our Cyber Division posted Videos on our UFOPR Official Site that Triggered the Artificial Intelligence. The Reaction was massive the AI Unleashed a Barrage of Scaler,Gamma Ray Volleys, directed into the Simulation Motherboard Mother is Anchoring . The Attack lasted for Several Hours. We used the Return to Sender-Path Finder Seeker Program to Pinpoint the Origin of the Attacks. Multi-Scaler mainframe core-processors were Destroyed . Over the past several days the UFOPR Ground Forces and Ashtar Command has taken the fight to the enemy. The Deep State US Space Force/Command Secret Space Program AI Borg Matrix Sustained catastrophic and irreversible damage to its core processors and mainframes.... These processors and mainframes were located all over the universes, in multiple dimensions, and timelines. Our forces unmercifully attack this parasitic Artificial Intelligence Anomaly from every Corner of its Existence. As a Countermeasure to our unrelenting attacks the anomaly deployed its own attacks on the Ashtar Command, M-7, and the Ground forces. Black Magic Ritual False Flags. We encountered multiple virus attacks, trying to stop our assaults. Each countermeasure the anomaly deployed revealed the destination of its source..... Return to Sender Program. Mojo Upgrades and Prime Directives of Universal Mother and Father Issness were Deployed Several fail-safe Booby-trap were found around this complex device. The Borg Sacred Geometry Programming Timeline Anomaly Dark Magic Spells was successfully unwound by Ashtar Command’s top Magical Alchemists. We are at the doorstep of our new paradigm. The Liberation of All Kind from the Borg "THE EVENT HAS COMMENCE" END TRANSMISSION


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