May 20, 2023

64-27 (I) Declaration of Universal Law Notice of Military Intervention

[Legal Video] It is established fact that the US Fed Government has been dissolved under the Emergency Banking Act March 9, 1933 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719 Declared by FDR Being Bankrupt and insolvent H.J.R. 192, 73rd. Congress in session June 5, 1933- Joint Resolution to suspend the Gold Standard and Abrogate the Gold Clause - Dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the US and the official capacities of all US Gov Offices Officers and Departments and is further evidence the the US Fed Gov only exist today in Name only. US being in Martial Law since 1933 and as far back as civil war Senate Report 93-549 (1973) Us Citizens Declared Enemies of US By FDR exert 2040 and ratified by congress march 9th 1933 48 Stat 1. FDR changed the meaning of TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ACT of Dec 6th 1917 by changing the word "without" to citizens "within” the US. a Legal Name is a "Prisoner of War" Name. Fictitious "nom de guerre" name for a non-living entity: also referred to as the strawman and or transmitting utility. JOHN DOE -Name in all caps which is format called Capitus Diminutio Maxima Capitus Diminutio Maxima (Maximum Diminished Status) means that a man’s condition changes from freedom to bondage and becomes a slave or item of inventory - Black’s Law Dictionary Revised 4th Ed. 1968. A fictional persona being surety for the debt as fiction in commerce also known as "Ens Legis" which means "legal entity" It is non-human and "civilly dead". That is not you... unless you are a fiction. Realize with your REAL EYES. Available on Rumble and Odysee Back up PDF attached Enemy of the State... Galactic Codex


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